Pirates: Summon Heroes And Build The Strongest Family

Chapter 41 The Terrifying Power Of World Government

Ahri, Zed, Swain, the upgraded Gangplank, and now Vladimir the Scarlet Reaper,

A total of five heroes with Four Emperors potential, plus one Stormfury Janna with SS-potential,

If only they all reached the full level!

Duke is planning to...

Still stable for two more years!

It’s not that Duke doesn’t want to take a walk around the Holy Land Mariejois to see what Lord Im looks like.

By the way, we will also collect the people’s fat and money collected by the World Government over the years.

That must be an unimaginable amount of wealth for Duke.

But my strength doesn’t allow it.

The world government cannot be overthrown smoothly by five Four Emperors and a sea overlord with SS-combat power!

Back then, Rocks, with Whitebeard, Golden Lion, big.mom, John Ochoku and young Kaido, thought they could overthrow the World government!

Then, during the Battle of God’s Island, I don’t know what methods the World government used.

Anyway, in the end, Rocks, the only overlord of the sea who was enough to challenge the World Government, was gone!

The defeat of the Rocks Pirate in the Valley of the Gods battle was obviously not possible just through the joint efforts of Garp and Roger.

Before Roger successfully arrived at the Island of Gods, the Island of Gods had already turned into ruins.

This is why Roger was able to pick up two babies in the ruins of the Island of Gods after the war.

I don’t know the depth of it, and Imu, who has lived for hundreds of years, has obviously surpassed the limits of mortals.

In addition, the strongest Ancient Weapon Uranus is enough to suppress Poseidon and Pluton!

The World Government has at least two SSs - even more powerful!

And ss-below, think Garp, Sengoku, Commander-in-Chief Kong,

Take away the three Admirals in Naval Headquarters who are almost as strong as Four Emperors.

There are also cp0 strongest shields and strongest spears that are comparable to Admiral Four Emperors.

Plus five Elders who have scars all over their bodies and whose strength is unknown, but who are likely to be at least no weaker than ordinary Shichibukai, plus a top swordsman who can defeat First Generation Kitetsu!

The combat power that World Government can deploy with all its strength is enough to make any force in the pirate world despair.

The reason why the Four Emperors and the New World can always exist has never been because the World government did not have the fighting power to destroy the Four Emperors.

It's just that the world government is unwilling.

After all, without the garbage dump of New World and the threat of big pirates like the Four Emperors,

How can the world government use this as an excuse to collect heavenly gold from the whole world, and how can it firmly control the world for hundreds of years?

The so-called Grand Line, perhaps from the beginning, was never great.

At least, the Grand Line and New World have extremely dangerous routes and very weird environmental climates.

Even the Red Line, which divides the entire world, is so unnatural.

No one knows what kind of secrets are hidden in that lost hundred years of history.

Well, Duke doesn't want to know such a secret.

After all, no matter how cruel and bizarre the historical truth is,

It is impossible to directly overthrow the world government just by relying on some words and the so-called Joey Boy's will.

Revolution is never a treat, it requires bloodshed and sacrifice.

It is a cruel movement that requires greater violence to overthrow another violent movement!

Well, fortunately Duke thought, give him some time and money,

It doesn’t seem that difficult to have a violent group that surpasses the world government!

After all, cheating means you can do whatever you want.

Duke thought of this, silently retracted his thoughts, looked at the respectful Scarlet Reaper in front of him, and said in a deep voice,

"A river of blood in this world means nothing to me!"

"I would rather have mountains of treasure than rivers of blood,"

"Would you be interested in obtaining a treasure for me?"

"Of course, your will!"

Vladimir bent down and saluted, the corners of his mouth raised slightly!

The next day, Vladimir drove the boat and quietly sailed towards the Grand Line.

His goal is to seize Captain John's armband from Gekko Moria and obtain Captain John's treasure at the same time.

That would be a huge amount of wealth no less than that accumulated by the Babao Navy Army over hundreds of years.

Of course, before grabbing Captain John's armband, it is also necessary for Vladimir to kill some pirates in exchange for some bounties and upgrade at the same time.

Although Gekko Moria is the weakest among the Shichibukai at this time, he still has combat power comparable to the Naval Headquarters elite Vice Admiral.

It may even be stronger!

After all, conventionally speaking, before others age,

Strength generally increases with the passage of time.

But Gekko Moria is such a fat nerd,

After losing to Kaido and all his companions died, he became addicted to creating an army of zombies.

Gekko Moria, who intended to rely on external objects to defeat Kaido, ended up with his strength declining.

I just don’t know if Gekko Moria’s strength has directly declined to its lowest point now.

The strength of the a-level Naval Headquarters elite Vice Admiral, who once dared to challenge Kaido of the Beasts,

And for Gekko Moria, who survived successfully, this is almost the lowest point.

Vladimir needs to reach level 9 and have a+ combat power before he can steadily suppress Gekko Moria.

As for the treasures of Sky Island’s golden land?

Unless the current Gangplank can be freed up, or a hero with at least S-combat power appears under Duke's command.

Otherwise, Enel, who had already eaten the Logia Thunder Fruit and ruled Sky Island, would not be that easy to deal with.

Vladimir started from West Blue and continued to hunt pirates while moving towards the Grand Line.

He soon became a well-known bounty hunter in West Blue.

Then, because he drained a Marine branch colonel who was trying to withhold the bounty on the Vladimir pirates,

Vladimir, who also looted the Marine branch base,

From bounty hunter to pirate!

There is a reward of 35 million!

In this cruel sea, the identities of bounty hunters and pirates, and even merchant ships and pirate ships, can often be interchanged at any time.

But many times, the countless pirates on this sea,

From the beginning, they may not have wanted to become pirates.

It’s a cruel sea and a fucked up world.

It is not only the World government Celestial Dragons that are corrupt, but also the kings and nobles,

And among the Marines, many served all over the world, such as Colonel Ulton Rear Admiral Mouse and other officials!

The sea is calm and the climate is peaceful, and the world is firmly held in the hands of the world government.

It has long since turned into a pool of stagnant water exuding a putrid smell.

In the first half of the Grand Line, Planck and others, who had just passed the food city but had no time to taste the food,

After repelling another siege by Tea Dolphin and others, they began to quickly move towards the next island.

The pursuit of the Gangplank Pirates by the World Government and Naval Headquarters is getting more and more intense.

The World government does not want to see Planck successfully reach the New World.

Inside Naval Headquarters Marineford, Marshal Sengoku was looking at the bounty orders in his hand, his face livid.

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