
I saw that Lin Si held the changed crescent rose with a full slash, and cut out a silver half-moon type huge slash.

The slash slashed at Bigmom’s soul fist, directly cutting off his right arm like a broken bamboo, and then rushed towards Bigmom’s soul head.

“No!!!” Bigmom’s soul seemed to see something extremely frightened and roared.

But the characteristics of the witch hunt for the soul body are vividly exerted at this moment, and her Linsi is as powerless as ice touching a hot flame, and the soul head is cut off by the chopper.

The witch hunt can be seen as an enhanced version of Lins’s ‘Cross Scythe’ move, but it tends to deal with the ethereal thing of the soul body, but it also has a good physical slashing ability.

After Bigmom’s soul was cut off like the melting snow of the spring sun, the remnants of the witch’s hunting swirled unabated on the body of Bigmom who had lost her soul, directly cutting off her huge head!

Lins hung the crescent rose on his back again, lifted the state of soul resonance, pulled up the four-sickle boy on the ground, threw it, and cut off the head of Bigmom.

“Whew….,” Lins exhaled deeply, the power of witch hunting was more effective than he thought, but this move was aimed at soul bodies.

This world is afraid that there is no life that can survive by relying on the soul alone, and it is afraid that the power of dealing with the soul in the shell is greatly reduced.

As a traverser, Lins has long guessed that Bigmom’s soul fruit has the ability to leave the body, the Yellow Spring Fruit can do it, and the bigmom that can separate the soul to make Homiz should also be able to do it.

Even if it can’t be done, BigMom will be worn to death by Lins, but it’s just a matter of time.

Lin’s body is an immortal body, so he doesn’t feel how tired he feels at this time, whether it is a skin injury or an internal injury, he can recover in a short time, which is the scoundrel of the flying section.

The ‘forbidden technique’ cast in the Hokage world was originally subject to huge consumption, and only his flying section could be used indefinitely, which was originally a rogue and invincible ability, but it could not be maximized in the hands of the ‘fool’ in the flying segment, and he was killed alive with his wisdom.

The body is fine, but Lin’s mental power is a little weak.

He forced himself to keep himself drowsy, and the iron sand turned into chains and wrapped around Bigmom’s head, and walked towards the golden lion.

It would be great if this trip could collect some of the blood of the golden lion, then from now on, Lins would kill the golden lion whenever he wanted.

However, what Lin Si did not expect was that the golden lion did not suffer any external injuries at this time, and this guy was only deliberately perfunctory under the siege of others in addition to first exerting full deterrence.

Lins knew that the golden lion was waiting, waiting for him and Bigmom to divide the victory.


The Charlotte members who were besieging the Golden Lion suddenly heard the sound of chains flying in their ears, and then they saw a minister hooked by Lins with a tight neck, and with a pop, the head fell to the ground, and then he was chained.


“Why! Mom! ”

“Nope! That’s impossible! How could mom die! ”

After seeing the shocking bigmom head behind Lins, the children shouted in tears, looking at Lins’s gaze and eager to eat their flesh and blood.

“Today, your Charlotte clan will be completely destroyed!” Lin Si looked at everyone in front of him with grim eyes, and his dragon teeth showed his white teeth.

“Hahahaha! Brat! I knew you wouldn’t be the man who fell here! The difference was that the golden lion naturally reacted in the opposite way, looking at Lins and laughing maniacally.

As soon as Bigmom dies, all nations will be his golden lion!

“Next, let you cubs accompany your mother! Hahaha. The golden lion’s gaze turned, and it instantly became fierce, staring at Katakuri and the others, and the fierce light in his eyes flickered continuously.

Katakuri looked at Lin Si with a somewhat stunned expression at this time, and when he saw the other party’s cold eyes, his heart couldn’t help but tremble.

The picture in front of him flashed, and he saw the ‘spectacular’ scene of people’s heads flying high.

“Escape!” This guy is also worthy of being the first of the four generals, and his current strength may not be comparable to that of a general, but in seven or eight years, he will definitely have the level of a general.

Katakuri panicked, and today is the day the Charlotte family is extinguished.

Yes, Lins is ruthless and cruel to the enemy!

Charlotte has 39 daughters, 46 sons, 43 husbands, 129 people in the family, and the rest for the time being, thirty-four ministers and four stars, Lins is a must-kill!

There are many people who hate Bigmom’s atrocities, the wall falls and everyone pushes it, the Charlotte family has the combat power to be killed by Lins, and the rest will hide all day long even if they are killed in retaliation, just like Robin in the past.

For those people, it doesn’t matter if you kill or not, of course, if you appear in front of Lins, Lins will kill them!

“He killed his mother! We want to avenge our mother! Katakuri’s roar was simply ineffective in front of the angry crowd at this time, and these ministers looked at Lins with extremely angry expressions.

Unexpectedly, they rushed forward.

The future that Katakuri had seen became a reality in an instant, and it didn’t take long for the sight of the man’s head flying high to appear in front of his eyes.

“Abominable!” Katakuri clenched his palms and roared angrily.

He looked at Lins viciously, and then shouted at the other three stars: “Hurry up and let me escape!!! ”

For enemies whose strength is weaker than Lins, Lins kills people at an outrageously fast speed, although these ministers are all Devil Fruit Abilities, they can’t last long in front of Lins, but they form a generous momentum.

Katakuri fled with the other three stars with painful expressions, and Lins chased after him first, and when he walked to the golden lion’s side, he suddenly reversed his body and slashed at the golden lion without warning.

And at this time, what a coincidence, the golden lion shot at Lin Si at the same time.

“Hahahaha, killing that smelly woman still has such strength, you are really terrible, little ghost!”

“There are still the remaining ministers on other islands, you go and get their heads, I will pursue these four stars, we are still in a state of cooperation.”

Lins withdrew his scythe and smiled at the golden lion’s fang.

“Hahaha! Lao Tzu likes your sinister and domineering personality! ”

The golden lion raised his head and laughed wildly!


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