Chapter 11: Auction Hall No. 1

“What’s that!” Capone Becky was completely stunned, what was the situation?

Born in the four seas and not yet set foot in the new world, he did not know the existence of domineering, but from the terrifying aura coming from the black giant, he could feel extremely dangerous.

“Die!” Abel didn’t want to waste time, silently commanded the huge giant, and bombarded Capone Becky directly.

The pitch-black fist slammed down, and the entire sky went straight black, as if a huge house had collapsed directly, and even the sunlight was blocked.


At the same time, Cappenbeki also punched the black one.

But this time is completely different.

The fists that collided together first collided directly together, and the fists made of rock, which looked extremely strong, were directly shattered.

It’s like crunchy rice candy, which is easily crushed.

“How is it possible!” Feeling the terrifying destructive power coming from his arm, Capone Becky’s eyes widened. His Devil Fruit ability is not offensive, but defensive.

Generally speaking, there is no way to break it. But……

However, at this time, he suddenly noticed that the fist that shattered his arm not only did not stop there, but continued to blast towards others.

The target was directed at his heart.

“Wait, don’t kill me, I can tell you…”

Bang –

Before the words were finished, Cappengbeki’s huge castle body was directly punched through the heart.


Inside, Capone Bayprimitive looked at his chest in disbelief, and saw a huge blood hole appear inside.

“Damn…” Capone Becky’s mouth continued to cough up blood, and his face became particularly hideous. However, even so, he died directly before he could finish his words.

After Capone Becky died, a figure slowly appeared in front of Abel, which was the appearance of Capone Becky.

The difference, though, is that this Capone Becky was created through his Devil Fruit ability.

“Tell me where Trafalgar Rowe is.”

“Law and Kidd are ready to attend tomorrow’s auction in the Chambord Islands. It is said that a natural demon fruit will appear tomorrow. ”

Hearing this, Abel raised his eyebrows.

Nature Devil Fruit ability!

Recognized as the strongest of the three Devil Fruit abilities, it can directly ignore all physical attacks.

If the domineering power is strong enough, you can also easily use the elemental ability to avoid other people’s domineering attacks.

Moreover, compared to most devil fruits, the starting point of the natural system is also higher.

Of course, it is not that becoming a natural department directly becomes a strong person, and the one who can judge the strength or weakness is still me, even if it is some devil fruit abilities that do not look good, as long as they are constantly developed, they are quite terrifying.

However, for these newcomers, nature has basically represented invincibility.

Moreover, the natural devil fruit is also quite rare even for the navy, and Abel waited so long for the navy to not find the natural devil fruit.

This is also a matter of no way, the natural devil fruit is generally eaten when it is obtained, and there are almost no people who will deliberately take it out.

If it is the devil fruit of other departments, it is okay, but the natural department can hardly find it.

“I didn’t expect to wait so long to actually bring me such good news.” Abel raised the corners of his mouth gently.

The auction of the Natural Devil Fruit can be said to be a very rare opportunity for him, and now that he has the ability to transform the fruit and the phantom fruit, there is only one vacant position left in order to get a natural demon fruit to replenish his strength.

I just don’t know what kind of devil fruit the devil fruit that is going to be auctioned is.

But anyway, it is the user itself that determines the combat power of the Devil Fruit, and Abel has the confidence that he can exert this ability to the fullest.


The next day

Abel also learned about the underground of the Chambord Islands roughly from Capone Becky.

Auction Hall One, which is composed of some underworld merchants and some pirate forces along with Draco.

The main thing here is the auction of slaves and the sale of some valuable treasures, as well as devil fruits, famous knives and the like.

And those who can enter here are all kings and nobles from various places and pirates with names and surnames.

Of course, there is no need to worry about security in this place, after all, this place is protected by several dark forces and Draco, even if some navies know the situation here, they can’t do it.

After dressing up a little, Abel also walked directly into the auction hall, casually found a position in the back row and sat down directly.

The people in the back row were basically pirates from all over the place, so they didn’t say anything after seeing Abel’s strange dress.

After all, there are all kinds of pirates, and some will also be afraid of causing trouble when their identities are exposed.

As for the front sitting in the bright light, the first few rows of positions are naturally the kings and nobles of various countries.

As soon as he sat down, Abel heard many nobles in front of him begin to talk to each other, and most of the things exchanged were unbearable, what to torture his own slaves, what way to deal with those death row prisoners, so that what sounded quite terrible was actually said in their mouths without scruples, and they were also happy.

“A bunch of twisted guys.” Abel said lightly.

In the middle position, there were two Draco sitting early, which also made the discussion of the people present a lot quieter.

No one wants to be targeted by Draco because their voice is too loud.


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Chapter 11: The Golden Lion Pirates

In this way, more than twenty days slowly passed.

There are many things that the new world lacks, but there is no shortage of pirates, as long as you see ships that are not navy on the sea, 90% of them are pirates.

Although it is said that they have entered the new world, Zefa cannot take the initiative to take them to find death and run to the territory of those sea thieves.

But even so, many powerful and active pirate groups have also encountered a lot.

After some fought each other, they couldn’t continue to pursue due to various factors, and the slightly weaker guys were basically wiped out by them.

At least the entire pirate group has a total reward of less than one billion, and they have also annihilated a lot.

After twenty days, the navy also lost nearly three hundred people.

No way, the new world is so cruel, especially for the navy, they can be said to be struggling here, and in the case of all pirates, the battle can be said to be almost uninterrupted one after another.

Rest? Sorry, even eating is squeezed out of time.

Even monster physiques like Sakaski and Borusalino were really tired after twenty days of non-stop fighting.

Especially in this morning’s battle, a pirate group with a captain offering a reward of 300 million collided with them, and the guy who can offer a reward of 300 million during this period can already be said to be quite terrifying.

However, this time Zefa still did not make a move, but only helped them solve the deputy captain who offered a reward of 190 million, and as for this guy with a reward of 300 million, it was besieged by Abel, Sakaski, and Borusalino.

Other elite battalion members fought with their cadres.

The strength of 300 million is probably also the strength level of the veteran vice admiral of the Navy, and Sakaski’s violent temper came up, and he directly hit the pirate captain without saying a word.

Although this pirate captain is very strong and the two-color domineering is also quite proficient, he was finally killed in the face of the crazy attacks of the two natural systems and Abel’s terrible swordsmanship.

And he was directly punched in the abdomen by Sakaski, and burned him alive with molten slurry.

Among them, Abel and Sakaski fought the most violently, and they were both a little injured, and as for the yellow ape, this guy was also paddling as always, and he was not injured at all.

But Abel is also fine, after all, he has the immortal body of Asians, and after being injured, he can also directly use damage to transfer, and directly transfer the damage to IBM.

After experiencing this battle, Zefa also knew that if he continued to fight, it would really be a little bad, so he found a random uninhabited island nearby, intending to temporarily rest for two days.

But unfortunately, things are not as good as they should be, and after only one day of rest, and everyone’s injuries are not very good, a presence that makes them feel terrifying appears.

“Hahahaha! I heard before that Zefa you took a group of little fart children to run around in the new world, but I didn’t expect it to be true! ”

Just like the nickname, he has ground-length golden hair, like the mane on the chest of a lion, and even his beard and sideburns are blonde, known as the “golden lion” super sea thief!

“A sea thief with the same name as Roger and Whitebeard! Captain of the Flying Control Pirate Regiment, Commander of the Golden Lion Pirate Regiment Fleet! Hey, hey, hey! I didn’t expect to really meet such a big man! Borusalino said with a look of surprise.

This time, he didn’t mean to make a scene, but he was really shocked by the big man in front of him.

“Golden lion!” Sakaski also showed a rare somewhat ugly expression.

“The number one sword master in the world today! I have long wanted to meet him! ”

Unlike Borusalino and Sakaski, Abel showed a full fighting spirit.

The golden lion is worthy of the world’s number one swordsman, as long as it is a swordsman, he has to admit which one is the strongest golden lion.

And Abel’s full of fighting intent also attracted the attention of the golden lion, after seeing the sword held in Abel’s hand, the golden lion took a cigar and said with a smile: “Zefa, it seems that you have brought a good apprentice!” At a young age, he faintly had the momentum of a great sword hao. ”

Although it is said that he only has the momentum of the Great Sword Hao, he does not really become the Great Sword Hao, but there is no doubt that as long as he is given a few years, Abel may break through.

But even so, the golden lion is not afraid, but as insolent as ever.

As the world’s number one sword hao, he has also accepted many challenges from the great sword hao, and all of these great sword hao without exception have lost in his hands.

So don’t say that Abel just has the momentum of a big sword hao, even if he is really a big sword hao, the golden lion doesn’t feel anything at all.

The only thing that made him sigh a little was that Abel looked so young, as if he was only sixteen or seventeen years old.

“It’s normal for young people to have some momentum, you shouldn’t be so bad as to do something to these young people!”

Seeing that the golden lion set his eyes on Abel’s body, Zefa clenched his fists and directly blocked in front of Abel.

Abel was Zefa’s most satisfied disciple, how could he let the golden lion break so simply.

“Zefa, we are pirates, you are the navy, do you think there are any rules to talk about?” He Golden Lion is a pirate in the true sense, and if it is Whitebeard or Roger, he may disdain to attack these juniors.

But the golden lion will not care so much, the pirates and the navy are enemies, since they have met, how is it possible not to fight!

“Zefa-sensei, find a way to get rid of the golden lion, I left an IBM ghost on the ship.”

Such a sentence sounded next to Zefa’s ears, and in the next second, Abel’s figure disappeared directly next to Zefa, and then appeared less than a meter in front of the golden lion in the sky.


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