Pirates: Summon Heroes And Build The Strongest Family

Chapter 107 Blocking The Route To The Fish Men Island

The undercurrent in The Fish Men Island was extremely turbulent, and Neptune was about to abdicate in favor of someone more powerful.

Vanderdeken IX continued to threaten Shirahoshi with a proposal of marriage, and at the same time, with great fanfare,

At the cost of being willing to ally with Nami to overthrow the Ryugu Kingdom, he proposed to the Tidal Sea Spirit Fitz!

It's normal for a fishman to marry a fishman.

As Vanderdeken IX, who is famous in The Fish Men Island, he is also considered a pretty strong person in The Fish Men Island.

Then, Vanderdaken IX, who wanted to control all of Poseidon's power at the same time, was torn to pieces by the angry tide sea spirit Fizz, who summoned a large number of Sea Kings.

Although Fitz looks weird and has a female voice,

However, Tidal Sealing Fitz is really a male yordle...

Vanderdeken IX, who was famous on The Fish Men Island, was torn to pieces by Fitz summoning the Sea Kings.

The death of Vanderdeken IX, who left many horrific legends on The Fish Men Island,

And Fizz's power to summon Sea Kings was demonstrated in front of countless The fish men island residents,

After leaving countless The fish men island residents slightly stunned, they suddenly burst into thunderous cheers!

The cheers for Nami, who was able to make Fitz surrender, became louder and louder.

In the deep sea, what could be more secure than the protection of countless Sea Kings?

And Neptune, who witnessed Fizz's ability to summon Sea Kings,

After his eyes widened, he decisively chose to abdicate in favor of someone worthy of his honour.

Neptune originally thought about whether to rely on the power of his daughter Shirahoshi to try to make a comeback.

After all, Neptune may indeed be kind and generous, but no matter how you think about it, it seems that he has done nothing wrong.

Being inexplicably kicked off the throne that had been passed down by his family for hundreds of years made him feel a little dissatisfied.

But I never thought that the little guy who looked neither a mermaid nor a princess might actually be Poseidon!

"Could it be that the legend passed down by our ancestors was wrong?"

"Or is it possible to be a Poseidon without being a mermaid princess?"

Neptune was confused, but he was not that stupid to use his daughter, a semi-finished Poseidon that was sometimes ineffective, to try to fight against a complete Poseidon that could easily summon a large number of Sea Kings.

The fish men island After Neptune led all the ministers and the Poseidon army who were still loyal to him and chose to abdicate in favor of others, Nami, the Tidecaller, was also successfully crowned king.

She is the daughter and queen of the sea.

The first thing Nami did after she was crowned Queen of The Fish Men Island was

It is to conduct a census of all residents of The Fish Men Island and demolish Fish Men Street at the same time.

Free food and compulsory education are provided to all young Murlocs.

Education is very important. The cornerstone of a country or a nation that truly wants to be strong lies in education.

At the same time, we strongly support the development of fishman karate in The fish men island, and express our gratitude to all soldiers of The fish men island.

Open Marine Six Styles, swordsmanship training materials, and even two-color Haki's training materials.

Murlocs who are born with ten times the strength of human beings should not all be just weaklings who can only fight against miscellaneous fish.

Of course, after becoming the queen of The Fish Men Island, Nami made the most important decision that shocked the whole world.

That is to block the entire The fish men island route.

All ships that want to arrive at New World from the first half of the Grand Line, or ships that want to return from New World to the first half of the Grand Line,

Either pay money to buy a pass token, or stay in the deep sea,

With all the wealth on their ship, including the bounty on the heads of the pirate captains,

It becomes the nourishment for the entire The fish men island and the sacrifice that shapes the reputation of Nami, the King of the Deep Sea.

As soon as the news came out that Nami, the newly-promoted king of The Fish Men Island, had blocked the route to The Fish Men Island, the whole world suddenly boiled!

The fish men island is the only route in the pirate world where criminals can travel through the first half of the Grand Line and the New World.

Blocking the route to The Fish Men Island will undoubtedly choke the throats of all pirates in the Pirate World and members of the Dark World.

This is simply an enemy of half the world.

Serious businessmen and ordinary people in the pirate world can directly take the World Government's Red Line route.

But, who cares?

In the past, The fish men island was weak because of its own strength. Even though it occupied the excellent treasure land of The fish men island,

Facing a large number of powerful pirate groups, we can only choose to ignore and give in.

At the same time, stay as close to The Fish Men Island as possible and protect the citizens of The Fish Men Island.

Avoid being destroyed or robbed by those pirate groups or lawless elements on The Fish Men Island.

But now, times have changed.

Nami's powerful power makes The fish men island almost invincible in the deep sea.

And the large number of Sea Kings summoned by Fizz are enough to block the entire route of The Fish Men Island!

Under such circumstances, wouldn't it be a waste if we didn't give full play to the terrain advantages of The Fish Men Island and kill countless pirate groups and criminals?

If he didn't want to completely become the mortal enemy of countless pirates and lawless elements in the pirate world, and at the same time he didn't want to catch all the fish, which would completely cut off The Fish Men Island's future financial resources.

For all the pirate ships and merchant ships from the dark world that want to pass through The Fish Men Island route, Nami and Fizz not only charge high tolls, but directly pack the entire ship.

Nami and Fitz didn't have any qualms about robbing pirate ships and merchant ships from the dark world.

But, for things like robbery, how about making money by directly collecting tolls?

If there is too much plundering and fear of plundering, this route will be ruined.

At that time, those pirate ships or cargo ships from the dark world will all find ways to spend huge sums of money to bribe World government officials and take the World government route. Isn't that staking the enemy?

Nami and Fitz never do anything to capitalize on their enemies.

It's better to make money yourself.

The fish men island route is blocked, all pirate ships who are unwilling to pay large tolls and merchant ships from the dark world,

All were destroyed by The fish men island warriors and the Sea Kings summoned by Fitz.

And those pirate ships and merchant ships from the dark world who paid huge tolls,

Then you can walk on a fixed and safe channel without having to worry about being attacked by other Sea Kings.

Nami and Fitz were very responsible and collected the tolls. Of course, they had to ensure the safety of their navigation in the deep sea.

The route to The Fish Men Island is extremely dangerous. Before Fizz summoned countless Sea Kings to block the route to The Fish Men Island, a large number of Sea Kings roamed freely in the deep sea.

It often causes devastating damage to countless pirate ships in the deep sea!

"Hey, what is this?"

"I've never seen it before, would you like to take a bite?"

With a click, the coatings and hulls of those pirate ships will be bitten to pieces by those Sea Kings!

Then, a few bah sounds,

"Bah, bah, bah, it doesn't taste good!"

I'll be spat out by those Sea Kings again!

Sea Kings don't like to eat wood.

But in the deep sea, once the coating is destroyed, most weak pirates or criminals will

In an instant, it will turn into a mass of blood mist, leaving no body intact.

Most importantly, those Sea Kings who know that pirate ships are not delicious,

It is very likely that just after a while, you will feel confused again.

"What is this? I've never seen it before, take a bite and try it?"

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