Pirate’s Strongest Lottery System

Chapter 165 Akainu's Strength

However, the empress’s current thinking is different from before. She would rather die than return to Naval Headquarters with Akainu.

"Akainu Admiral, the concubine has already answered this question. You must have investigated the things in the deep sea prison very clearly, and the concubine cannot fight Blackbeard. When the day of the execution of the fire fist Ace, I will take it directly. Concubine’s subordinates went directly to help in the Great Deep Sea Prison. There are still a lot of things on Daughter Island. Concubine cannot go to Naval Headquarters with you."

Hearing the return of the empress, Akainu started to laugh. I had heard that the woman in front of me was very scheming, but now it seems to be the case.

"What a silly little girl, this time I will show you the strength of Akainu, one of Marine's three Admiral."

At this time, Akainu's ship had completely approached the ship where the empress was, and shouted, Akainu jumped directly from her Marine ship and jumped onto the deck of the ship where the empress was.

On the way, the Empress hadn’t waited until she was ready to take action. She saw the large snakes similar to Sea Kings in front of the Empress’s Pirate Ship and directly spit out a jet of water in the direction of Akainu. The Empress saw this scene. Hurriedly yelled.

"Little Qing, Xiaobai, be careful!"

Before the Empress’s voice reached the ears of the two Sea Kings, Akainu smiled directly. "Unexpectedly, the two big snakes you raised really protect the lord, but this may be the last time they protect the lord!" Before she could finish her words, Akainu's hands were directly covered with lava, even though they were in the air. But the strength of these two big snakes is still too weak. Although they have a little blood of Sea Kings, for Akainu, it is like tickling him.

Next, I saw the magma on Akainu's hands directly rushing towards the bodies of the two Sea Kings snakes at a super fast speed. The two water columns that the Sea Kings spit out were quickly affected by Akainu's high temperature. The magma has evaporated, and only the water vapor can be seen in the sky.

Without the slightest accident, the two Sea Kings underneath were directly severely injured by Akainu’s hot magma. In order to avoid the magma, the two Sea Kings ran directly to the deep sea underground, which gradually removed the poles above the magma. The high temperature slowly wears away, but the two Sea Kings snakes have been wounded all over their bodies. Not only have they lost their combat effectiveness, but their ability to move is very limited. Fortunately, they are still in the sea. If on land, two The Sea Kings snake will directly scald to death with the hot lava on its back.

Seeing Akainu's move, the female emperor secretly said a bad word, and then hurriedly used her signature skill.

"Kiss the gun!" I saw the empress touch her lips lightly with her finger, and then a peach-colored heart-shaped substance appeared in an instant. Without the slightest hesitation, the heart-shaped substance flew directly towards Akainu's location. .

However, Akainu's strength is not so simple. Seeing the heart-shaped substance launched by the empress, he directly used his right hand to gather a huge magma ball and flew directly in the direction of the heart-shaped substance of the empress.

With a bang, Akainu’s huge magma ball collided with the kiss gun released by the female emperor, and a huge explosion occurred in an instant, blowing up the entire sea level directly, and the sky seemed to be down. It was like a heavy rain, and then only the sea water that was blown up quickly fell. When all the sea water was gone, Akainu appeared directly on the deck of the Empress Pirate Ship.

"Unexpectedly, as one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, the kiss gun skills of the empress are so powerful. If I hadn't reacted a bit faster this time, I might have been shot directly from the air."

On the surface, it seems that Akainu is praising the skill of the Empress for its strong lethality, but the smile on his face quickly betrayed his inner thoughts, which means that the skills he used in a hurry can be used. Easily deal with the empress in the air.

Seeing the state of Akainu in front of her, the empress could clearly feel that the strength of the Akainu in front of her is really too strong. Although she just used a skill, this skill has great power, Akainu Just being in the air easily took this skill down, it seems that there will be a fierce battle next.

This can’t be blamed on the empress, part of her strength depends on the other party being attracted by her beauty to be able to use it more powerfully. The Akainu in front of her is a master who doesn’t get in, let alone being attracted by the beauty of the empress. Now, even if he is asked to do a major health care project, it is estimated that he can directly arrest everyone in the major health care program, but he pursues absolute justice.

"It seems that this time I really have to work hard, I just don't know where Wang Bufan is now, and if I have a chance to see him again." After thinking of Wang Bufan in her heart for a moment, the empress was ready to fight, even though the person in front of her was ready to fight. The strength of this Akainu is very powerful, but the strength of her Seven Warlords of the Sea is not in vain. The rabbit will bite when he is anxious.

Seeing that the Empress Wang Bufan in front of him was ready to fight, the expression on Akainu's face also began to become serious. For so many years, when he treated his opponents without underestimating them, he would do his best in every battle. , This is one of the reasons why he can always stay in this position of Marine Admiral.

"Let me see the skills of one of the legendary Seven Warlords of the Sea empress!"

"Hell Dog!" Akainu yelled, and rushed directly towards the place where the empress was. This skill is one of his best melee skills. The lava right hand and extremely fast speed, all of a sudden It will be able to knock down the opposite side.

However, the empress opposite was not a vegetarian. Faced with Akainu's attack, the empress did not hesitate at all. Instead, she rushed in the direction of Akainu's attack.

"Perfume Femur!" The empress quickly lifted her right foot, which was quickly covered with a special light, and quickly kicked her right foot toward the place where Akainu's right hand was.

Without the slightest accident, one hand and one foot quickly crossed together. Under the action of the Empress’s Perfume Femur, the magma in Akainu’s hands was quickly petrified, and the light on the Empress’s Perfume Femur was also slowly decreasing, I believe it. After a while, the two will have a victory.

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