Chapter 47: The Development Direction of the Dark Fruit

“Abominable! Forget that this guy became famous because of his monster-like swordsmanship, not his Devil Fruit ability! After being bombarded by Abel’s slash, Blackbeard’s face became more and more ugly.

To outsiders, Abel is indeed a capable person.

But in fact, the Devil Fruit ability is just some assistance, and for Abel, his real and most powerful aspect is his own sword skills!

If he gave up his sword art and only talked about the ability of the Devil Fruit, Abel might only be slightly stronger than Whitebeard, and he would not be able to defeat Whitebeard as easily or even kill directly as before.

Of course, after all, Abel spent so much time cultivating swordsmanship, and if he didn’t practice swordsmanship, the Devil Fruit ability would have more time to develop and finally be able to defeat Whitebeard as easily as before.

It’s just that in comparison, the strength improvement brought by swordsmanship is more stable, and it will not fall into a disadvantage due to the restraint relationship of the Devil Fruit.

And in this duel, the effect can be seen, although Blackbeard’s dark fruit is the nemesis of all demon fruits, but when facing Abel’s swordsmanship, not only does it not play a suitable role, but it amplifies the shortcomings of the demon fruit’s ability.

“But I have to say that your Devil Fruit ability is indeed quite useful, just because the Natural Devil Fruit in my hand has not yet been eaten, it is a good choice to seize your ability.” Abel looked at Blackbeard and said unhurriedly.

But when he heard Abel say that he had taken his power, Blackbeard’s pupils widened sharply.

“Take my power? What do you mean! ”

Although Blackbeard knew how to seize other people’s Devil Fruit abilities, this also required the assistance of the Dark Fruit, otherwise he alone could not do this kind of thing.

But listening to Abel’s tone, it seems that Abel has mastered how to use this power.

“That’s not something you need to worry about!”

“Dark water!”

It seems to see that Abel wants to make a move, Blackbeard naturally does not want to be passively beaten, and directly takes the initiative to release his darkness!

“Dark Passage Cave!”

I saw that the terrifying darkness was shrouded again, and soon all the buildings and other things below were sucked in.

“Let me teach you how to use the power of the Dark Fruit!” Suddenly Abel raised the corners of his mouth.

Immediately next to him, a black-bearded man appeared beside him.

“What! Is that…… Me? Seeing the phantom created around Abel, Blackbeard said with some disbelief.

To create a person out of thin air, such an ability is simply unheard of.

“Thief hahahahaha! Dark Water Devour! Blackbeard’s phantom let out a laugh that was almost identical to Blackbeard’s own.

Immediately afterwards, an even richer darkness erupted directly from the phantom Blackbeard’s body, and the thick excessive darkness instantly swallowed the dark water released by Blackbeard.

“How is it possible! I can actually use the ability of the Dark Fruit just like me, and it is even stronger than my own use of the Dark Fruit! Seeing this scene, Blackbeard looked at Abel and the apparition of Blackbeard next to Abel in disbelief.

Of course, Abel naturally wouldn’t answer Blackbeard’s question.

There is no difference between the strength of the phantom and the ontology, but Abel can influence the phantom’s way of thinking and focus.

Blackbeard focuses on the gravitational development of the dark fruit, and in fact, the essence of the dark fruit should be devouring!

Perhaps influenced by the Devil Fruit Guide and the use of the Devil Fruit ability by the previous Devil Fruit Ability, Blackbeard preconceived the gravitational pull of the Dark Fruit.

But the essence of the power of darkness is only right to devour.

If the power of devouring is used perfectly, it can even solve the disadvantage of double damage to the Dark Fruit.

The gravitational force like a black hole is strong, but the darkness is powerful or the terrifying devouring ability, you must know that dark matter and dark energy account for ninety-six percent of the entire universe.

The reason why they think that light can dispel darkness is simply because they happen to be in this four percent area. On the whole, the power of darkness is far stronger than light.

And the reason why the universe is so big is also because dark energy is accelerating the expansion of the universe.


When the words fell, I saw that the following suddenly exploded, and then a force that could not be described in words directly swallowed everything around.

The terrifying substance directly crushed this space.

“What’s that! How could there be such a thing! Fortunately, Blackbeard jumped out in time, otherwise when the blob exploded just now, he would have been directly swallowed in.

It was not the darkness released by the dark fruit, but another substance that he could not understand.

But Blackbeard couldn’t understand it at all, it was obviously the power generated by his dark fruit, but he couldn’t understand it.

“It’s really terrifying enough, it’s such a waste to use it for you!”

Waste! In Abel’s opinion, Blackbeard’s development direction for the Dark Fruit was too wasteful.

Although everyone says that how strong the devil fruit is depends on my own development, it is undeniable that some devil fruits are also true top devil fruits, and the dark fruit is undoubtedly the top batch of all devil fruits.

“The ability of this devil fruit will let me accept it!” A smile appeared on Abel’s face.

Darkness has fallen!

In an instant, the darkness on the phantom blackbeard’s body directly swelled and exploded!

“Abominable! Dark water! Blackbeard gathered darkness in his hand and directly punched out.


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Chapter 47 The parties shook

Crazy training Devil Fruit abilities like Abel is almost a month a day when others are training.

And Kuzan, who followed Abel, seemed to be inspired after seeing Abel’s crazy training, and began to train hard every day.

Of course, Kuzan’s desperation is naturally incomparable to Abel, after all, Kuzan only has one life, even if you try hard, you have to consider your health.

And Abel just doesn’t think of himself as a human at all, how tired he comes.

But even so, every day Kuzan squeezed his body to the limit, until every inch of his muscles was shaking, and then he stopped.

At the same time, about Abel killing the world destroyer Waldo alone, the naval headquarters also began to hype.

The vice admiral of the Navy headquarters itself is a very important position, and the Navy often conducts various propaganda.

This is to improve the influence of the navy, which can greatly reduce the appearance of pirates, and the second is to stabilize the military and let the soldiers in the navy know how powerful these senior generals are.

As the youngest vice admiral in history, the number of reports on Abel in the Navy these days is approaching that of a senior admiral.

This is also due to strength, after all, such a young person has such strength, and he is quite handsome, and the navy will naturally not miss these opportunities for propaganda.

So after Abel defeated the world destroyer Waldo, newspapers from all over the world were overwhelming the next day.

“Waldo, I didn’t expect that the monster of the World Destroyer was also planted in Abel’s hands.” Borusalino sat in the Sengoku office and laughed very casually with his legs cocked.

Borusalino and Sakaski were promoted to rear admiral at about the same time, while Borusalino now remained in the navy headquarters as an adjutant of the Sengoku.

“Waldo’s guy is not too strong in itself, but when it comes to naval battles, it is indeed a bit troublesome.” Sengoku said.

To be honest, he was also quite surprised when he heard that Abel had killed Waldo.

Waldo’s Devil Fruit ability is quite ripe, even if Waldo confronts the three sea thieves, it is difficult for him to be killed directly.

The reason is that his Devil Fruit ability can amplify the power of the ship’s shells a hundred times.

It is indeed quite difficult to kill Waldo in a naval battle.

However, if it is a land war, it may not be, and now Abel’s strength itself is infinitely close to the level of admirals.

If Waldo could not take advantage of the naval battle, it would be reasonable to be killed by Abel.

“Just became a lieutenant general and made such a big thing, it seems that the first among us to become a general must be Abel.”

Borusalino said nonchalantly that he was not too eager for the position of admiral.

And Sakaski in the New World, after seeing the contents of the newspaper, just snorted coldly, and then threw the newspaper aside.

“Call people to get ready, go to sea immediately and arrest the pirates!” Sakaski immediately shouted to the adjutant next to him.

And the adjutant on the side was also confused, I don’t know why Sakaski suddenly flew again to catch the pirates.


However, as an adjutant, he was not qualified to say anything, and could only prepare warships immediately as Sakaski requested.

“Great Sword Hao, Lieutenant General, now kill that world destroyer Waldo!”

Looking at the contents of the newspaper next to him, Sakaski gritted his teeth and went from an inconspicuous cadet in the elite camp to one of the three monsters alongside him.

Next, he obtained the loot in the fight of the legendary sea thief golden lion, and then directly surpassed all of them in the first step to become a rear admiral, and now he has broken through to the realm of the great sword hao and become a vice admiral of the navy headquarters.

And today, Abel killed the world destroyer Waldo!

All this overwhelmed Sakaski a little breathlessly.

He desperately wants to catch up with Abel, but finds himself further and further away from Abel.

Despite this, Sakaski was quite convinced of Abel, and after the elite camp noticed Abel’s appearance, Sakaski also noticed how Abel trained.

To be fair, Sakaski thinks he can’t do that.

The storm of fishing vessels caused within the navy is not small, and this news has also caused a huge sensation among pirates.

“That little ghost, is he actually so arrogant now!” The golden lion looked at the news in the newspaper, and the expression on his face was not very good.

Seeing the golden lion mention Abel, no one on the golden lion boat dared to speak.

A year ago, the golden lion was calculated by Abel to take away the famous sword cherry ten, and now the golden lion can’t let go, which is a great contempt for him.

Roger Pirates

“Abel? It’s a funny little ghost. Renly touched the wound on his glasses, and he still remembered the scene of fighting Abel back then.

And they also heard about what Abel did in the New World over the years, although he was a navy and left such a wound on his eye, but Renly could not have killing intent on Abel.

“I hope I don’t meet him, I honestly admire him.”

Roger looked at Renly on the side, smiled and said.

Others estimated it was hard to imagine Roger putting on such an expression and admiring a guy who had hurt his crew.

After all, when someone insulted his crew, Roger did not hesitate to slaughter the entire army of that country.

It is indeed a little unbelievable that such an extremely protective person would actually appreciate Abel.

Of course, maybe it’s the reason why Renly himself doesn’t care about this matter! After all, the two of them are a very fair one-on-one duel.


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