Pirate’s Strongest Possession

Chapter 181 Tom Shipyard

The City of Seven Waters.

This city resembles a pyramid. From high to low, countless uniform and symmetrical waterways flow from top to bottom, and clear fresh water flows slowly. Unique geography and culture, coupled with outstanding local talents, has made this small island city a world-famous ship capital.

Not long ago, the City of Seven Waters became famous all over the world because of a company. The skilled Tom Shipbuilding Company, among them, the boatman Tom, is the one who built the boats for Roger, the Pirate King.

During this time, a series of things triggered by Tom continued to spread in this island.

Inside Tom Shipbuilding Company.

There is an endless stream of people coming and going, and the huge number of craftsmen in the huge shipyard shows the prosperity and prosperity of this shipbuilding company. In the deep office, several people are arguing.

"Tom, you must get out of here quickly, the world government guys won't let you go."

Coco Luo's face was very solemn, his voice was low, and his usual smile disappeared.

"Teacher, hurry up, they are coming."

The two young boys, Ace Bagu and Franky, also looked worried.

Facing the three people's persuasion, Tom, who was sitting in the chair, looked calm. He did not respond, and seemed to be thinking.

But ten seconds later, his voice overturned the thoughts of the three in front of him.

Slowly shaking his head, Tom's voice was soft but firm.

"No, I can't leave yet."

"The design of the sea train has come to an end. Maybe soon, I can start experimenting."

"To me, nothing is more important than this."

His words changed the color of the three of them immediately.

"No, teacher, they will execute you, you must go!"

Ace Bagu shouted loudly.

Franky clenched his fists and stared at Tom firmly.

Looking at the two apprentices in front of him, a smile appeared on Tom's face.

These two disciples are the pride of his life, and their outstanding talents will surely be able to become excellent boatsmiths in the near future.

"Ace Bagu, Franky, they might catch me, but they won't necessarily kill me."

When Tom said this, there was a hint of confidence in his tone.

"Teacher, but you."

Franky said anxiously.

Building a ship for One Piece, although this does not constitute a reason for a crime in essence, but who knows what that group of frantic guys will do. These days, there are rumors among the people that Teacher Tom will be escorted to Enies Lobby for trial.

Everyone knows what the hell is going on, as long as you go in, it is impossible to come out again.

"I have the drawings and plans of the sea train in my hand. As long as I have this, the world government will know how to choose no matter how stupid it is."

"A living Tom is far more meaningful than a dead Tom."

"And this is my life's dream, as long as it is completed, even if I die?"

Tom chuckles in his tone.

"Even if the World government wants to execute me, I must complete this plan!"

Kokoro, Ace Bagu, Franky heard this determined voice, his whole body was shocked, and his eyes became complicated.

This is their friend, their teacher, and Mr. Tom, whom they respect all their lives.

Although he is a murloc, he is so great.

"Go down, Ace Bagu, Franky, I have something to talk to Cocoro."

Tom smiled at the two again.

Seeing their teacher's calm and relaxed face, Franky and Ace Bagu's moods were also let go. After saluting Tom, the two retired.

"When I was captured by the World government, I intend to give everything here to Ace Bagu."

Facing Cocoro, Mr. Tom said calmly.

"But you, didn't you just say?" Coco Luo was shocked.

"How the world government will execute me, no one knows, but me."

With a wry smile, Tom shook his head without finishing.

Building a ship for the One Piece is enough for him to die no longer.

The sea train, this is his dream, and it is only the last point to complete it. The conditions for the study are only available at the Tom Shipyard. It is impossible to go anywhere. This is his obsession, but also his dream. At this critical juncture, he is naturally unwilling to give up.

He cares more about his dreams than life!

"Tom." Coco Luo's face was complicated.

She spent a long time with the person opposite, and she was a friend who talked about everything, but no one thought that there would be such a day.

"In addition, Franky is impulsive. I am worried that he will do something. You have to be optimistic about him."

Tom spoke slowly and stood up slowly.

He walked to the window and looked outside, with a smile on his face at the busy, enthusiastic shipyard.

"I don't regret building a ship for Roger the least in my life."

"Riding on the old man's boat, embarking on the other side of the dream, that guy, personally showed me that a person can fulfill his dream."

Coco Luo was silent.

She was reluctant to leave the old friend in front of her, but at this moment, she didn't know what to say. She did not persuade, because there was no reason to stop a man from pursuing his own dream.

The sky in the City of Seven Waters is blue, and the people on the street are walking slowly, looking very leisurely.

At the port of the City of Seven Waters, two young men walked with low faces.

"Hey, Ace Bagu, is everything Teacher Tom said right?"

"Will he really be okay?"

Franky asked suddenly, kicking the rock under his feet into the water.

When the stone fell into the sea and made a "puff" sound, his inner dullness seemed to be relieved.


Ace Bagu responded.

"Hey, you are dealing with me." Franky said dissatisfied.

"Franky, I don't have time to talk to you, don't bother me."

Ace Bagu suddenly raised his head and said sharply.

Then he strode forward, trying to get rid of the latter.

Franky was taken aback, a little startled, and then he reacted and hurried to catch up.

"Hey, you fellow!"

"Naive, impulsive, unreasonable guy, when will you mature!"

Ace Bagu turned back abruptly and cursed loudly, his chest heaving violently.

It can be seen that this guy who has always been calm has been suffocating in his heart.

"You scold me?"

Franky was stunned.

"Not only do I want to scold you, I want to beat you!"

Uncontrollable anger, Ace Bagu stepped forward and punched Franky hard.

The latter was directly knocked to the ground with a punch, but at this moment he forgot the pain, and raised his head to look at the senior in front of him in a daze.

The unfamiliar Ace Bagu makes Franky seem to not know him.

"Ace Bagu, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Franky like this, Ace Bagou even yelled.

"Stupid! Stupid!!! Stupid!!!"

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