Pirates: Summon Heroes And Build The Strongest Family

Chapter 38 The Bloody Battle At Whiskey Peak

Duke secretly thought that near the Kingdom of Flowers,

Qingjiao, who had just discovered that the Eight Treasure Navy's centuries-old treasure had disappeared inexplicably, screamed at the top of her lungs,

"My treasure!"

"It's over, it's all over!"

"Bastard Garp, I'm going to hate you until my grandchildren!"

Since there was no one to take the blame for, it was natural that he could only pass the blame to Garp.

What's more, if Garp hadn't knocked Qingjiao's head off, the treasure of the Babao Navy would not have been buried under the ice of Ten Thousand Years.

In the end, he was taken away by Darius, the Hand of Noxus!

Garp picked his nose and lay down for no apparent reason.

"Grandpa, stealing such a huge treasure will definitely leave a lot of noise,"

"I will definitely find the guy who stole the treasure and take back our treasure!"

Qingjiao knelt on the ground, dejected, while Lao Cai said angrily from the side.

Treasures worth tens of billions will inevitably leave traces whether they are transported or used for cash.

As long as you investigate carefully, you are likely to find some clues.

But Qingjiao, who was kneeling on the ground and dejected, just glanced helplessly at the Ten Thousand Years ice that was split into a canyon in front of him.

He punched Lao Cai directly and punched a big bump on Lao Cai's head, and then said in pain,

"No need to check,"

"After some time, prepare to get engaged to He Liza, the daughter of Erbao Navy's pillar!"

It is impossible to conduct an in-depth investigation. Someone who can forcefully split the Baoyu ice cap and steal the treasure that the Eight Treasure Navy has hidden for hundreds of years without anyone noticing is definitely not an enemy that the Eight Treasure Navy can face now!

As a well-known strong man on the sea, Qingjiao knows very well how strong the top strong men are. Yamato is terrifying.

If you can split the Baoyu ice cap, you can directly destroy the current Eight Treasure Navy!

Qingjiao made a painful and helpless decision.

And when Lao Cai learned that he was going to be engaged to Erbao Navy He Liza, he immediately turned into a mask of pain!

There are many beauties among pirates, but they are very muscular, with big shoulders and round waists, and their faces are full of flesh.

He Liza, who also has a bunch of pretty boys, is definitely not a qualified marriage partner in the eyes of a normal man!

Well, maybe Loki, the giant prince with unique taste, like He Liza's...

Lao Cai was in great pain, but as the next generation of the Babao Navy, Lao Cai could not refuse his marriage to the Erbao Navy for the continuation and development of the Babao Navy.

The current Babao Navy needs the support of the Erbao Navy.

The eight navy armies in the Kingdom of Flowers are never monolithic.

Rights and responsibilities are always relative.

Time passed quietly, and the whole world seemed to be peaceful.

The chaos in the New World quietly subsided after the Black Swordsman and Piercro took action one after another, killing several pirates who wanted to challenge the funeral home with a bounty of over 100 million.

Swain and the others had just arrived on the Grand Line and were still choosing a suitable kingdom to serve as the remnant of the Noxian empire.

Janna has just arrived in the Seven Waters Capital and is placing a large number of ship orders to the Seven Waters Capital.

As for the Pluton drawings inside Franky’s body?

Janna couldn't care less.

She is the embodiment of wind, the goddess of storms,

All the ships on the sea were meaningless in front of her.

No ship can withstand the wrath of the Storm Goddess, not even the Ancient Weapon Pluton!

Of course, the most important thing is that Duke knows that Pluton is now hiding in Wanokuni.

Why grab the drawings when you don’t have ready-made ones?

If we really want to rebuild a Pluton based on the drawings, how much noise would there be and how much would it cost?

Duke said that since he could spend money to create Pluton, he might as well find a way to draw more prizes!

After extracting scientists like the great inventor and future guardian Victor,

Duke might be able to build two battleships stronger than Pluton!

This is definitely not because he has no money now.

Duke thought with some sourness, and at the same time looked at the Grand Line in the distance.

There are two huge treasures in the first half of the Grand Line!

One is Captain John's treasure in the hands of Gekko Moria, and the other is the golden land of Sky Island!

Well, Duke said, maybe it's time for Gangplank to stop by and visit Gekko Moria and Sky Island.

If you don't pick up the treasure for free, you won't pick it up for free.

That fat guy Gekko Moria, and the current god Enel, will definitely not be a match for Gangplank who now has the combat power of S-Emperor and Deputy!

Then, Gangplank led Gragas Gragas and Bloodport Ghost Pike.

As well as a large fleet of 8,000 people under his command, they just arrived at Whiskey Peak in the first half of the Grand Line and were greeted by a warm welcome from the Naval Headquarters!

As for the bounty hunters on Whiskey Peak who claim to welcome pirates,

After they learned that the pirate group that arrived at Whiskey Peak was the fleet of Ocean Disaster Gangplank, who had a bounty of 470 million,

It was really full of singing and dancing, a great welcome!

But it is a pity that whether it is Planck or the Naval Headquarters candidate Admiral who is ready,

As well as the elite Vice Admiral Dauberman and Vice Admiral Maynard, they didn't care about the welcome of the bounty hunters.

The battle started instantly, and Gangplank met the alternate Admiral tea dolphin.

Gragas, the rapidly rising level, faced off against the scarred elite Vice Admiral Dauberman!

As for Vice Admiral Maynard, Blood Harbor Ghost Pike, who has just joined the Gangplank Pirates, said,

He really wanted Maynard Vice Admiral to see what the real abyss was.

The Vice Admiral-level strongmen of the Naval Headquarters' crusade force were completely blocked by Gangplank and others.

Gangplank, who is about to reach level 14, even completely suppressed the current candidate Admiral tea dolphin!

Gragas Gragas and Blood Harbor Ghost Pike are also at the upper hand in the battle!

Then, the entire fleet of the Gangplank Pirates collapsed!

Gangplank and other heroes are indeed strong enough, but the strength of the captains and cadres of the pirate groups he conquered is really beyond recognition now!

Most of the captains and cadres under Planck have bounties worth tens of millions or even tens of millions.

For pirates who have just entered the first half of the Grand Line, such bounty and strength are not weak.

Even against some of the Naval Headquarters officers, he could barely make a difference, and he might even be able to escape smoothly.

Unfortunately, as soon as they followed Gangplank into the first half of the Grand Line, they faced an encirclement and suppression campaign by a large number of elite troops led by Naval Headquarters alternate Admiral himself!

Among the Marine troops encircling Gangplank, in addition to the alternate Admiral and the Vice Admiral,

There are many Rear Admiral, Commodore and Colonel.

Planck's large fleet was completely defeated. If Planck hadn't upgraded to level fourteen during the battle,

Then he severely injured the alternate Admiral tea dolphin and forced a bloody path.

Gangplank and Blood Harbor Ghost Pike may be able to escape smoothly by relying on their own strength and diving ability!

The flexible fat man Gragas Gragas might become a prisoner of Naval Headquarters.

Then either be imprisoned in Impel Down, or have a public execution in Marineford!

The current Duke does not have the strength to attack Impel Down, or dare to have a Summit War with Naval Headquarters like the Whitebeard Pirates!

Garp, Kizaru and others will not let the heroes of Duke go.

Whiskey Peak was almost moved to the ground, and the bounty hunters also suffered heavy casualties.

The news that Gangplank severely damaged the Naval Headquarters alternate Admiral, forced out the elite Vice Admiral Dauberman, and the headquarters Vice Admiral Maynard and others instantly caused a sensation throughout the ocean!

The world was in an uproar.

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