Pirates: Summon Heroes And Build The Strongest Family

Chapter 184 Dramatic Changes In Bounty Island

A large number of bounty hunter backbones and World Government CP agents appear so vulnerable in front of many kings of the dark world.

Even he himself felt a dangerous aura from LeBlanc and the Lord of Shadow Stream Zed that was enough to send him to his death.

"How can it be,"

"How can it be,"

"How could a mere rat in the gutter possess such power?"

"Are you kidding me?"

"I am the absolute top hunter standing in nature,"

"Fuck all this rubbish!"

Aramaki was tightly blocked by countless phantom chains, but in an instant, his entire body turned into an extremely tall wooden giant. The large number of phantom chains wrapped around his body were torn off by him after his body size exploded.

As a user with the Logia Sensen Fruit ability, Aramaki's strength already stands at the top of the ocean.

Aramaki and LeBlanc fought together. The tall wooden giant waved the black iron fist in his hand wantonly, and punched LeBlanc hard one after another.

LeBlanc's figure was shattered one after another with Arammu's iron fist, but no matter how much Arammu attacked, LeBlanc's real body was never hurt.

Instead, as LeBlanc's phantom bodies were broken one after another, more and more phantom chains began to appear, and a large number of strange and incomparable marks quietly appeared on the bodies of Aramaki's tall wooden giants.

Aramaki and LeBlanc fought together, and the entire Bounty Island was shaking because of the terrifying power displayed by Aramaki and LeBlanc.

Especially the loan shark king Fushen Field and the warehousing king Gilbertson, their faces were filled with joy.

They originally thought that the newly emerged force of the Bounty Hunter Guild was nothing more than a group of fools who worked hard for money, but they didn't understand until they landed on Bounty Island and fought with those bounty hunters.

What a new group of idiots, what a new force.

Those bounty hunters who are proficient in Marine Six Styles, and those bounty hunters exude a strong smell of World government secret agents.

This bounty hunter guild is clearly another white glove of the World government.

But, why does the world government need these white gloves?

Think again of the recent violent era and the large number of extremely powerful new faces that have emerged one after another on the sea.

Warehousing King Gilbertson and others suddenly became tense.

It’s true, the World Government must be secretly carrying out a huge and extremely dangerous plan.

Apart from the World Government, there is no other force that can dispatch a large number of extremely powerful new faces in a short period of time to disrupt the entire sea.

As the king of the dark world, especially Giberson, who has been the king of the warehousing industry for hundreds of years, he has long heard about some of the dark history of the world government.

World government has extinguished the so-called lights on this sea more than once.

Perhaps, this time, they will liquidate the entire world again.

Thinking of this, the Warehouse King's face became more solemn, but the attacks on his hands also became more fierce.

No matter what the World Government wants to do, they can only continue to live safely on this sea after they fully display their power and let the World Government understand that if they want to take them down, they will definitely break a mouth of teeth.

The Giant Kingdom Elbaf was like this, and the former Wanokuni was also like this.

Now, it's the turn of their newly formed Dark Alliance.

The battle became more intense, and the full-scale attacks of Lucky Field and Warehouse King Gilbertson caused even more casualties to the World Government agents on Bounty Island.

Although compared with the real top powerhouses in the sea, neither Field nor Gilbertson is powerful, but in fact, even if they look at the entire world, they are by no means weak.

Strength or weakness also depends on who you compare yourself with.

World government's CP agents suffered heavy casualties, and Aramu's face became increasingly ugly as he was being dragged down by LeBlanc.

The Bounty Hunters Guild was the first important task that Celestial Dragons gave to Aramaki, but now, not to mention the fact that the Dark Alliance has not been able to be solved cleanly, the Dark Alliance has opened the door and asked the World Government to support Aramaki's CP agents. There were heavy casualties.

This is simply a shame!

A god who stands at the apex of nature will never like a wasteful and incompetent subordinate.

But fortunately, not all the bounty hunter guilds are weaklings who were wantonly massacred by the Dark Alliance.

Piltover policewoman Guy Trin was standing in the distance. Just as Jhin's bullet had just hit the heart of a CP agent, the bullet from Guy Trin's gun also accurately hit the subordinate of Warehouse King Gilbertson. The head of a cadre with a bounty of hundreds of millions on his head.

Ezreal was like a phantom, flexibly shuttled among the large number of thugs hired by the loan shark king, and fired spell energy bombs one after another, knocking down the thugs easily.

As for Sarah, the most powerful bounty hunter with the Star Guardian skin, she coldly and easily pressed the two pistols in her hands to shoot down a cadre of the Warehouse King who rushed forward to die. After killing him, he stopped directly in front of the king of loan sharks, Fushen Field.

Sometimes, a proper failure will not affect the reputation of the Bounty Hunter Guild, but can, to a certain extent, make the name of the Bounty Hunter Guild even more famous.

Of course, this depends on what kind of enemy you are facing, and what kind of price you have to pay for the enemy.

For example, Moria, who once challenged Kaido, and Crocodile, who challenged Whitebeard, just survived, which was enough for them to become famous pirates all over the world.

The performance of Sarah, Ezreal and others made Aramaki feel a little relieved.

As long as he can defeat the difficult woman in front of him and crush all those damn rats in the gutter, the death of some CP agents will not affect his status in front of God at all.

What the gods need are always the top predators in nature, not the food that may be eliminated at any time.

Thinking of this, Aramaki clapped his hands, and after a large number of CP agents began to die, countless trees and plants began to grow crazily from every corner of the bounty island, and countless members of the Dark Alliance were immediately entangled together. .

Admiral level combat power often has the ability to permanently change the terrain of an island.

Countless plants grew crazily, turning Bounty Island into a world of plants.

The weaker members of the Dark Alliance were instantly entangled and sucked away all their energy and even life by the plants controlled by Aramu. Some of the stronger cadres also began to run away with fear on their faces under the attack of countless active plants.

In an instant, the dominant battle situation between the Dark Alliance and the Bounty Hunter Guild changed in an instant because of Aramu alone.

"Big news, big news,"

"Is it enough terrifying power to change an entire island?"

"The president of the Bounty Hunter Guild is really amazing..."

Morgans excitedly took photos of Bounty Island and Aramaki at this time.

The strength Aramaki displayed in this battle was enough to shock the entire world.

"Monsters, real monsters,"

"The Bounty Hunter Guild, no, there are indeed more monsters lurking under the World Government!"

Aramaki took action to change the environment of the entire Bounty Island. The warehouse king Gilbertson, who was constantly dodging among countless rampaging plants, also frowned at this time.

LeBlanc is indeed extremely powerful, but is LeBlanc really a rival to a monster on the sea like Aramaki?

The top warriors on the sea are no longer enemies that can be defeated by numbers.

However, just when the Warehouse King Gilbertson was hesitant, the incarnation of Aramaki, a wooden giant that had become taller and taller due to absorbing the energy of countless ordinary members of the Dark Alliance, had countless strange curse marks inexplicably appearing all over his body.

Aramaki felt the fear of death for the first time in his heart.

The next second, LeBlanc quietly emerged from the void with a tap of the staff in his hand.

Endless light and heat, accompanied by an explosion that echoed across the sea and a mushroom cloud rising into the sky, instantly submerged the Bounty Island that had turned into a sea of ​​plants.

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