Sengoku hopes to use the power of The fish men island to block the route of The fish men island.

As long as there is no fresh blood added and the Four Emperors group's tentacles on the first half of the Grand Line and the world are cut off, even the Four Emperors group will gradually die out sooner or later!

And by that time, Naval Headquarters, which has initially regained its strength, may even wipe out the entire New World in one fell swoop and end the era of great pirates.

Just because the World Government doesn't want to do it or isn't willing to do it, doesn't mean Marine isn't willing to do it.

Sengoku has always been a Marine, and Vice Admiral of the Burning Mountain, who has traveled to many kingdoms in West Blue and witnessed the beautiful changes brought by the Valoran family to West Blue, sat next to Galen Vice Admiral and scratched his head with a naive smile. Scratch your head.

Unknowingly, many Marine generals were surrounding Galen.

The death of those 70,000 elite Naval Headquarters personnel is an eternal pain for all Marine generals. Even if ordinary Marine generals cannot be sure that the entire Sendolai Island has been wiped out,

At the same time, the attack that also killed 70,000 Naval Headquarters elites originated from Uranus!

But no one is a fool.

In this world, besides the superior World Government, who else can have the ability and the power to wipe out the revolutionary army at all costs?

Ordinary people in this world may believe that the destruction of Sendolai Island was due to natural disasters. The 30,000 elite Naval Headquarters who survived,

And Akainu clearly told them that the destruction of Xandolai Island was due to man-made disasters.

There is no Marine in the eyes of the world government.

But every one of those Marine generals is alive.

They will also feel happy, angry, painful, and tired.

Their justice is to protect countless ordinary people on the sea, not simply to protect the world government.

Vice Admiral doesn't care what the Valoran family wants to do. He only knows that the Valoran family can bring a beautiful and peaceful life to countless ordinary people in this world, and that is enough.

After thinking for a moment, Sengoku planned to send Garp to personally escort Nami, the king of Ryugu Kingdom, to show respect. At the same time, he hoped that Garp could persuade Nami to block the fish men island route as much as possible.

Although Garp usually seems very unreliable, as long as the bad things about World Government and Celestial Dragons are not involved, Garp is even more reliable than the current Naval Headquarters Three Admiral.

Garp has always been a Marine hero.

The World Summit was about to be held, and a large number of Marine elites began to escort the kings, and Garp also began to go to The fish men island.

In the deep sea, countless Sea Kings kept swimming around The Fish Men Island. Even under Fitz's control, a group of megalodons lined up directly, waiting for the boring Fitz's inspection.

Every yordle is born to be a tormentor. Their long lifespan and terrifying potential also give them extremely strong energy.

Countless Sea Kings surround The Fish Men Island. Except for the specially preserved safe routes, anyone who tries to break into The Fish Men Island directly will

Or the pirate group that enters the New World directly from the deep sea will be chased by countless Sea Kings.

In the world of pirates, there may be some extremely powerful pirate groups or top experts who can ignore the encirclement and killing of a large number of Sea Kings in the deep sea.

But it definitely does not include the rookie pirate groups who have just arrived in the first half of the Grand Line and have not yet successfully entered the New World, as well as the caravans of underground forces that wander around the world, sailing in darkness and shadow.

A huge merchant ship flying the deep current flag obediently stopped in front of the toll station of The Fish Men Island route. With a smile on its face, after paying a toll of 5 million beli, it slipped away. entered a safe route.

The ships that need to take the risk of diving into the deep sea and traveling through the first half of the Grand Line are either powerful pirate ships or merchant ships of underground forces that transport a large amount of shady goods and make huge profits.

The toll of five million beli was not completely unaffordable to them.

Even if they didn’t feel that charging too high would force some underground forces with low profits to take risks and open up new routes,

Or simply use money to bribe the World government to take the Red Line. The toll Nami originally wanted to set would cost at least 10 million for a ship!

But now, even if it is only 5 million per ship, the Dragon Palace Kingdom's daily income from tolls alone is at least hundreds of millions.

That's tens of billions or hundreds of billions in net income a year, and Sea Kings doesn't need to pay wages.

The Dragon Palace Kingdom, which controls the main transportation routes and chokepoints, can be so arrogant.

As the first half of the New World and Grand Line, it is the only route for pirate groups and underground forces. There are at least dozens of ships passing The Fish Men Island every day.

The specialty of the pirate world, besides pirates, is pirates.

In other words, too many people go to sea every year because of heavenly gold or various reasons.

A large amount of wealth was received, and even if part of it Nami would be donated directly to Duke, the intercepted funds for the development of the Dragon Palace Kingdom also made the entire The Fish Men Island begin to change with each passing day.

Coupled with the sightseeing and shopping streets of The Fish Men Island that are open to the outside world, life for everyone in The Fish Men Island gradually begins to become full of hope.

As the world's only known dream kingdom located 10,000 meters under the sea, and as the only connection point between the first half of the Grand Line and the New World,

No matter how you think about it, it is enough to make it a tourist attraction and an important supply center!

In a magical place like Ten Thousand Meters Under the Sea, the supplies on the tourist and shopping streets open to the public are slightly more expensive than ten to eight times. Is that reasonable?

The large floating population brought prosperous commerce and wealth.

As for those former human traffickers,

Nami doesn’t know how Neptune managed The Fish Men Island in the past, but now, the Ryugu Kingdom is the only safe route left around The Fish Men Island.

Those who are able to enter The Fish Men Island for sightseeing and supplies will have all their ships docked in The Fish Men Island's port which is guarded by a large number of Sea Kings and Poseidon troops!

As long as they control the route to The Fish Men Island and control all the ships, it is simply a fantasy for the slave traders to take away any mermaid.

The Ryugu Kingdom has undergone tremendous changes under Nami's control.

"Is this the Dragon Palace Kingdom today?"

"No wonder the fish men island route can be completely blocked,"

"If she is willing, I am afraid that none of the pirates in the Grand Line will be able to reach the New World smoothly!"

Within the fish men island route, Garp was riding a warship, looking at the countless Sea Kings within his field of vision and sight, with a slightly complicated expression.

But thinking about the important task Sengoku entrusted to him, he closed his eyes slightly. When he opened them again, his eyes were extremely determined!

His grandson, Ace, has now reached the first half of the Grand Line. He has also made a lot of names on the sea and is heading towards the New World.

If Nami starts to ban pirate ships from passing, Ace will definitely be intercepted directly at The fish men island.

Mera-mera Fruit doesn't play much of a role at the bottom of the sea.

Garp loves his grandson Ace, but compared with ending the era of great pirates and protecting the safety of countless civilians in the world.

His love for Ace was too light.

Every man of the sea has the consciousness to risk his life when he goes to sea, and Garp is always a Marine hero!

Of course, the most important thing is that Ace is not Garp's biological child after all.

Garp picked his nose out of boredom. After notifying the Poseidon Army of Ryugu Kingdom and waiting for Nami's meeting notice, he started heading towards Nami's current palace.

Ryugu Castle, where Neptune once lived, is located at the top of The Fish Men Island, enjoying the warmest sunshine.

But after Nami became the queen of Ryugu Kingdom, she directly landed Ryugu Castle on the ground of The Fish Men Island.

The aloof Dragon Palace Kingdom is too far away from the countless people of The Fish Men Island.

Of course, the main reason is that Nami doesn't like to be in the sun all day long.

As a fishman, his biggest hobby is sunbathing?

What kind of unique hobby is this, and you are not afraid of being dried out in the sun?

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