Pirates: Summon Heroes And Build The Strongest Family

Chapter 180 Sanctions On The Dark Alliance

"An underground power alliance that monopolizes and controls multiple industries?"

"Especially the fleets and secret warehouses all over the world. What do these forces want to do after they come together?"

"Are they trying to shake up the world?"

Within the holy land of Mariejois, the curly-haired Five Elders, Saint Satan, said angrily.

No matter what the purpose of forming the Dark Alliance is, as long as the Dark Alliance has the ability and potential to challenge and shake the entire world order, that is the target that the world government must severely crack down on.

The world government's biggest worry has never been the alliance of the Four Emperors. With their own interests and ambitions, it is difficult for the Four Emperors, one of the top leaders in the world, to form a true alliance together.

New World is originally a garbage dump deliberately reserved by the World government to banish and excret those who resist.

With the long-established route, the strangulation of Marine Bases one after another, coupled with the weird and changeable weather and the civil war between pirates, the World Government does not need to spend too much power at all, it is enough to eliminate those who have the extra spirit of resistance. The young and strong men were easily induced to take the death channel to the New World.

Then, after they finally successfully entered the New World after a narrow escape, they were allowed to kill each other in the New World, the largest Gu breeding farm.

Pirates who wantonly burned, killed and looted without the support of the people and the kingdoms. Even if they were eventually crowned king in the Gu Farm and gained the false name of Pirate King, they would still be executed.

For countless years, there have been countless overlords in the New World who thought they were enough to challenge the world, but in the end, except for the light that briefly lit up the world, those so-called pirate kings were all easily strangled.

Pirates have never been an enemy that the world government fears.

On the contrary, those kings all over the world, those ordinary people spread all over the world and in all walks of life who are called untouchables by the Celestial Dragons, are the targets that the world government has always been most vigilant about.

Blocking the spread of culture and ideas has made the civilians in the pirate world illiterate, making the civilians in the pirate world fight without knowing why. Blocking the development of technology and weapons has caused a large number of civilians in the pirate world to lose the ability to resist. In addition, there are countless blood-sucking pirates who deliberately indulge in Tianjin,

This makes it difficult for those in the pirate world to gather enough strength to raise a rebellion even if they see through the World Government's vicious plan to rule the world!

The more powerful a force is, the more it will be targeted by the world government.

Especially those forces that can command and control countless people!

It used to be like this for the North Blue overlord Germa 66, and this was the case for the West Blue overlord of the Kingdom of Flowers. Now after the alliance, the Dark Alliance, which has spread its power and influence all over the world, is also like this.

Whether they want to challenge the order of world government is not important. What is important is that they have the ability and potential to challenge the order of world government.

"They must be sanctioned,"

"Huh, just after it was established, it was called the fourth major force that can affect the balance of the world?"

"Does that old bird like Morgans really don't want to live?"

"Do you really think that without Newsbird, our control over the entire world will weaken?"

The bald Five Elders Nasjuro Sage, who was embracing First Generation Kitetsu, had extremely cold eyes, and his tone was filled with murderous intent.

Without a large number of news birds to publish bounty birds and deliver news, it will indeed reduce the control and influence of the world government on the entire world to a certain extent, but if the old bird like Morgans intends to shake the order of the entire world.

Then, continuing to keep Morgans alive will only make the World Government's control of the world more chaotic.

Public opinion and news have always been an important means of controlling the minds and bodies of civilians!

"Hmph, the fourth force that is powerful enough to shake the balance of the world?"

"They're not qualified yet,"

"Saint Nashoulang, don't be too anxious,"

"That old bird of Morgans, it is more beneficial to us to be alive now!"

"However, the so-called Dark Alliance does need to impose certain sanctions,"

Mustache Five Elders Wuchuli Sheng Calm Kaidō.


"According to the information received, the formation of the Dark Alliance was originally promoted by Stussy and planned to establish a loose alliance of underground kings to help each other in the face of a new era of violence!"

"Stussy also plans to use the opportunity of forming the Dark Alliance to secretly expand his and the World Government's control over the entire world,"

"It's just that Stussy, that waste and idiot, died in the hands of others, and the Dark Alliance was also controlled by the guy who killed her!"

"And now, I think we just need to kill the new controllers of the underground forces that have emerged,"

"The so-called dark alliance will collapse in an instant!"

After the mustache Five Elders Saint Wuchuli finished speaking, the long-bearded Five Elders Saint Maz said with a suggestion.

Pirate groups and most of the forces in the pirate world are not like those stable kingdoms. They often face a huge problem, that is, they only need to kill the leaders of those pirate groups or forces. No matter how powerful the pirate group or force is, Big forces often fall apart in an instant.

In the long history, there are many pirate kings who were not stupid enough to directly challenge the world government after unifying the entire New World. However, those pirate kings who unified the New World, under the ravages of time,

In the end, often before he dies, the pirate empire he built has been torn apart and collapsed.

Those powers that were established because of strong force will eventually die directly because of the dissipation of strong force.

Only because of a common thought, common philosophy or common interests, a force created by common blood can often survive for a long time.

"Yes, as long as we kill those new underground kings, the so-called Dark Alliance will collapse in an instant!"

"It's just that, facing someone strong enough to kill Stussy and Umit, do you want to issue a reward order and dispatch Admiral directly?"

"But it would be very troublesome to just put a bounty on those rats in the gutter!"

The blond Five Elders Saint Peter frowned and said.

The world government and the kings of the dark world often have a certain degree of tacit understanding. Before they do not wantonly plunder towns or simply stand on the opposite side of the world government,

Putting a bounty on them and then dispatching Admiral will undoubtedly destroy the tacit understanding between the World Government and those who control the dark forces, forcing them to all stand against the World Government.

The intelligence industry, the capital and banking industry, the shipping logistics industry, the warehousing industry, the killer field, plus the news industry that controls the entire world's public opinion, as well as some leaders of other gray industries that have not yet joined the Dark Alliance.

When the controllers of these forces all begin to oppose the rulers, any country or force, even in Blue Star, will be enough to cause a huge turmoil.

Power is never from the top down, but from the bottom up. It is the trust and support of the people at the lowest level that gives the rulers supreme power.

Even in the world of One Piece where individual strength is enough to destroy the world, even the Celestial Dragons who control the secret treasure of Uranus, the reason why they are supreme and called the clan of gods,

It is never simply because of their power, but because they have been constantly exaggerating and brainwashing that they are the descendants of the twenty kings who created the world and the descendants of the Creator.

Uranus is very strong, but if violence or the power of Uranus is enough to suppress all dissatisfaction, the world government does not need to worry about the so-called D clan and bury the shameful history of long ago.

"If Bounty and Admiral can't be dispatched, wouldn't there be a Bounty Hunter Guild?"

"Aramaki and those guys who work hard for money,"

"That should be enough to solve our problem!"

Mustache Five Elders, Yuyou Kaidō.

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