Pirates: Summon Heroes And Build The Strongest Family

Chapter 160 The Blooming Of The Black Rose

【Immortal Mad Revolibel

Grade 1

Strength: a

Physique: a

Agility: a-

Spirit: a-

Potential: ss-

Abilities: Crazy thunder, furious bite, thunder and lightning, etc.

Equipment: None yet

Overall rating: a-

As the ancient demigod of Freljord, Volibear is the embodiment of storm and nature. He is the fury of thunder and the eye of the storm. Endless fighting spirit flows in his blood! 】

"Welcome to this whole new world,"

Duke looked at the tall, furry and mighty Volibear in front of him with satisfaction, and then directly put the three-phase power of the divine outfit he had just drawn on Volibear, and said in a deep voice,

"Next, are you interested in ruling a race?"

As a lost member of the Ursine Tribe, it makes sense to return to Zowu on Elephant Island and become the new leader of the Fur Tribe, right?

The Fur Tribe is such a powerful force, and Duke doesn't want to see those little fur Tribe animals fighting bloody battles with Kaido of the Beasts in the future in order to follow the stupid Kozuki Oden and the disgusting Momonosuke, and then suffer heavy casualties. !

Inuarashi, the king of day, and Viper, the king of night. From now on, the fur tribe will always have only one king, and that is the immortal thunder, Volibear!

That night, Volibear, who was greatly strengthened after being equipped with the power of the Three Phases, put on his hood under the cover of night and quietly began to head towards Zouu, Elephant Island!

Zuowu is an island on the back of the elephant owner. Without the guidance of the paper of life, it is often difficult for outsiders to find traces of Zuowu.

But for today's Duke, the coordinates of Zuowu are of course at his fingertips.

The black rose created by the trickster LeBlanc is blooming quietly throughout the world.

There is no way, there are Duke's people everywhere, they are all under Duke's command, everyone exchanges a little information and helps each other a little, it is enough to make the Black Rose created by the trickster LeBlanc, in the shortest time , become the top intelligence organization in the pirate world!

In the underground world, the title of King of Roses has begun to appear vaguely!

Queen of the Pleasure District Stussy also had a headache during this time.

In the extremely cruel underground world, there is no room for two kings of the underground world in the same industry.

The king does not see the king!

"Hehehe, is the black rose related to Bilgewater?"

"That guy Planck is much harder to deal with than Linlin!"

New World, Queen of the Pleasure District Stussy looked at the part of the information about the black rose that she had finally obtained in her hand, and rubbed her head irritably in the tallest and most gorgeous oiran house in Pleasure Street.

The secret between Bilgewater and the Black Rose is not completely top secret!

In other words, after Duke planned to let Gangplank support the Black Rose of LeBlanc, Duke never thought of hiding it from the top powers in the pirate world.

In addition to being used as a fully automatic processing plant, Homitz, who is called the Soul Fruit Fruit, is also a perfect match for some intelligence spies!

When intelligence is leaked, people will doubt everyone around them, even their pets, but they will never doubt the pots of plants and flowers on their balcony or bedroom, let alone the teacups and seats they use daily. chair.

When Homitz is quiet, he is no different from ordinary plants and furniture.

In the fully automatic processing factory in Bilgewater, every month there are always some high-end tea sets and furniture infused with soul, or some potted plants, which are quietly sent to wherever Plank wants them to go. corner.

In the past, the intelligence gathering ability of all nations was considered to be the best in the ocean, and with the comprehensive increase of Gangplank and LeBlanc, sooner or later, black roses will bloom across the entire ocean.

As for the connection between the Black Rose and Bilgewater being discovered?

What happened to Planck's majestic Four Emperors, an intelligence agency that secretly funded or controlled an underground world?

Even if this intelligence agency may be a few billion points stronger, what does this have to do with him, the president of the Valoran Chamber of Commerce?

If you have any questions, you can go to Four Emperors Gangplank to solve them!

The Black Rose's power has grown rapidly with the support of Bilgewater. There is no way around it, LeBlanc is really strong, and Homitz is really easy to use.

However, in front of the veteran Queen of the Pleasure District Stussy, the current power of Black Rose still seems small and fragile.

Stussy's ability to become the Queen of the Pleasure District in the underground world has never depended on big.mom's friendship, but on her own strong strength and the secret support of the World government.

Stussy's intelligence organization has never belonged to herself, but to the world government.

World government is the most powerful intelligence organization in the entire pirate world.

The intelligence agency of the Queen of the Pleasure District, the underground world controlled by Stussy, is only part of all the intelligence organizations of the World government.

But unfortunately, Stussy never represents the entire world government.

"Sir, the intelligence agency Black Rose, supported by the newly promoted Four Emperors Gangplank, is trying to seize my position as the intelligence king of the underground world,"

"How should I respond next?"

In the secret room of the Oiran's house, Stussy dialed his own phone with an expressionless face and asked in a deep voice.

Stussy is not afraid of a black rose. After all, in the dark underground world, countless forces try to become the new king of the underground world every year, but most of the challengers disappear in the shortest possible time. Above the cruel sea!

Except for the assassin king Big Hand Undertaker, who was recently pulled down and is also the easiest to be pulled down, the kings of the underground world have not changed for many years.

If you want to become the king of the underground world, it is not enough just to rely on strength.

However, with the support of Four Emperors behind Black Rose, it is completely different!

The Four Emperors are by no means mere pirates, but the masters of the New World.

The entire New World is the territory of the Four Emperors.

"Ocean Calamity Plank?"

The phone bug in front of Stussy was silent for a moment, and then said coldly,

"The world government does not want to cause turmoil in the entire world again in the short term,"

"So, World Government will not give you any help. If you fail, just return to World Government to report on your duties!"

The phone bug in front of Stussy finished speaking and hung up the phone.

The front foot has just finished dealing with the Revolutionary Army, the World Government is busy recruiting the Bounty Hunter Guild, and Marine's strength has now been greatly weakened.

The world government does not want to be enemies with the Four Emperors anymore.

New World was originally a garbage dump that had been planned by the World government, and until the owner planned to clean it up completely, leaving the garbage dump as it was was undoubtedly the best choice.

As for the location of Stussy’s underground world, Queen of the Pleasure District?

who cares?

Stussy is just a cp0, and cp0 is, at best, the strongest organization of the Celestial Dragons, but at worst, is the dog raised by the Celestial Dragons!

Would the owner fight a tiger for the sake of a dog he raised?

This is simply impossible!

Without Stussy, or even the location of Stussy's so-called Queen of the Pleasure District, it will not affect the World Government's intelligence acquisition at all.

It was never Stussy that made World Government, but World Government made Stussy!

Looking at the phone bug that had been completely hung up in front of him, Stussy raised the corner of his mouth slightly, showing a sneer, and then quietly dialed another phone bug,

"Ocean King Umit?"

"I heard that you seem to have encountered some big troubles recently. Maybe you need a little help from me!"

Stussy has never been completely loyal to the World government. She is the first successful work of the MADS cloning experiment.

As a cloned transformer, her true allegiance is naturally only to her creator!

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