Pirate’s Strongest Lottery System

Chapter 157 Confession with Rayleigh

When all the food was ready, Wang Bufan stood up and raised the wine glass in his hand. "Dear friends from East Blue, cheers for us to find ALL BULL. The world of One Piece will definitely have a place for us to stand in. Let us shake the world together!"

Hearing Wang Bufan's words, the pirate brothers underneath stood up with enthusiasm, and everyone raised the wine glass in their direct hands high.

"Cheers to be famous in the entire One Piece world!"

"Boss Wang Bufan is awesome!"

Then everyone present directly touched the wine glass, drank all the wine in the wine glass, and after a glass of wine, Wang Bufan once again felt what he cherished in this world-brotherhood. , He didn't restrain himself tonight, and started drinking with his little brothers after one cup.

When Wang Bufan woke up again, he had already returned to the room he used to live in. Although he drank a lot, Wang Bufan got up very early. Getting up early was basically a necessary homework for him to come to the world of One Piece.

"So cool!" Stretching his own waist, Wang Bufan looked at the sun that just appeared outside, and instantly felt that the whole world was full of freshness.

"The wine in the One Piece world is better than the ones on the earth. Not only is it delicious, but it doesn't taste good. It makes me feel sober when I get up."

After reminiscing about the wine of One Piece World, Wang Bufan walked out directly. If he got up before, the first thing he would start to do was to consolidate his Marine Six Styles and Armament Haki, but now he has no time to continue. Practice, he has important things to do today.

After tidying up, Wang Bufan didn't say goodbye to Zhepu and the others, but walked out directly. His destination was where Pluton Rayleigh was.

Without the slightest incident, Wang Bufan went directly outside Pluton Rayleigh's tavern. Looking at the familiar tavern, Wang Bufan still feels unusually cordial. He hasn't returned here for almost half a year. I don't know what special experience this time will have.

At this time the tavern had just opened, and Wang Bufan walked in directly. There was no one in the tavern, only Shakky, the proprietress, was packing her things. When she saw Wang Bufan coming in, Shakky greeted him directly.

"The guest officer, what do you want, there are not many people in the morning, and I will be able to bring you food right away."

Gently smiled at Shakky. Wang Bufan knew that the Shakky boss lady in front of her hadn't discovered her identity, but that's okay, it's just time to announce her identity with them.

"Lady Shakky, bring me a glass of whiskey. Also this time I came here to find Mr. Rayleigh. Please take me to see him."

Hearing the man in front of him call out his name, Shakky was also stunned directly, but after a while he immediately prepared a glass of whiskey. Since the other party knew that he and Rayleigh existed, he was almost Rayleigh's friend. Now, she has seen so many people who come to Rayleigh for so many years, and he is used to this kind of thing.

Passing the whiskey to Wang Bufan in front of him, Shakky said directly to Wang Bufan, "Follow me, Mr. Rayleigh is inside."

I don’t know why, Shakky felt very familiar with Wang Bufan the first time he saw Wang Bufan. He always felt the young man in front of him when he saw him. After thinking about it, I didn’t remember it, but that feeling. It was still very strong, and this led Wang Bufan directly into the place where Rayleigh was. If it was someone else, Shakky would have to confirm his identity.

After a while, Wang Bufan followed Shakky to the backyard where Rayleigh lived. Wang Bufan was still very familiar with this place. When he found Rayleigh's house, Shakky went straight to knock on the door.

"Mr. Rayleigh, a friend is looking for it outside."

Almost without waiting, Rayleigh's reply came from inside. "Since you are a friend, please come in."

Many people have come here to contact Rayleigh for so many days. Rayleigh also went out many times, mainly because of the firefist Ace incident. Seeing that something happened to the firefist Ace, he can't continue to hide it, you need to know Ace is the only son of his captain Roger.

And he also thought that the one who came to him would be his old friend, but he didn't know which one it would be, but Rayleigh, who could come, remembered them deeply.

As soon as he opened the door, Wang Bufan saw Rayleigh inside. Rayleigh hadn't changed much for a long time, but it looked a little haggard. It must have been caused by the events of Huoquan Ace these days without the thought of taking a good rest.

However, the first time Rayleigh saw Wang Bufan was full of doubts. He did not have such an old friend in front of him, so that for a moment Rayleigh did not remember who the man in front of him was. After thinking about it carefully, Rayleigh only Find out some things about Wang Bufan from the depths of memory.

He did see this man, but it was a long, long time ago. At that time, Luffy and the others just came to Sabaody Archipelago. When they were drinking, Rayleigh saw a swordsmanship competition outside. One of them was Luffy’s. Zoro from the Straw Hat Pirates, and on the other side is the man in front of him.

After that test, Rayleigh also learned more about this young swordsman, as well as the name and origin of this swordsman-Wang Bufan! He is the apprentice of Zephyr.

"Wang Bufan?" Rayleigh still tentatively asked Wang Bufan in front of him. Although he guessed the identity of Wang Bufan in front of him, he still asked politely.

Seeing Rayleigh in front of him recognizing his identity, Wang Bufan nodded directly. Unexpectedly, Rayleigh in front of him knew his identity, but it didn't matter anymore.

"Mr. Rayleigh years later, this time I have something to tell you."

"Come in." After Rayleigh heard Wang Bufan's words, he invited Wang Bufan into the room. The Wang Bufan in front of him was also a young man who made him very optimistic. With his master Zephyr, Rayleigh had already put Wang Bufan into the room. It's important to see.

Then Wang Bufan walked directly into Rayleigh's room, and Shakky outside saw that Wang Bufan had been accepted by Rayleigh, and he closed the door and returned to the pub in front of him. There was nothing waiting for her.

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