The majestic heavy rain and the sudden breeze instantly covered the entire battlefield. The heavy fog brought by the heavy rain not only moistened the gunpowder and obscured the sight of both sides, but also extinguished the anger and fire of the battle in the hearts of almost everyone present!

Heavy rainy days are never suitable for fighting, especially for people like Alabasta who can only rely on some cold weapons or matchlocks to fight!

Of course, to top it off, it rained!

For people in other countries, rain is just a common occurrence, but for the people of Alabasta, rain represents their long-lost desire, the continuation of their lives, and everything.

Water is the source of life!

The heavy rain was pouring down, and the Royal Army and the rebels, who originally wanted to fight desperately, gradually regained their composure after the heavy rain fell!

A life-and-death battle requires impulse, blood, and courage, but it often doesn't require calmness.

Especially when Kobra and Princess Vivi revealed the existence of the mastermind behind the scenes, and the leaders of the rebel army also became aware of the forces secretly manipulating and guiding them and the royal army to kill each other.

After calming down, it represents peace talks, and enough communication will be enough to solve most of the conflicts and problems in the world.

"So, is all this conspiracy because of Crocodile?"

"What a fucking bastard,"

"We must defeat him!"

After hearing the explanations from Princess Vivi and Kobra, as well as the testimony from the rebel soldier who was lucky enough to see MR2 transform into Kobra and burn, kill and kidnap the children, Kosha's face was full of shame, and his heart was filled with tears. Anger towards Crocodile.

"Crocodile is dead,"

"Died at the hands of the legendary Desert Shinigami,"

"But the biggest problem now is that the Crocodile guy also planted a powerful bomb near the square and wanted to kill everyone,"

"We must find the bomb immediately and prevent it from exploding!"

Princess Vivi grabbed Kosha's hands, her face full of anxiety.

The sudden heavy rain gave Princess Vivi her last hope to save the country, but if the big bomb was allowed to explode in the square where countless young Alabastas gathered, then even if they could survive, the country , and there will be truly no hope.

The long drought has claimed the lives of countless Alabasta citizens. If countless young people are lost here again, even if Alabasta has good weather from now on, there will be no time for several generations to recover.

And in this violent and chaotic era, among those careerists and pirates, who would be willing to give Alabasta time to recover?

Therefore, we must find the bomb here before it explodes.

But at this time, due to the previous chaos and heavy rain, where could the bomb carefully stored by Crocodile be found in a short while?

Princess Vivi and Kosha are getting more and more anxious and are preparing to call everyone to evacuate the square. At the same time, they and some people who are willing to die for the kingdom stay to look for the bomb.

But the next second, with an inexplicable chant that echoed throughout the city and a gust of wind, a huge bomb was blown directly into the blue sky by a whirlwind in the clock tower of Alabasta Square!

A few seconds later, when everyone present was still confused and the bomb had already disappeared from everyone's sight due to the rain, there was a loud bang in the sky, and even the bomb that was originally pounding The rain clouds were torn apart in an instant.

Where the rain clouds were torn apart by bombs in the sky, the sun was shining brightly. Large golden rays of sunlight shone warmly on the square, and in the light, a bluebird gently flapped its wings, and then it was blown away. The rain clouds slowly heal,

The sunshine gradually dissipated, and the rain that briefly disappeared on the square began to flow gently again.

Everyone on the square looked at the blue bird that came quietly and then disappeared quietly, not knowing what to say for a moment.

"Legend has it that when someone prays to Him devoutly, He will turn into a blue bird to protect people from storms and never get lost on the sea,"

"She is the legendary protector of all sea ships, the truth that all navigators dream of finding, and the legendary storm goddess,"

"But I didn't expect that the legend above the sea would actually be true,"

"And besides protecting ships from storms, He can also control storms and control precipitation?"

"Is this the legendary goddess?"

The little fox Carina, the current navigator of the Straw Hat Pirates, murmured in disbelief.

Next to Carina, Luffy and others touched their heads in confusion.


"what is that?"

"Forget it, no matter who she is, if she can save everyone and stop this war, even if she is a god, she must be a good god!"

Luffy, who is illiterate, has never heard of the legend of the goddess Janna. In other words, most people in Alabasta have also never heard of the legend of Janna.

But these people do not include Princess Vivi and some people from the rebel army and the king's army who often travel to the port or even go to sea!

When the ocean occupies most of the world's territory and all countries are island countries, port or overseas trade is basically an activity that all countries must carry out, even Alabasta, which has a vast territory and rich resources, is no exception.

And those who have been hanging out in ports or on the sea for a long time will definitely be familiar with the legend of Janna!

On this sea, there are already too many ships with Janna's bluebird statues on their bows.

"The goddess Janna actually exists,"

"And, she can actually make rain?"

"Great, as long as Goddess Janna is here, Alabasta will be saved..."

Princess Vivi and those in Alabasta who knew the legend of Janna were stunned at first, and then were extremely surprised.

In order to save Alabasta and bring rain, the people of Alabasta tried every means, but except for the contraband drug Dancing Powder, which can quench thirst in a short time and bring down rain, they had no other way!

There may indeed be a Rain Fruit on the sea, a terrifying fruit that restrains all Devil Fruits to a certain extent, but for countless years, the ability to freely control rain has always been just a legend on the sea.

But now, the legend may come true one day, but instead of pursuing the dreamy Devil Fruit, we are praying for the god who miraculously appears.

Princess Vivi, Kosha and others looked at each other and made up their minds to plead with Goddess Janna to save the country no matter what the cost.

Just the rain in the Royal Capital cannot save Alabasta. Even when Crocodile deliberately used dancing powder to frame Kobra, the Royal Capital has never been short of water.

The one who is short of water is the whole of Alabasta except the Royal Capital. Those who are thirsty for rain are not only the people in the Royal Capital present, but also countless hungry civilians in Alabasta.

But how do mortals get in touch with gods?

Princess Vivi and others were a little distressed, but at this moment, with the sound of crisp footsteps, the rain in the capital of Alabasta stopped!

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