Pirates: Summon Heroes And Build The Strongest Family

Chapter 29 It’S Time For A Big Deal

Then, we are about to be promoted,

Bastiu Rear Admiral, who has Naval Headquarters Vice Admirala-combat power, was beaten up by Gangplank!

If Galen hadn't arrived in time to support him, and Gangplank had deliberately held back.

The Shark Sword Bastiu God Rear Admiral will probably become the Dead Fish Sword Bastiu Rear Admiral.

Gangplank easily defeated Naval Headquarters Rear Admiral Bastiu,

Then with the new Marine branch Vice Admiral,

After the news came out that the West Blue Inspector Galen and Vice Admiral fought without a winner for a day and a night,

The reputation of Marine Calamity Gangplank and Marine Vice Admiral Galen once again spreads to West Blue!

This wave is simply a win-win situation.

Well, that means Galen and Gangplank each win once.

Only Bastiu Rear Admiral is wounded in the world,

Successfully achieved.

Gangplank's reputation is so great that even when he arrives at some small West Blue countries, he doesn't need to plunder them at all.

Those sensible nobles, wealthy businessmen and even kings of small countries would immediately prepare a large amount of wealth and respectfully send Gangplank away.

In addition to beating the pirate ship Planck one by one on the sea, they were either conquered or destroyed.

For those aristocrats and wealthy businessmen, as long as they were willing to pay, Gangplank rarely went on a killing spree.

After all, those wealthy merchants and nobles are resources for sustainable growth.

It’s okay to cut leeks occasionally, but how can we pursue a sustainable development path if we even dig out the roots?

West Blue has been regarded by Duke as its base.

Gangplank defeated Bastiu Rear Admiral easily, and the reward was increased accordingly, directly to 120 million!

He has become one of the few supernovas in the pirate world who has quickly exceeded 100 million in bounty before entering the Grand Line.

This time, Planck's reputation spread directly throughout the world.

Morgans' News Corporation, which was afraid of chaos, even praised Plank, saying that it was expected to enter the New World and challenge the Four Emperors.

Even the high-ranking Four Emperors of New World paid attention to Gangplank for the first time.

Even if you look at the entire New World, the pirate with a bounty of over 100 million is considered a strong man.

The captains of the more than 40 pirate groups under Whitebeard mostly have bounties of just over 100 million, and have the combat power of Naval Headquarters Rear Admiralb+!

Just this, plus the sixteen captains of the Whitebeard Pirates headquarters,

There is no doubt that the Whitebeard Pirates are the strongest pirate group in the world.

In the entire pirate world, there are hardly more than 500 powerful men with Naval Headquarters Rear Admiralb+ level or above.

As for the Beasts Pirates and the Big.Mom Pirates, the total number of pirate cadres with bounties over 100 million is less than forty.

This was only the bounty that Gangplank had obtained shortly after he went to sea.

If this trend continues, Planck may become a super pirate with a bounty of nearly one billion.

The Four Emperors took a fancy to Planck's potential.

But before Planck successfully entered the New World.

The Four Emperors only paid attention to Gangplank and did not make any invitation.

Planck does have great potential.

But above this sea, the most indispensable thing is those short-lived geniuses.

The strong reputation brought great convenience to Planck.

But when Planck's name spread to the sea, it also meant that,

Naval Headquarters and the World Government will also launch a more powerful encirclement and suppression of Planck.

Only if Gangplank successfully survives the siege of Naval Headquarters and reaches the New World alive can he be qualified to face the Four Emperors.

"Not even Bastiu Rear Admiral is a match for Gangplank.

Such a guy must not be allowed to continue to develop! "

"He must be caught as soon as possible!"

Sengoku's face was heavy, he squeezed Gangplank's latest bounty order in his hand, and said solemnly.

Although Sharkakuzu Bastiu only has the rank of Rear Admiral now, Sengoku and other Marine executives know it very well.

After Bastiu's Rear Admiral successfully flew and slashed not long ago, he already has the combat power of Naval Headquarters Vice Admirala-!

The capture of Gangplank was originally just to let Bastiu Rear Admiral go through the process, add some achievements, and then promote Bastiu Rear Admiral to the Vice Admiral of the headquarters.

But Sengoku and others never expected that Bastiu Rear Admiral, who had mastered the flying slash, was no match for Gangplank.

This undoubtedly made Sengoku and others pay more and more attention to Planck.

If it weren't for fear of causing greater panic and fueling Gangplank's arrogance, Sengoku would have directly set Gangplank's bounty at 300 million!

A big pirate with a bounty of around 200 million often has to be dispatched by the Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral to have a chance to catch him.

"Let me go to West Blue,

I will personally chop off Gangplank's head in the name of absolute justice! "

After Sengoku finished speaking, Buster Call Vice Admiral Dauberman, who had several scars on his face, said coldly.

As a hawk in the Naval Headquarters, Dauberman Vice Admiral believes in absolute justice and will do whatever it takes to win.

In the case where Admiral of Headquarters and alternate Admiral mostly need to be stationed in New World and Naval Headquarters.

An elite Vice Admiral like Dauberman is already the strongest combat force that Naval Headquarters can mobilize in a short period of time.

"If it's not enough, add Vice Admiral Maynard!"

Sengoku said quietly Kaidō,

"In addition, for this arrest, it is best to work with Galen Vice Admiral!"

"We must catch guys like Gangplank before they grow into evil enough to harm the world!"

Either don't do it, or do it absolutely.

One Naval Headquarters Elite Vice Admiral with A-level combat power, plus one Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral with A-level combat power,

Coupled with Galen, who is likely to also have elite Vice Admiral combat power,

Three against one, no matter how hard you think, you can't lose.

Dauberman Vice Admiral nodded seriously, and then rushed to West Blue with Maynard Vice Admiral, hoping to capture Plank as soon as possible.

In the West Blue, Duke also had a slight headache at this time due to Gangplank's rapidly growing bounty and Naval Headquarters' vigorous pursuit of Gangplank.

Gangplank's level has just been upgraded to level fourteen at this time, and he only has the combat power of the A-level Naval Headquarters elite Vice Admiral.

If they really have to face the encirclement of Dauberman Vice Admiral and Maynard Vice Admiral, they will have to expose Galen or let the Valoran family fully support Gangplank.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for Planck to get any benefits at this time.

Of course, what troubles Duke the most is that he has no money!

That's right, the patriarch of the Valoran family, the president of the Valoran Chamber of Commerce, and the behind-the-scenes controller of all lottery shop businesses in West Blue.

Duke has no money now!

Once completed, water, electricity and other factories can indeed bring a steady stream of terrifying profits to Duke!

But before those water and electricity plants were built, the expenses were just as huge.

Infrastructure is something that ordinary people cannot afford.

"Looks like it's time to play with the big pen!"

Duke's eyes gradually deepened. On the West Blue map in front of him, he directly marked two places with red dots.

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