"Be your right wrist?"

"Are you kidding? Don't think that only you can reach the top in this world,"

"I am the demon dragon, and I am the natural disaster!"

"If you want to conquer us, beat us down first!"

After Shyvana roared, the terrifying blood-red flames wrapped around her body again, and then bravely rushed towards Kaido of the Beasts.

Beside her, the leopard girl Nidalee appeared quietly. After throwing her best javelin, she transformed into a puma and waved her claws vigorously at Kaido of the Beasts.

The dragon's blood and pride boiled in Shyvana's body, and the wildness from the lion also made Nidalee never give in to others easily.

Then, the dragon Shyvana and the leopard girl Nidalee were beaten up by the strongest Kaido in the form of half-orc...

Although Shyvana and Nidalee's experience points increased rapidly under Kaido of the Beasts' brutal beatings, like the pirate king Luffy, who upgraded to a level with one stick, and fell down with three sticks. There is such a thing as being almost invincible in the world,

Even though Shyvana and Nidalee can also upgrade in battle, Shyvana and others can't do this completely unreasonable way of improvement!

If you fight a few more times, you might be able to level up a level or two...

After being beaten to the ground by Kaido, Shyvana and Nidalee finally achieved their ultimate goal with tears in their eyes. Under the distant gaze of the wandering mage Ryze, they successfully joined the Beasts Pirates!

What a joke, although Duke has a very thorough understanding of Kaido's desire for people with Zoan fruit abilities to join, but if Kaido is beaten by Gangplank and Nami and becomes autistic and plans to retaliate against society, Shyvana and Ned will What should I do if Li painfully kills me?

Safety measures must be taken well. If someone is killed, it will be very difficult to deal with.

When Barbarian King Tryndamere challenged Whitebeard, a cyan bird was hovering in the sky from time to time.

Barbarian King Tryndamere, Shyvana and others all successfully completed their goals, and quickly established their reputations within the Whitebeard Pirates and Beasts Pirates.

After Shyvana violently beat Plague Quinn and Calamity Ember in front of everyone in Beasts Pirates, she successfully became the leader of Beasts Pirates, nicknamed Scourge.

Nidalee, the leopard girl, also easily transformed the ambitious Zoan ancient saber-toothed tiger Fozzie Foo, who wanted to challenge the big sign, into a well-behaved Maine Coon cat, and directly became the leader of the flying six.

Beasts Pirates respect strength, and as long as they are strong enough, they can naturally occupy a high position in Beasts Pirates.

In the more humane Whitebeard Pirates, Tryndamere also quickly became the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates' long-idle second division because of his strong strength and generous temperament.

The Whitebeard Pirates are the pirate group with almost the most harmonious atmosphere among the Four Emperors, but in general, among the pirate groups, the weak are the strongest, and the strong are respected.

Who wouldn't want their leader to be strong?

In particular, behind the rise of Barbarian King Tryndamere, Whitebeard secretly pushed hard for his rise.

Whitebeard is really starting to get old, and the Whitebeard Pirates are also in urgent need of someone who can truly carry the banner of the Whitebeard group after he gets old.

He is a remnant of the times, and the New World is running out of ships that can carry him, but fortunately, he seems to have found a new and growing ship for his family.

Whitebeard never cared whether he would be abandoned by the times, he just couldn't worry about his children!

With S+ potential, a bold personality, and rapid improvement in strength, Tryndamere has become Whitebeard's dream successor.

What does the position of Captain of the Second Division mean? If Tryndamere hadn't just joined the Whitebeard Pirates not long ago, and his credit and prestige were not enough, Whitebeard would have wanted to make Tryndamere his vice-captain directly!

At this time, Ace, who had finally escaped from the sphere of influence of the Blood Emperor Vladimir after all the hard work and rejected the invitation of the World Government's Seven Warlords of the Sea, was dreaming of challenging Whitebeard, and then obediently paid a large sum of money. Just arrived at The fish men island for a toll.

What a joke, Ace is tough enough to challenge Whitebeard.

But in the deep sea, looking at the countless Sea Kings outside the safe route of The Fish Men Island, Ace is still too stubborn to provoke in the deep sea enough to repel the Four Emperors Kaido and even force the World Government to release all the Fish Men slaves. The Queen of the Deep - Nami!

Although the confrontation between Nami and the World Government was not widely broadcast to the outside world, on that day, the tsunami above the holy land of Mariejois was enough to cover the sky, as well as countless fish-man slaves who were quietly released, and in these days, the World Government's response to All violent crackdowns on catching and selling murloc slaves,

The whole world has already been undercurrent!

Ace may be a little reckless, but he is definitely not a fool.

Mera-mera Fruit is of little use in the deep sea.

Ace led his crew, and after paying a large toll, successfully arrived at The Fish Men Island, which became increasingly dreamy and prosperous.

He then meets Jinbei, the former Seven Warlords of the Sea who glares at him!

The reason why Jinbei is willing to become the Seven Warlords of the Sea is for the Ryugu Kingdom and his companions in the original Fish-Man Pirates.

But now, with the emergence of Nami, the Queen of the Deep Sea, the Ryugu Kingdom and the status of all murlocs in the world of pirates have rapidly improved. The mere Seven Warlords of the Sea, of course, is not inappropriate!

After experiencing the big incident of Mariejois, the sea-submerged holy land of Nami, even if Kai Xia Jinbei continues to be in front of this Shichibukai, the World Government will not dare to use it with confidence, right?

"Are you the super rookie, Portcas.d. Ace, who has promised to challenge Father Whitebeard?"

"Compared to the Barbarian King Tryndamere who challenged dad not long ago, it seems far behind!"

Jinbei said in a deep voice to Portkas.d. Ace.

After sensing Jinbei's hostility, Ace's hands instantly began to burst into flames, ready for battle.

In the deep sea, Mera-mera Fruit is useless, but inside The Fish Men Island, Mera-mera Fruit can also exert great destructive power.

"Don't be nervous, I won't attack you,"

Hai Xia Jinbei warned in a deep voice,

"Although I am very grateful for Father Whitebeard's kindness to The Fish Men Island, Queen Nami's order is absolute!"

"We have no reason to fight!"

"As long as you don't cause trouble on The fish men island, all the fish men will not attack you!"

"But, I hope you can remember one thing, this sea is very vast!"

"Don't think that you can challenge the top of this sea just by relying on the mere fruit of Logia. You are still far away."

Ace looked at Jinbei, the sea hero who warned him, and the flame in his hand was immediately extinguished. Then he gently pressed his straw hat, hiding his face in the shadows, and said firmly,

"Thank you for your reminder,"

"But, no matter what, I will become the Pirate King and surpass that man!"

"This vast sea can accommodate everyone's dreams, right?"

After Ace finished speaking, Jinbei took a serious look at Ace, who was a little green at this time, and remained silent. The crew members of the Spade Pirates behind Ace, with stars in their eyes, shouted in admiration,

"Boss, you will definitely defeat Whitebeard and become the Pirate King. We believe in you..."

Ace's companions may not be considered powerful, but they also have a deep bond with Ace.

Believe in the captain's dream and help the captain strive to realize his dream. Isn't this what companions should do?

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