Pirates: Summon Heroes And Build The Strongest Family

Chapter 178 The Shocking Sea (Revision)

Killing the King of Warehousing, Gilbertson, and the King of Loan Sharks, Lucky Field, and the others were very easy for LeBlanc and Zed at this time.

After all, among the three remaining kings of the underground world, Giberson, the strongest, only has an A+ combat power.

But what’s the meaning?

Before there are enough manpower and power to take over Lucky Field's business and find out the secret warehouses of Warehouse King Gilbertson all over the world, killing these kings of the underground world will not only make the sea more chaotic, but will not bring any benefits. Duke brings little benefit.

Especially a certain confident King of News, Big News Morgans.

Before there is no way to control the newspaper bird of the whole world, or before there is a way to deprive Morgans of his albatross fruit.

Even the World Government has to endure nausea and will not kill it easily.

Morgans' hot air balloon headquarters suspended in the sky and capable of continuous flight is indeed extremely safe and secretive, but in the face of the truly serious world and even the Naval Headquarters, Morgans' home base has never been so safe.

On the ruins of the castle on the Hidden Island, after LeBlanc finished speaking, Field, the loan shark king who had been nervous, looked at Stussy's head under LeBlanc's cold gaze, and forced his expression out. With a smile, he clapped his hands in an extremely strong voice and said,

"Haha, our Underworld Dark Alliance, with your participation, will definitely become a major force of great importance in the entire world!"

God of Fortune Field doesn't care at all now whether he can become a major force of great importance in the entire world.

He only cares about whether he can survive on the Hidden Island now.

Field, the God of Fortune, began to flatter LeBlanc and others bluntly, while Morgans, the big news, also continued to cheer for the birth of the Dark Alliance in the underground world.

The kings of the underground world gathered together and formed an alliance. This was big news that could shock the world.

Only Gilbertson, the king of warehousing, said with a cold face,

"There's no point in me forming an alliance!"

"But, what's the price?"

Giberson doesn't mind forming an alliance with the kings of the dark world. After all, in the new era that is becoming more and more violent, these kings of the dark world who used to call the shots have no sense of security for a long time. They must find a way to stay together. OK.

But alliances are possible, but annexation is definitely not possible.

As a veteran in the warehousing industry in the dark world, what the Hidden King Gilbertson values ​​most is never his own life, but the secret warehouses he has inherited from generation to generation and are spread all over the world.

As long as these secret warehouses are still there, even if he dies here.

His descendants will also become a new generation of hidden kings of the underground world.

Giberson raised his own question, and the loan shark king Lucky Field, who had been flattering LeBlanc, also pricked up his ears at this time.

But if he wants to completely annex his own property, even the loan shark king who is greedy for life and afraid of death will immediately spend his wealth and recruit countless desperadoes to fight to the death with LeBlanc and others after successfully escaping from the Hidden Island today.

After all, you can still make more money after you have spent it. If all the properties have been annexed, then Field may not be able to make any money even if he wants to.

Facing Giberson's question, LeBlanc covered her mouth and smiled softly,


"Of course we will advance and retreat together!"

"Maintain the safety and interests of alliance members and ensure the dominance of alliance members in their respective industries,"

"Isn't this the original intention of forming the Dark Alliance?"

"Believe me, I want this world to remain stable more than anyone else!"

After all, if the world is really going to be in chaos, how can the heroes under Duke still do business and make money with peace of mind.

Chaos can only bring temporary violence, but only stable order can truly bring endless wealth.

Duke likes a world of order.

Of course, the premise is that the order of the world is controlled by him.

"Protect the security interests of alliance members and ensure the dominance of alliance members?"

"If LeBlanc and Umit hadn't died in your hands just now, I would have almost believed it!"

After LeBlanc finished speaking, Giberson quietly rolled his eyes, but looking at Drizzt and Zed, who did not raise any objections, a soft smile suddenly appeared on Giberson's originally cold face. , said in a deep voice,

"Then, let the whole world know the power of our Dark Alliance!"

As long as they are not trying to annex their own industries, it really doesn't matter to Giberson and others whether the kings who form the Dark Alliance are Stussy, Umit, or LeBlanc Traster.

The next day, the Dark Alliance, formed by six kings of the underground world, immediately caused a sensation in the entire world on the day it was born!

"Big news, big news, the death of the old king, the coronation of the new king, the birth of the new king, what changes will it bring to the entire world?"

"Big news, big news, the kings gather together, the dark alliance, the kings who control most of the underground forces in the world come together, what kind of power will they exert?"

"Big news, big news. In addition to the Four Emperors, Naval Headquarters, and Seven Warlords of the Sea, a fourth powerful force above the sea that can shake the world was born. Will the establishment of the Dark Alliance make the times even more violent?"

"Big news, big news..."

On the newsprint, countless newsbirds began to sing about the birth of the Dark Alliance.

Although Morgans himself is also a member of the Dark Alliance, how could Morgans, who loves big news, refrain from spreading such big news about the birth of the Dark Alliance?

What's more, after the Dark Alliance was established, it needed to be spread widely.

A relatively loose alliance, a paper tiger, needs to brag and publicize more.

What's more, on paper, if the forces of the six underground world kings really come together, they will indeed become the fourth major force that can shake the world.

Countless low-level pirates and ordinary people were trembling and panicking because of the birth of the Dark Alliance.

But above the sea, those truly top-notch experts simply scorned the so-called Dark Alliance.

"Oh, hey, hey, the Dark Alliance?"

"A group of mice who can only find ways to hug each other to stay warm in an era of violence?"

"It's so, so weak!"

"However, intelligence, public opinion, a large fleet, huge funds, plus secret docks all over the world, and a large number of killers that can be easily mobilized,"

"If I can find a way to annex such a force, who else will be my opponent in this sea?"

"I am the only one who can become the Pirate King!"

In Onigashima, Kaido of the Beasts squeezed the newsprint in his hand, poured tons of wine into his throat, and a faint light flashed quietly in his eyes.

Kaido of the Beasts, which was often beaten in the past, has begun to become frayed again after being joined by Shyvana and Nidalee the Leopard Girl.

There is no way, Shyvana is too strong.

Kaido of the Beasts even feels that the current Beasts Pirates are the truly strongest Four Emperors group!

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