Pirates: Summon Heroes And Build The Strongest Family

Chapter 135 The Lurking Of The Revolutionary Army

If Tryndamere, who is still at a low level, challenges Whitebeard now, he is certainly seeking death.

However, Duke Yi never thought that Tryndamere could directly defeat Four Emperors Whitebeard in a short time.

Duke has always wanted only one thing, and that is for Tryndamere to become the next successor of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Nowadays, Whitebeard is out of work, old and frail, and is in urgent need of a newcomer with great potential to take over.

Faced with the Barbarian King Tryndamere, who has great potential and strength, a very bold personality, and possesses all the necessary qualities for a superior.

Why not just take the Barbarian King Tryndamere under his command?

There is no doubt that Tryndamere the Barbarian has the potential of Conqueror's Haki.

Tryndamere began to move towards the New World, preparing to go all the way and challenge Whitebeard.

Among East Blue, Fire Fist Ace, who became famous for taking Mera-mera Fruit shortly after he went to sea, is still some distance away from the first half of the Grand Line.

Duke has arranged the individual development of the new heroes under his command.

After Xinduolai Island completely disappeared into the sea, on the rough waters near Xinduolai Island,

Because of the revolutionary army leaders Long and Janna, the 30,000 Naval Headquarters elite who survived by chance are looking at the completely disappeared Sendolai Island with grief!

On this island, countless of their comrades were buried, and countless lives were also buried.

The most important thing is that Admiral of Headquarters Akainu stayed on Xendolai Island until the end when facing the terrifying attack from the sky, which was like a natural disaster.

But now, it has never appeared.

The elite Vice Admiral Dauberman, who narrowly escaped with a few scars on his face and was blind in one eye, and the Ghost Spider, who lost a hand, stared intently at the smoke-filled waters of Cendolai Island. ,

A large number of Marines who still have some physical strength are driving small boats, risking their lives, and painstakingly searching the waters of Xinduolai Island that are now full of reefs and gunpowder smoke!

The mighty power of Uranus directly wiped out the entire Sandolai Island. The land first turned into ruins and scorched earth. Then, under the terrifying destructive power of Uranus, it became fragmented and turned into countless rubbles, sinking into the sea.

Only scattered reefs and black smoke covering the entire sky were left in place, indicating that there was once an island in this sea area.

The 70,000 Naval Headquarters elites can die, but the World Government's highest combat force, the Admiral of Headquarters Akainu, must not die in this sea area.

The Marine search and rescue ships are searching hard for Akainu's whereabouts.

The death and defeat of every Admiral of Headquarters will greatly shake the authority of Naval Headquarters, and once the authority of Naval Headquarters declines,

Then countless pirates will lose their threats and constraints, and become more rampant and crazy.

Naval Headquarters Three Admiral's existence has never been about how many pirates they personally killed.

And just because of their existence, it is enough to deter countless pirates from running rampant, and it is enough to protect countless civilians so that they can sleep peacefully.

Manpower is limited.

On the vast sea, we found the location of the pirate groups and successfully intercepted and surrounded them.

This is often the biggest problem that the elites at Naval Headquarters face when dealing with those pirate groups.

Having lost an eye and an arm, from now on the strength can only be maintained without falling. No matter how difficult it is to make progress, Dauberman and Ghost Spider,

They know very well the meaning of Akainu Sakazuki's existence.

For this reason, they did not hesitate to let a large number of the remaining Marine elites risk their lives to enter the remaining waters of Xinduolai Island to search.

But the searching Marine soldiers found nothing, and just when Dauberman and the ghost spider Vice Admiral began to feel a little despair.

The figure of Admiral of Headquarters Akainu Sakazuki slowly emerged in the thick smoke.

Uranus's attack is enough to wipe out most of the creatures in the pirate world. Even the top physical experts cannot resist Uranus's continuous terrifying attacks.

But for Akainu who had taken the Logia Devil Fruit, it was not difficult to survive Uranus's bombardment of Sendolai Island as long as he was not stupid enough to resist Uranus' attack.

Akainu’s Observation Haki is also among the best in the world.

Just by wiping out a single island of Cendolai, Lord Yim would certainly not be able to fully mobilize Uranus.

Activating any powerful weapon requires a large amount of energy.

The extremely powerful Uranus is naturally no exception.

But no one knows where Uranus' energy comes from.

Akainu looked at the remaining Marine elites who were cheering for his appearance with an expressionless face. Tears quietly flashed across his eyes that were always resolute and never revealed the slightest bit of weakness.

But soon, the tears quietly dissipated as Sakazuki's eyes closed.

Sakazuki's eyes once again regained their former determination and strength.

He is the Admiral of Headquarters, everyone can be weak, everyone can cry, but he can't!

Even though he had just lost 70,000 Marine soldiers who had entrusted their lives to him and came with him to destroy the revolutionary army.

It’s just that no one knows that after seeing with their own eyes that they and a hundred thousand elite Naval Headquarters personnel have all become abandoned by the World Government,

At the same time, after learning that the World Government clearly has enough power to end the era of great pirates and destroy all the Four Emperors,

But when he never used it, he realized how complicated Akainu's heart was.

"What is true justice?"

"Is my justice really wrong?"

Akainu, whose heart was as hard as iron, felt a little confused for the first time.

Only 30,000 of the 100,000 Naval Headquarters elites remain,

But at the same time, it was reported to the outside world that Cendolai Island had suffered an inexplicable natural disaster and mysteriously disappeared, as well as the countless revolutionary elites on Cendolai Island, which caused the entire pirate world to fall into a strange tranquility.

Akainu, who was slightly confused, did not stop his pursuit of annihilating the South Blue Revolutionary Army because of the loss of 70,000 Marines.

Xindolai Island has disappeared, but there are still a dozen countries in South Blue, all of which are the territories of the revolutionary army.

Akainu took the remaining 30,000 Naval Headquarters elites with him. All the remaining revolutionary army elites and cadres among the dozen or so revolutionary army-ruled kingdoms in South Blue disappeared mysteriously.

Without any strong resistance from the ordinary people, like an armed march, they directly occupied the Kingdom of Santore with overwhelming momentum. On the surface, they directly wiped out all the revolutionary troops in South Blue!

Then, Akainu led the remaining 30,000 Naval Headquarters elite and began to return to the Naval Headquarters.

In those kingdoms that were previously controlled by the revolutionary army, all the revolutionary army cadres disappeared, and the ordinary people surrendered one by one, and obediently agreed to pay the heavenly gold.

So what else can Akainu do?

We can't just kill all the citizens of those dozen kingdoms!

Those are all good people.

Akainu can't do such a thing now.

As for where the cadres and elites of the revolutionary army have gone?

Are the revolutionary army leader Long and those cadres who mysteriously disappeared alive or dead?

Who knows?

Anyway, Akainu saw with his own eyes that the leader of the Revolutionary Army, Long, led a large number of Revolutionary Army cadres and elites, and was directly teleported away by Uzumaki, a strange energy.

Speaking at a Marine meeting at Naval Headquarters Marineford, he said he knew nothing.

No one can doubt Akainu, who is merciless in the face of evil and has a heart of absolute justice.

The whereabouts of the revolutionary leader Long and others, just like the truth behind the mysterious disappearance of Sendolai Island, have become a great secret in the pirate world.

The revolutionary army begins to lurk!

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