Now, there is still one month left until the tea party is held!

In the New World, Planck is already planning how to give an unforgettable gift at the tea party!

In the Grand Line, The fish men island, located 10,000 meters under the sea, also welcomed a strange mermaid at this time!

Tide Summoning Sharame-Nami.

"Hey, young mermaid, this is not the place you should be!"

At the entrance of the poor and chaotic Fishman Street, several fishman gangsters stared at the beautiful Tidecaller Samehime Nami and said a warning!

Fish Men Street is the poorest and most chaotic place on The Fish Men Island. Most of the fish men have been persecuted by humans.

This is a real lawless zone.

Even Neptune, the king of The Fish Men Island, seems to have abandoned this place intentionally.

There are a hundred thousand fishmen living in Fishman Street.

The total number of residents of The Fish Men Island is only five million.

One-fiftieth of the population, The fish men island King Neptune is completely invisible?

No one will believe it!

It's just that those 100,000 citizens, composed of orphans, refugees and gangsters, have no meaning for Neptune to rule at all!

Fishman Street is a garbage dump left intentionally by Neptune.

But, what Nami wants is this garbage dump.

No one wants to live in darkness forever, and no one wants to be a member of the garbage heap forever!

"Have you ever heard the singing of the sea?"

Nami said softly, and several water prisons appeared quietly as she spoke, tightly restraining the gangsters from Fishman Street!

Ruling and transforming Fishmen Street is Nami's first step to becoming the queen of The Fishmen Island!

That day, countless waves rolled up in Fishman Street.

"You're just a mermaid, what do you want to do?"

"This is Fishman Street, not Fishman Bay, nor Dragon Palace City!"

"You are not welcome here!"

He assassinated Princess Otohime a few years ago, stole a large amount of poison, and gained great fame in Fishman Street.

Hody Jones, who is also the leader of the gangsters in Fishman Street, said fiercely to Nami, the Tidecaller Sharmaid!

Mermen are a noble race even in The fish men island.

In The Fish Men Island, the more powerful the people, the higher they live and the closer they are to the sun.

And Fish Men Street is almost at the bottom of The Fish Men Island!

Here, you can't see any sunshine all year round.

This is the place that was neglected and abandoned by the Dragon Palace Kingdom.

"No, I hear people here crying,"

"They need me!"

Nami still had a soft smile on her face and said firmly,

"Want to come join me?"

"I will lead all fishmen to a bright future!"

Around Nami, a large number of fish-men gangsters who tried to drive Nami away were knocked to the ground by the turbulent water.

"bright future?"

"Are you trying to coexist with humans like that naive and stupid person like Princess Otohime?"

"Are you kidding me?"

"Why do you think there are so many fish-men here?"

"Most of the fish-men here have been persecuted by humans and became orphans!"

Hody Jones opened his mouth wide, revealing his sharp fangs. With incomparable hatred in his eyes, he roared angrily,

"We are the future chosen by God and given power in order to punish mankind!"

After Hody Jones finished speaking, he directly stuffed a poison into his mouth.

Then, together with the gangster leader Doson, Jie Ou and others who followed behind him, they rushed towards Nami, the Tide Caller Shark Princess!

Hody Jones and others, while hating human beings, will never show mercy to their compatriots.

This is Fishman Street, where there is no sunshine all year round.

Fishman Street without any law and order.

Then, an extremely turbulent tide swept away all the evil in Fishman Street without mercy.

The tide dissipated, and countless murlocs were scattered all over the place due to the impact of the angry waves!

Nami stood silently in front of Hody Jones and others, and said in a deep voice,

"It seems that your power is not enough to become the future!"

"However, I have never thought of letting go of those pirates who wantonly catch fishermen on The Fish Men Island!"

"Want to come join me?"

"First, maybe we can try to overthrow the Dragon Palace Kingdom,"

"Then, revolutionize The fish men island!"

Tide Summoner Nami extended her right hand to Hody Jones and others.

Want to overthrow the Ryugu Kingdom and take charge of The fish men island.

Tidecaller Sharakhime Nami needs the power of other fishmen.

A king who is not recognized by his people has no meaning.

Fishmen Street, the garbage dump that King Neptune intentionally left alone, will become the first base for Tidecaller Nami to rule The Fishmen Island.

These fish-men who live in the darkness, while they hate humans,

I have never had a good impression of Neptune, the aloof King of the Dragon Palace Kingdom!

Ryugu Castle is located at the top of The Fish Men Island. It is built with large coral reefs and shellfish. It enjoys the warmth of the sun all year round!

The only problem is that Dragon Palace City is too high!

It’s so high that it’s completely separated from all the murloc cities!

Does the high-ranking king in Dragon Palace City really care about the lives of the fish people at the bottom?

No one knows the answer.

After Hody Jones and others were easily knocked down by Nami, their eyes widened when they heard Nami's words, and then they lowered their heads silently.

What young Hody Jones thinks about most now is revenge on mankind.

As for overthrowing the Dragon Palace Kingdom and ruling The Fish Men Island!

The current Hody Jones is far from having such ambitions.

He is too weak now.

In other words, while the fish-men tribe’s natural wrist strength is ten times higher than that of ordinary humans,

Maybe it’s limited by population size, maybe it’s limited by body genes,

The probability of the emergence of a top powerhouse is much lower than that of humans.

Young Hody Jones once worshiped the strong fish-men such as the dragon and Jinbei.

And surrendering to a powerful mermaid who has the ambition to overthrow the Dragon Palace Kingdom and completely change The Fish Men Island is not completely difficult to accept!

Fishman Street, which has been in darkness all year round, seemed to have a real dawn at this moment.

But Tidecaller Sharakhime Nami knows very well that in order to truly overthrow the Ryugu Kingdom and seize the hegemony of The Fish Men Island, just controlling the Fish Men Street is not enough!

She needs enough achievements and fame, and she must find a way to gain the support of Jinbei, the strongest man in The Fish Men Island today!

Jinbei, the sea hero, has a huge reputation in The fish men island.

Nami is on the move!

In the Kingdom of Grendel in the first half of the Grand Line, Swain, Darius and others also started taking action.

On, how to become the king of a country in the world of pirates?

Doflamingo and Crocodile's stealing the country gave Duke, Swain and others the best theoretical guidance!

Well, the main thing is that it has to be strong enough.

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