In the waters near Sabaody Archipelago, a large number of Naval Headquarters' ambush fleets have gathered together and are quickly rushing to the 36th dock of Sabaody Archipelago!

There, the blocking force composed of elites from the headquarters such as Aokiji Admiral and Huoshaoshan Vice Admiral are fighting a bloody battle with the Gangplank fleet!

"Quick, quick, quick, Stierrez Vice Admiral suffered a heavy blow and was defeated. Aokiji Admiral and Gangplank were unable to decide the winner for a while,"

"The Gangplank Pirates have become a pirate group powerful enough to threaten the world,"

"They must be completely annihilated in the Sabaody Archipelago!"

On the ambush warship, the Marine generals, who had just learned that the Sabaody Archipelago Marine blocking force was in a bitter battle, were extremely anxious!

Even after going through a series of battles with the Gangplank Pirates,

But after dispatching Admiral of Headquarters Aokiji,

They feel that their so-called ambush fleet only needs to do one thing,

That is to receive prisoners, and at the same time surround Gangplank's pirate fleet, check for leaks and make up for them.

Some of the pirate ships that avoided Planck's fleet escaped from their pursuit again by relying on their weird speed!

But they never expected that even if they dispatched the Admiral of Headquarters, they still couldn't take down the Gangplank Pirates!

On the contrary, those elite Marines who blocked it seemed to be at a disadvantage.

Gangplank's pirate fleet is working overtime to perform coating. They really have to dispatch the Marine Admiral.

With a large number of elites still in the headquarters, let the Gangplank Pirates fight their way out and successfully reach the New World!

The entire Naval Headquarters, as well as World Government, including this so-called ambush plan, will be completely reduced to a laughing stock.

It even shakes the authority of Naval Headquarters and World Government in the entire world!

Admiral is the highest combat power of the World Government and Naval Headquarters to deter the world. No matter what, Admiral should not be defeated and cannot be defeated!

At least, he shouldn't be defeated by a rookie pirate.

The alternate Admiral and some World Government officials are anxious and want to rush to the Sabaody Archipelago as soon as possible to encircle and annihilate the Gangplank Pirates!

But at this moment, the originally sunny weather suddenly became extremely weird!

The wind began to howl and the sea began to surge!

The terrifying hurricane broke the masts of many Marine warships, and the raging waves made it difficult for the ambush fleet at Naval Headquarters to move forward!

And amidst the strong wind and huge waves, a small blue bird and an extremely beautiful mermaid were swimming around!

Janna and Nami work together to become the nemesis of almost all fleets on this vast sea.


"Damn, why is there a storm at this time?"

"Is God also protecting that damn pirate group?"

"Go forward, go forward, nothing can stop Marine's justice!"

"For justice, justice must prevail!"

Dauberman and other Marine generals had livid faces and kept waving their sharp blades to cut through the wind and waves.

I have always been extremely lazy, like a street kid's candidate Admiral tea dolphin,

At this time, with a solemn expression, he cooperated with Dauberman and others to defeat the storm!

On this cruel sea, the weak succumb to the storm!

But the truly strong ones rise to the challenge and defeat the storm.

If the mast is broken, use manpower to support it. If the sail is cracked, repair it quickly!

Even without sails, a large number of Naval Headquarters elites were rowing the oars and kept moving forward!

There are a large number of strong men in the Naval Headquarters ambush force.

Janna and Nami continue to create storms, but because their levels are still low,

And in order to prevent himself from being directly exposed in front of the tea dolphins and others, he did not use all his strength to stop the advance of the ambush troops!

But if those ambush troops wanted to successfully arrive at the Sabaody Archipelago within half an hour as planned and complete the encirclement and suppression of the Gangplank Pirates, it was undoubtedly a fantasy!

Time is ticking by.

The Vice Admiral of Fire Mountain had just struggled to avoid a bone-piercing spike from Pike, and the fat body of Gragas, the wine barrel.

But it was like a mountain bearing down on top, rushing towards him!

Fire Mountain Vice Admiral was about to dodge again, but he knew exactly how terrifying the collision of Gragas was!

With his internal organs damaged and massive blood loss, he could no longer withstand any heavy blows!

But just when he was about to turn around and dodge, the massive blood loss and intense physical exertion caused his eyes to darken slightly, and his figure paused for a moment!

Then, the moment he came to his senses, a huge force hit his body hard.

Huo Shaoshan was directly knocked away by the impact of Gragas' flesh bombs. The violent impact made Huo Shaoshan Vice Admiral in mid-air, and his muscles and face were constantly trembling and twisting.

Then, with a loud bang, he fell heavily to the ground and lost all consciousness!

"The last drink before closing, next time..."

The wine barrel was covered in wounds, but most of them had begun to heal. Gragas took out a glass of wine from there.

Watching Huo Shaoshan lying on the ground Vice Admiral, drank it all in one gulp!

All the Vice Admirals of the headquarters were defeated, and the blocking force that was originally in a stalemate with the pirates under Gangplank's command,

Also because of the defeat of Huoshaoshan Vice Admiral and Shitiers Vice Admiral, their morale dropped drastically.

Not only did they fail to successfully push the front into Dock No. 36, but they began to retreat steadily!

If it weren't for the sound of Aokiji and Gangplank fighting in the distance.

This group of Marine blocking troops has been completely defeated.

In a local battlefield with thousands of people, one or two powerful combatants who can free up their hands can completely dominate the battle situation.

The world of pirates has never been about a world where more people have greater power.

Those top combat forces standing at the pinnacle of the sea are the real key to dominating this world.

"Hey hey hey,"

"They can't hold on any longer,"

"Do you want to continue with me?"

Gangplank grinned, and with the Hex pistol in his hand, he also aimed at Aokiji's chest and fired a bullet that entangled Armament Haki!

Gangplank's bullets pose no threat to Aokiji!

Before the bullet hits Aokiji, Aokiji will leave a hole in his chest in advance for Gangplank's bullet to pass through.

Gangplank's previous bullets could only distract Aokiji's attention and delay Aokiji's attack!

But this time, Aokiji didn't get distracted and dodge, but instead stepped forward with all his strength.

The bullet that entangled Armament Haki left a blood flower on Aokiji's left shoulder, but Aokiji's right hand also instantly touched Gangplank's right hand holding the gun!

"Freeze moment!"

A large amount of cold air gathered all over Gangplank's body when he was caught off guard, and a large number of ice cubes suddenly appeared around Gangplank!

But before being completely frozen by Aokiji, the scimitar burning with strange flames in Gangplank's left hand trembled slightly.

Instantly shattered the ice around him, and then hurriedly retreated!

It was just that he was hit by a lot of cold air. Even if he was not directly frozen into an ice sculpture, it still made Gangplank shiver several times and his body became much slower!

Seeing Gangplank retreat in time, Aokiji did not pursue the victory.

Facing enemies of the same level, if you can't seize the opportunity, you can win with one move.

What follows is nothing more than a war of attrition that wastes a lot of time.

Without a three-day and three-night battle, Aokiji wouldn't be sure to take down Gangplank!

However, the Huoshaoshan Vice Admiral, the Stierres Vice Admiral, and those Marine blocking troops do not have three days and three nights left!

Fortunately, Planck and others also ran out of time.

Half an hour and it’s already here!

Aokiji's figure moved instantly, and he entered the dock directly before Gangplank could stop him!

Then, he stretched out his hand suddenly, and a lot of cold air continued to spread on the sea!

The next moment, the blue sea near the entire dock suddenly turned into a world of ice and snow.

"Ice Age!"

Aokiji roared, and the wound left by the Gangplank bullet on his left shoulder was dripping with blood, which looked so dazzling on the white ice!

But Aokiji feels that he has already won!

His mission has been completed.

This time, the Planck fleet was unable to escape.

But in the distance, on the vast sea, the Marine ambush force that should have arrived in time was nowhere to be seen!

Aokiji looked at the sea without a trace, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly. He just wanted to help Marine ambush the troops and defeat the pirates of Gangplank's fleet!

The next second, Aokiji frowned tightly.

Gangplank, who was supposed to be affected by a lot of cold air and moved slowly, now had a rosy face and stood coldly behind the Marine blocking force.

The Hex pistol and scimitar in his hands were already pointed at his feet, and he had lost all consciousness.

Only Stiers and Huoshaoshan Vice Admiral were still alive, with their chests still rising slightly, proving that they were still alive.

Gangplank ate a few bloody oranges to relieve himself of the cold.

"Now, can we leave?"

Gangplank grinned, revealing his dense White Fang, and said solemnly to Aokiji.

The Abyss, which had just completed coating in the dock, automatically extended a large number of cannons at this time, ready to bomb everything in front of it.

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