Pirate's Strongest Cheat

Chapter 90 Reversal (For Subscription)

90 situation reversal

Gu Ding stood in the air, walking towards Sakazuki step by step like walking on the ground.

For him, Sengoku is dead, and he will not slow down the pace of revenge just because of Sengoku's death.

Vice Admiral, headed by Crane, has already taken over Sengoku's body, and silently brought it back to Marine's highest united front platform.

That is the courtesy a marshal should have.

Since Gu Ding promised to give Sengoku a decent death, he will not make any articles on Sengoku's body at this time.

The most important thing is that Gu Ding is in a detached state of mind and doesn't bother to do it.

"Sakazuki, do you feel fear?" Gu Ding's face was calm, but his voice was cold.

Sakazuki's face was covered in blood, and he was full of hostility when he looked at Gu Ding, but he didn't say a word.

"You are a character. However, what I like the most is to grind hard bones into bone powder bit by bit."

Gu Ding's words sound casual, but no one will doubt his determination.

"Gu Ding, you are a pirate! I am Marine! You can kill me, but Marine will never give in to pirates!" Sakazuki gritted his teeth and said bitterly.

"Won't you give in?" Gu Ding looked at Sakazuki jokingly, and said, "Then tell me how Kuzan died? Then tell me how Sengoku died? Then tell me why the 200,000 Marine dare not rush down to take took my head?"


Sakazuki was furious, with smoke billowing from his body.

"Sakazuki, stop lying to yourself."

Gu Ding is like a devil, directly attacking the weakness of human nature.

"If you are human, you will be afraid, and if you are afraid, you will give in. There is no 'radical justice', and when you use whatever means to deal with me, you are no longer completely righteous. You are Marine Admiral, the dirty man in Marine Dirty things still need me—remind you? Let me tell you, the so-called justice in your heart is just unscrupulous justice for pirates, selective justice, one-sided justice, and hypocritical justice`~! "

Every word of Gu Ding's words hit Sakazuki's heart like a heavy hammer.

Gu Ding not only wants to kill him, but also completely destroys Sakazuki's faith.

"Slick tongue! All pirates must die!"

Sakazuki looked at Gu Ding and said bitterly: "I only hate that I don't have the absolute power to crush you beasts! How many families are torn apart because of you pirates, and how many people are living in wars because of pirates. You burn, kill and loot, you sell arms, you don’t know right from wrong, you do all kinds of evil! You are slaves to money!”

"And you—"

Gu Ding interrupted Sakazuki and said coldly: "A slave to power!"

Sakazuki did not deny it, and said frankly: "You are right, I am a slave to power. Because I am sober. I know that only power can achieve justice! Without power, no matter how excellent a talent is, it will only be drowned in the vast sea of ​​people." Among..."

"So, in the process of chasing power, can you deal with pirates by any means?" Gu Ding asked rhetorically.

Instead of answering directly, Sakazuki asked rhetorically, "You see this world better than I do, don't you?"

"Looking at you, you won't repent for what you've done." Gu Ding's voice suddenly turned cold.

"Gu Ding, you are very powerful, but you will never make me yield!" Sakazuki looked determined.

Gu Ding snorted coldly and asked, "Could it be that the lives of 200,000 Marines can't make you surrender?"

"From the day I joined Marine, I had the awareness to dedicate my life to a just cause. If I didn't even have this awareness, what qualifications would I have to be a Marine? They are all elites in Marine, and they would fear, I will be afraid, but—as long as the belief in my heart is still the same as mine, I will never give in!"

Sakazuki looked at Gu Ding, Kaidō neither humble nor overbearing.

"Forget it."

Gu Ding cut off one of Sakazuki's arms with a snap of his fingers, and said: "I am a pirate, and I can obey my heart. I don't really care whether you surrender or not. The important thing is that you die. And, you will be killed by us." A fire slowly burned to ashes.

After saying that, Gu Ding slowly lifted into the air, and the black Amaterasu fire burned on Sakazuki's body.

The fire of Amaterasu, burns everything to eternal death!

Sakazuki struggled constantly, changing form, switching to Logia's form, splitting the fire of Amaterasu. However, with just one tap of Gu Ding's finger, the new Amaterasu fire burned on him.

Sakazuki is in despair. He knew that in the hands of Gu Ding, it would be difficult to die, so he could only let the Amaterasu fire entangled with Armament Haki burn slowly on his body, eating away his vitality bit by bit.

Gu Ding stood in the air like a heavenly man, with a calm face, neither sad nor happy.

At this moment, the person who can understand his mood best is probably Gilgamesh.

The power of God can only be looked up to.

In the eyes of gods, mortals are just ants.

Before God, everything is a cloud.

Gu Ding is already a god at this moment!

The sea in the distance is still noisy, white clouds, blue sky, seagulls, what a beautiful world it is. Gu Ding closed his eyes, let go of his perception, and felt this ordinary and illusory world.

At this moment, Gu Ding fell into a miraculous state of renunciation.

Sakazuki's growl, Marine's choking, Shanks' sigh, Whitebeard's toast, everything from Marineford seems to be isolated, and has nothing to do with Gu Ding

Gu Ding had a feeling that he could pierce through a barrier of nothingness just by stretching out his hand.

But he didn't do that.

But at this moment, an accident happened suddenly!

.Warning! Warning! Dear Host, your strength has been overloaded and has attracted the attention of Tiandao WT! For safety reasons, you will enter the 'safe mode'. After a countdown of 30 seconds, the safe mode is on!"

The system's voice sounded coldly (Qian Hao) in Gu Ding's heart.

"How is this going?"

Gu Ding forced himself to remain calm and asked, "What is 'Safe Mode'?"

The system replied bluntly: "Before Kuzan died, he raised logical doubts about the power of Host, which started an irreversible chain reaction, and when this chain reaction reaches a certain level, it will form a catastrophic disaster." BUG, it will attract the attention of the world guardian!"

"'Safe Mode' is a mode to help the Host escape the sanction of the guardians. After enabling this mode, the Host can safely mix among the aborigines without being sanctioned. Now there are two seconds before the safe mode is activated!"

"My God! Why didn't you tell me earlier when this happened?" Gu Ding felt extremely depressed.

And the system's answer is also simple and straightforward, a blue virtual screen is directly generated in front of Gu Ding's eyes, and thirty unread warning messages are displayed on it impressively!.

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