Yunxiao Yalong may not be able to beat Kaido, but in terms of flying speed, he can beat Kaido by several blocks.

With Guyer and Yunxiao Yalong, Duke wants to make the sky of the entire pirate world become Duke's territory.

In the sky of the pirate world, there is not just one Sky Island.

Desert Shinigami Nasus, naturally Duke intended to relocate to Alabasta.

Among Alabasta, the legend of the dog-headed Shinigami has always been circulated. The jackal and the falcon have become one of Alabasta's guardian beasts!

I just don’t know what kind of storm the desert Shinigami Nasus will stir up in Alabasta when the myth comes into reality.

Anyway, Crocodile, the sand crocodile, has a bleak future....

The arrangements for the god-level heroes were completed, and the glorious girl Lux was arranged by Duke to the Naval Headquarters.

As Galen's sister, Galen, who is now the elite Vice Admiral of the Naval Headquarters, must also need some care from his family.

Although, that guy Galen is like a duck in water in Naval Headquarters.

He only stayed at Naval Headquarters for a short period of time. Relying on his majestic and righteous appearance and firm concept of justice,

And most importantly, after killing Whitebeard II, the favorability level among the generals in Naval Headquarters will be fully increased.

Galen's connections and status in Naval Headquarters are slowly rising!

If his performance hadn't been insufficient for the time being, Naval Headquarters would have been interested in promoting him as a substitute Admiral.

And if he becomes the alternate Admiral, will the throne of Admiral or Marshal still be far away from Galen?

Naval Headquarters and world government are by no means completely on the same side.

Clearly distinguish who is the enemy and who is the friend, unite the majority and attack the minority. This is the real social treasure book and the secret of dragon slaying.

With Galen's current status and connections in Naval Headquarters, Lux joined Naval Headquarters.

That's a piece of cake, even if Thresh is inserted into the Impel down, it's not a problem!

In the world of pirates, what place is more suitable for Thresh than Impel Down?

If it weren't for the fact that it would take at least one or two S-class combatants to penetrate the Impel Down, and at the same time, one must always be alert to the rescue of the Naval Headquarters and the World Government.

Impel down this leveling treasure,

Duke has long wanted his heroes to break through monsters directly.

But now, it seems good to put Thresh on Impel down and let him slowly level up and develop.

Thresh waits for Garen to plant him into Impel down.

As for LeBlanc, after Duke thought for a moment, he did not let her go to Noxus, but directly let her go to the New World.

She will rebuild the Black Rose in the New World with the secret help of Zed, the Lord of Shadow Stream, and Gangplank.

Intelligence is extremely important to any force.

At least, Duke doesn't want cp0 Stussy, the Queen of the Pleasure District, to continue to be the most powerful intelligence leader in the dark world.

Duke and the World Government will eventually fight to seize the hegemony of the pirate world.

Before defeating the World Government, Duke thought it would be good to find a way to cut off some of the World Government's wings.

After the heroes were settled, it was their turn to dispose of the equipment.

The Central Asian Hourglass, a life-saving equipment, was not mentioned, so Duke naturally equipped it for himself.

The dexterity cloak and pickaxe can also be combined with the mercury sash that Duke previously equipped to form a mercury scimitar.

At this moment, Duke's body was suddenly fully equipped with the Six Divine Equipment.

As for the Outlaw Armor that was drawn, there are three other pieces of ready-made Inspiring Armor, Lich's Bane, and Shipbreaker.

After Duke hesitated for a moment, they all equipped the Outlaw Armor and the Energizing Armor on Soraka, Son of the Stars!

Soraka, who practiced her own way of redemption, witnessed countless human tragedies in the Kingdom of South Blue Saint Dorea.

If the king and nobles of the Goa Kingdom of East Blue did not hesitate to burn countless people to death in order to receive the Celestial Dragons and pursue the false reputation of the cleanest country in East Blue,

Then the kings and nobles of the Kingdom of Saint Dorea do not regard the countless people in the Kingdom of Saint Dorea as the same kind!

In the eyes of those kings and nobles, everyone in Saint Dorea was their slaves and tools.

As kings and nobles, they even actively trafficked people from their own countries.

Countless citizens of the Saint Dorea Kingdom are living in dire straits.

However, due to the lack of food and weapons, at the same time, the king and nobles of the Saint Dorea Kingdom had many powerful combat forces under their command.

The citizens of the Saint Dorea Kingdom had no hope of resistance.

In other words, in a world or country where individuals are stronger and technology is more developed, the people at the bottom will

It is impossible to launch any strong resistance against the king and nobles at the top!

The reason why the revolutionary army in the pirate world was able to overthrow countless countries did not rely on ordinary citizens who had awakened.

It's the terrifying power of Long and the powerful men in the revolutionary army such as Ivankov.

Only power can resist another power.

Then, Soraka, who couldn't stand it, had not waited for the revolutionary army to overthrow the Saint Dorea Kingdom in South Blue, and watched helplessly a pregnant woman he had just cured.

After being disemboweled by a bored noble just to guess the gender of the baby in a pregnant woman's belly.

The stars twinkled because of Soraka's anger, the bright starlight carried Soraka's blazing anger,

The nobleman and the palace of the Saint Dorea Kingdom were burned into colorful Madara-colored glaze.

Then, Soraka successfully joined the revolutionary army, and also mentioned the bounty of up to 250 million issued by the World government...

Soraka will need more powerful power in the next period of time.

At the same time, every time she saves others, a lot of her life will be lost.

Only with the Outlaw Armor and the Energizer can Soraka truly show off her terrifying milk volume.

Duke wanted to know that with the existence of Soraka, the Revolutionary Army could be said to have an immortal buff.

How much trouble can it bring to the world government, or how many trump cards can it force out of the world government?

The Outlaw Invigoration was given to Soraka, the Lich Bane Duke equipment was given to the little murloc Fizz, and the Shipbreaker Duke was directly thrown to the dog head.

As for the remaining two small pieces of equipment, a winged moon plate armor and chainmail armor,

It just happened to match the red crystal that Duke drew at the beginning, and synthesized the plate armor of the dead, plus Dolan's shield, and threw it on Galen!

In order for Galen to become an Admiral or even a Marshal faster, Galen, a hero in Marine, of course needs to be strengthened to a certain extent.

The equipment and heroes were all distributed, and then came the final prize, an S+ level skin.

Exclusive to Tidecaller Sharakhime Nami, the spirit of the river!

River Spirit: Exclusive to Nami, after equipped, it can greatly enhance Nami's ability to control water.

At the same time, as the spirit of the river, Nami can integrate herself directly into the water, ignoring conventional physical damage!

Compared to Nami’s Princess of the Sea, Source Code, Legend of the Jade Sword, and skins like Pisces Star God,

The bonus that the River Spirit skin gives Nami is not very big.

But it was enough to instantly increase Nami's potential and strength by a small level.

Nowadays, Nami, who has S+ potential, and because of the bonus of her skin, her combat power is instantly approaching S-level, is she truly worthy of the title of Queen of the Deep Sea.

At least, in the deep sea, Nami at this time is already an invincible existence.

Then, Kaido, who had recovered well from his injuries, quietly began to march toward The Fish Men Island alone.

The fish men island route and the legend of the suspected Ancient Weapon Poseidon are enough to make the ambitious Kaido excited.

The legend of Ancient Weapon is not an absolute secret to the truly top-notch experts on the sea.

Others don't dare to be in the deep sea, facing the terrifying Queen of the Deep Sea and the existence that seems to be Poseidon.

However, I, Kaido, who is in the form of a blue dragon, a fish-fruit phantom beast, have nothing to fear.

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