Pirates: Summon Heroes And Build The Strongest Family

Chapter 228 The Destruction Of The Valoran Family

As Luffy and others arrived at the Sabaody Archipelago, the so-called supernovae also began to arrive.

And because of this era of violence and the number of new pirates with bounties worth hundreds of millions, the year when Luffy and others went to sea was also called the extremely evil era.

However, in the face of the so-called extremely evil era, which has truly begun to run rampant, how many people care about it?

"Era of extreme evil? Supernova?"

"Haha, if I hadn't witnessed your great deeds, maybe I might have joined this so-called extremely evil era and become a so-called supernova?"

"But after seeing the true horror and depth of this world, haha, the so-called supernova is just a group of sheep in a greenhouse, and the so-called extremely evil era is just a small disturbance before the arrival of the new era!"

"The real great era of this world has not yet begun!"

West Blue, under the praise of many kings and nobles, Capone. Bege, who was holding a cigar, looked at the reward orders of Luffy and others and the reports of the so-called extremely evil times, and spit out a lot of smoke, and was shrouded in smoke. , Capone. Bege's face was full of disdain.

Capone. Bege, who is used to seeing the top powerhouses of the Valoran family, has some suspicions about the hidden power of the Valoran family. Not to mention the so-called supernova, even those Seven Warlords of the Sea and even the Four Emperors group, Capone. Bege Didn't pay much attention to it.

The power of the Valoran family has penetrated into every corner of West Blue. Even the former overlord of West Blue, the Kingdom of Flowers,

Also after the powerful boxer of the Valoran family single-handedly defeated eight navy armies of the Kingdom of Flowers, smashed the head of the famous pirate Qingjiao, and defeated all the famous boxing masters of the royal family of the Kingdom of Flowers, he also He had to grovel before the Valoran family.

One person with powerful fists and powerful fists is enough to conquer the Kingdom of Flowers, but such a terrifying and powerful person has never been considered the top among the Valoran family and the Valoran Chamber of Commerce.

All the big forces in West Blue know very well that the top strong men and the most terrifying power of the Valoran family are all gathered in one place, that is, Valoran Island.

There is a forbidden area for all pirates and even all outside forces. According to legend, every plant, tree, lizard, and statue in Valoran Island has extremely powerful power, let alone anyone. Near Valoran Island, I saw the legendary dragon soaring.

There is a real forbidden land.

However, for those kingdoms in West Blue that have surrendered to the Valoran family, the more powerful the Valoran family becomes, the happier they are.

There is no way. Compared with the brutal exploitation of the World government, the Valoran family, which knows how to grow the cake and sell goods mainly to make money, is simply a great saint.

The Valoran family basically only wants money, and the World Government not only wants money, but also wants the lives of those countries in the West Blue. Whoever wants to develop will be targeted by the World Government and encounter pirates. This kind of worry can only be done to death. Those kings and nobles have had enough of their days!

West Blue is basically completely controlled by the Valoran family, and even the power of the World Government has gradually begun to be ignored in West Blue. If it were not for the large number of top powerhouses and terrifying forces that suddenly appeared in the world,

And the control of West Blue by the Valoran family has always been hidden in the dark. Those participating countries are still nominally members of the World government. The horror of the World government has long been unable to tolerate the existence of the Valoran family.

But such patience will never last long.

"After wiping out the Whitebeard Pirates and frightening the scum of the sea, let's wipe out the Valoran family next!"

In the holy land of Mariejois, Saint Topman Vauchuli of the Five Elders said in a deep voice.

"Destroy House Valoran?"

"It's indeed time. This family is more troublesome than Germa and the Kingdom of Flowers!"

The long-bearded Five Elders Markarth Mazsa nodded in response.

"No matter how troublesome they are, we have to get rid of them. New World is just our garbage dump, but the whole world has always been our paradise. In this paradise, someone dares to steal our authority,"

"Then he will definitely need to face the wrath of God!"

Curly Five EldersSatan Saint Muffled Kaidō.

"Of course, the world is the paradise of gods like us, and of course it is not allowed to be stolen by untouchables. However, after the Naval Headquarters destroyed the Whitebeard regiment, I am afraid it will be difficult for them to have enough power to deal with the Valoran family again,"

"The battle on Xindolai Island has not been long ago!"

"The most important thing is that the strength of the Valoran family and the Whitebeard group are completely different."

The blond Five Elders Shepard Ten Peter frowned slightly.

He is not opposed to the elimination of the Valoran family, but is just considering what kind of force should be used to destroy the Valoran family.

Unlike the Whitebeard Pirates, who are just a pirate group wandering on the sea, without their own base, relying entirely on Whitebeard to support and cohere, the Valoran family has its roots in West Blue, and its tentacles have penetrated into every corner of West Blue.

If you want to be famous, have the hearts of the people, have money, be strong, and be strong, you can easily pull out at least a million vassal troops and terrorist forces as well as family members, but it is definitely not that easy to deal with!

From birth to death, people in West Blue have now inevitably come into contact with the Valoran Chamber of Commerce. The Valoran family's apparent Chamber of Commerce employees have exceeded two million in West Blue!

This is not just two million people, but two million families. The number of people directly implicated and affected is already tens of millions. Even the world government, if it does not want to bloodbath West Blue and trigger global turmoil, it will Even if you break an arm, you have to deal with it carefully.

"Of course the Valoran family is not comparable to the Whitebeard Pirates, but because of this, we must destroy them!"

"God's authority will never be shaken by anyone,"

The bald Five Elders Izanbalon V. Nasshou Langsheng said coldly,

"I have received the authorization from Lord Im. When the Valoran family is destroyed, we and the Knights of God will be dispatched. Lord Im will also sit high in the sky and give the Valoran family the most desperate sanctions. !”

"Has Lady Im already set her sights on West Blue?"

"Then I'll understand later,"

"In the face of God's power, the Valoran family will surely be destroyed!"

After the bald Five Elders finished speaking, the other Five Elders suddenly understood and agreed one after another, as if the destruction of the Valoran family was close before their eyes.

But just as they were sitting in the holy land of Mariejois, they were discussing how to destroy the Whitebeard group and destroy the Valoran family.

The Moby-Dick, fully loaded with the elite members of the Whitebeard Pirates, has quietly appeared in front of the underwater prison Impel Down!

Heading to Summit War? Face the traps and countless elites of Naval Headquarters?

What a joke, the goal of the Whitebeard Pirates is just to rescue Ace, not to fight the Naval Headquarters.

Let's ignore the soft persimmon of Impel Down and go to Marineford and Naval Headquarters to fight to the death?

Tryndamere is not that stupid.

The most important thing is that Tryndamere has enough intelligence support. Ace is still in Impel Down and has not been secretly taken away.

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