Sengoku and the top leaders of the World government have full confidence in Aokiji!

After all, the Admiral of Headquarters is the highest combat power of the world government, and it is the card of the world government that can suppress the world!

Every Admiral of Headquarters is a real monster!

Especially the current three Admirals are the best among all Admirals in the past.

Each of them, even if they fight head-on against the Four Emperors, will not be at a disadvantage in a short period of time.

Every Admiral possesses peak S-level combat power!

But now, Aokiji looked at the distance and was sailing very fast, having successfully entered the Planck fleet of Sabaody Archipelago.

Thinking of the cold eyes of the man who looked at me from a distance, I somehow lost confidence in myself!

Aokiji sensed a long-lost danger in Plank.

"It seems that even if we don't marry the Big Mom Pirates,"

"The Gangplank Pirates have become a big trouble!"

"What a headache!"

Aokiji's originally lazy expression suddenly became solemn, and then he said seriously to the phone caller in front of him who had not hung up yet,

"Plank has led the Planck fleet into the Sabaody Archipelago successfully!"

"The plan worked!"

"But the battle has just begun!"

After Aokiji finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Everything that happens next is not determined by the plan.

As Aokiji said, the battle has just begun!

The seemingly ordinary Marine warship Aokiji boarded was closely following the extremely fast Planck fleet.

Not long after the Gangplank pirate fleet landed on the Sabaody Archipelago, it also landed on the Sabaody Archipelago!

At this time, in the 36th dock of the Sabaody Archipelago, countless boatmen are under the treasure and sharp blades of the Gangplank Pirates.

Quickly coat every pirate ship in the Gangplank fleet!

When Gangplank set out from West Blue, he led a large pirate fleet of nearly a hundred pirate ships and 8,000 people. After experiencing successive bloody battles,

There are only twenty-three pirate ships and three thousand elite pirates left!

But in order to successfully complete the coating of these twenty-three pirate ships,

Even if there are a large number of skilled boat workers working frantically, it will still take at least nearly an hour!

"Quick, quick, we must complete the coating of all ships within half an hour,"

"We must not let those Marine bastards surround us all here!"

A large number of ordinary officers and minions of the Gangplank pirate ship loudly urged the coated shipwrights!

They believe in Planck, and they are not afraid of death!

But if possible, no one wants to confront the Admiral of Headquarters and countless elites of the Naval Headquarters.

It would be great if we could successfully complete the coating and reach the New World without a bloody battle.

It's a pity that all these are just extravagant hopes!

"Oh, it's really troublesome,"

"If possible, could you please surrender?"

Aokiji's tall figure quietly appeared outside the 36th dock,

At the same time, a large number of Marine soldiers are also rushing towards this dock!

"Big.. Admiral!"

"Admiral is really out!"

Some of the minions in Planck's fleet looked at the Marine Admiral that quietly appeared in front of them, with great horror!

"What about Admiral?"

"We are under the command of Master Plank, the Calamity of the Ocean,"

"Don't think that sending out Admiral can stop Lord Gangplank!"

"Master Gangplank, he will definitely become the Pirate King!"

The two captains and officers under Gangplank, who had a bounty of about 50 million, looked at each other.

Then he took the initiative to face Aokiji with determination and no fear!

In the world of pirates, there are a large number of extremely vicious pirates.

There are also many heroes who are willing to sacrifice their lives for loyalty and their captain!

Human dreams will never end.

They know they can't become the Pirate King,

But when Planck did not abandon the ordinary crew and enter the New World directly through the submarine,

He has pinned all his dreams on Planck!

They firmly believe that Gangplank will become the Pirate King.

Aokiji looked at the two pirates who took the initiative to greet him and sighed softly.

Then, the figure moved instantly, and at the moment when the two cadres had no time to react, they were turned into ice sculptures with a single tap.

The countless remaining pirates and officers looked at the two people who were instantly turned into ice sculptures by Aokiji. Their eyes widened and they were about to rush forward!

A cold air suddenly approaches, and the biting ice is quickly spreading towards the dock following Aokiji's footsteps!

Aokiji wanted to freeze the entire dock, as well as all the pirates of Planck's fleet in the dock, with one blow.

The ice was approaching, and many of the pirates who tried to charge immediately solidified into statues one after another when they came into contact with the ice!

The pirate minions are retreating steadily, and the ice of Aokiji is about to freeze the dock and even the sea surface, destroying the coating operations of all pirate ships!

An extremely hot sword energy, with raging fire, blocked the spreading ice!

"My subordinates are really indebted to you!"

"But now, your enemy is me!"

Gangplank held a scimitar burning with strange fire in one hand and a Hex pistol in the other, looking directly at Aokiji coldly!

Behind Gangplank, the drunken Gragas Gragas and the taciturn ghost Pike of Blood Harbor, who exuded an aura of death, also quietly appeared.

"Captain Plank, it's Captain Plank!"

"Captain Plank is invincible, nothing can stop Master Plank!"

With the appearance of Gangplank, countless pirate minions instantly found their backbone and began to cheer continuously.

"Alas, there is a bounty of 850 million for the ocean disaster Gangplank, and a bounty of 350 million for the wine barrel Gragas,

Coupled with the fact that Blood Harbor Ghost Pike has a bounty of 150 million, it's really troublesome! "

"Are you really not considering surrendering?"

Aokiji sighed again, stared at Ocean Calamity Plank, and said in a deep voice,

"You have no chance of winning!"

"You can only know the odds of winning by playing against them!"

Planck grinned and said,

"Want to give it a try?"

"Of course, my duty is here,"

"Arrest you all!"

Aokiji is serious about Kaidō, and his originally lazy eyes instantly became extremely solemn!

"If you can do it, then go ahead!"

"Boys, plate our ships and wait for me to fight off this guy,"

"Let's go to the New World together!"

Planck shouted!

Then, a bullet wrapped around Armament Haki hit Aokiji directly!

The battle begins.

Aokiji and Gangplank fought and retreated, deliberately avoiding shipyards and places where people gathered!

Just the aftermath of a battle between top powerhouses may cause countless innocent casualties.

Outside the thirty-sixth dock, a large number of Marine soldiers burned the mountain at the Naval Headquarters elite Vice Admiral.

And under the leadership of Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral Stirres, they approached the Planck fleet.

On the seemingly ordinary Marine warship where Aokiji stayed, it was obviously impossible for Aokiji to be alone.

In order to destroy the Gangplank Pirates, coupled with the ambush force, Naval Headquarters even dispatched a combat force that exceeded Buster Call.

Barrel faced the elite Vice Admiral Huoshanshan, and Pike faced the Vice Admiral Stierres.

For a moment, it was difficult for the four of them to decide the winner.

The remaining Naval Headquarters generals led a large number of elites from the headquarters and rushed directly towards the remaining pirates of Planck's fleet.

But this time, the pirate cadres and minions under Gangplank were not defeated!

Each of these three thousand pirates who survived a lot of bloody battles is the best among the best.

"Admiral and Vice Admiral have Captain Gangplank and senior officers to deal with,"

"Then these Marines are our enemies!"

"All shipwrights, follow Captain Plank's instructions and coat at full speed!"

"No one can stop you until we are all dead!"

"Captain Gangplank, you can definitely become the Pirate King!"

Several mid-level officers in the Planck fleet shouted loudly, and then bravely faced the Marine commanders.

A series of bloody battles enhanced their strength. Gangplank never abandoned his men's charm and armed their will!

Those once weak West Blue pirates have long been reborn!

The fierce battle began, and among the boatmen who were working hard on coating,

An old boatman with gray hair and glasses silently looked at everything in front of him and sped up the coating action in his hands again!

"What an outstanding pirate group,"

"I hope they can reach New World smoothly!"

Pluton Rayleigh, who transformed into a coated boatman, thought to himself.

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