"This is just a warning,"

"Next time, you will never see the sun tomorrow!"

In the ruins of the Brando Chamber of Commerce, Graves walked out of the chamber with his own double-barreled shotgun!

Sett directly destroyed President Rum's castle with a charged punch. Countless disciples of the Valoran family were sharpening their swords.

It also made those usually aloof and superior chamber of commerce presidents understand what it means to wipe out an enemy's country within ten steps!

And, this sea is truly cruel.

Only strength is real power.

What kind of chamber of commerce and what kind of wealth are nothing in the face of real power.

"Damn it, damn it!"

"Go and notify those Marines,"

"Let them issue a reward to apprehend those criminals!"

"There is also Galen Vice Admiral. Galen Vice Admiral must also give us an explanation!"

Jim Volt, who was bruised and swollen, roared with anger and anger in front of a large number of Chamber of Commerce presidents who were also bruised and swollen!


"What do you want to explain?"

Seahorse Larry said with a sneer,

"Marine has no way to interfere in the internal affairs of the kingdom, and it also cannot control some threats and intimidation on land!"

After Larry Kaiba said this, some of the Chamber of Commerce presidents who had originally thought of asking Marine to arrest the Valoran family were suddenly dumbfounded!

Some cases within the One Piece Kingdom, including bandits, robbers, and mafia, will basically be handled by the major kingdoms themselves!

It is true that Naval Headquarters has bases all over the world.

But Naval Headquarters has absolutely no law enforcement and administrative power within the major kingdoms of the world.

In other words, the kings from all over the world are not stupid enough to completely replace the soldiers of their own kingdoms with soldiers from Naval Headquarters!

"If Marine can't control it, then ask the kings to arrest the Valoran family!"

Jim Volt covered his swollen cheek and said with pain on his face,

"The humiliation and threats we have suffered must not be let go like this!"

"Arrest the Valoran family?"

"Haha, don't forget, they are the mafia,"

"And it's also the mafia family that unified the entire West Blue underground world!"

Seahorse Larry sneered again,

"What's more, let them send out their troops and directly confront the powerful Valoran family regardless of Galen's friendship with the Vice Admiral."

"Just because you were threatened and beaten by the Valoran family?"

"Do you really have such a big face?"

"The most important thing is, do you really think,"

"Can a few kings touch the current Valoran family?"

After the Valoran family unified the underground world of West Blue, the number of disciples of the entire Valoran family has exceeded one hundred thousand.

Coupled with cadres such as Seti Graves and Capone Bege, it can be said that throughout the entire West Blue, except for a few kingdoms, the strength may be slightly stronger than that of the Valoran family. ,

The Valoran family has become the true overlord of the West Blue underground world.

Although Duke likes and needs a lot of money,

But he has never been stingy with the property that his disciples should have.

There are many Valoran lottery shops all over West Blue, as well as a large number of sales staff in the Valoran Chamber of Commerce. A large part of them are disciples of the Valoran family!

Work, for whom?

Besides, not all disciples in the Valoran family are really eager to fight and kill.

Most of the people in the pirate world are just ordinary people.

Not many people are willing to become pirates if they can live peacefully, and not many people are really willing to fight to the death to become a mafia.

"President Larry, do you know what the hell you're talking about?"

"I asked you to join us in targeting the Valoran Chamber of Commerce. It's okay if you refuse."

"And now you're still here saying this,"

"Do you want us to target you too?"

"If we can't deal with the Valoran family, how can we not deal with a mere Seahorse Chamber of Commerce?"

Jim Volt squinted his eyes, trying to use his swollen eyes to release the endless chill, and said threateningly!

Well, Larry definitely felt the threat to Kaiba!

But the chill released by Jim Volt!

Seahorse Larry looked at Jim Volt's head that was swollen into a pig's head and just felt like laughing!

Then, Larry the Seahorse really laughed out loud!


"Sorry, President Jim, I just thought of something very funny,"

Seahorse Larry pretended to apologize, and then said in a deep voice,

"Also, I forgot to tell you that I joined the Valoran United Chamber of Commerce yesterday,"

"From now on, the Valoran Chamber of Commerce will reach in-depth cooperation with the Seahorse Chamber of Commerce and work together to build a beautiful West Blue!"

"If you are also willing to join, please do it as soon as possible, after all,"

"West Blue is big, West Blue is also small,"

"Many sea areas can only accommodate one chamber of commerce!"

After finishing speaking, Haima Larry walked away.

The Haima Chamber of Commerce can continue to exist in West Blue for hundreds of years and continue to grow and develop. In addition to always only making money within its own capabilities,

There is another thing to rely on, that is, when it is time to gamble, you must gamble!

If he only made money within his ability, the First Generation President of the Haima Chamber of Commerce, that fisherman, would never be able to establish the Haima Chamber of Commerce today!

Larry Haima walked away. In the banquet hall, a large number of presidents of the Chamber of Commerce with bruises and bruises also left the banquet with various excuses after a moment of silence!

Then, he quickly started to contact him on how to join the Valoran United Chamber of Commerce.

The businessman is very profitable. After seeing that the Valoran family has the ability to directly flip the table,

Those chambers of commerce that don't want to die or be squeezed into bankruptcy by the Valoran Chamber of Commerce naturally have no choice but to join!

It makes sense to join if you can't beat them!

As for being threatened with a beating?

Being beaten up in order to earn money and survive is not shabby at all.

The chambers of commerce in the West Blue Anti-Valoran Chamber of Commerce Alliance rebelled one after another and began to think of ways to join the Valoran United Chamber of Commerce.

Only a few presidents of large chambers of commerce, including Jim Volt, were left, looking at each other with tears in their eyes.

It's not that they don't want to join the Valoran United Chamber of Commerce, but no matter what they think, as the leader of the anti-Varoland Chamber of Commerce Alliance, it is really difficult to say that they will not die.

What's more, if they don't die,

How can the Valoran Chamber of Commerce and those presidents who have just joined the Valoran United Chamber of Commerce feel at ease?

When a whale falls, all things come into being, and it is necessary to kill a chicken to scare the monkeys.

Jim Volt and others are a little desperate!

"Don't think we're going to give in like this!"

After thinking for a long time, Jim Volt, Brando, President Rum and others looked at each other and made up their minds!

High-end business wars often require only the simplest approach.

Duke taught them a good lesson, and they also planned to unite and give Duke a big gift in return.

On the other side, Duke looked at the large number of bruised and bruised presidents who kept complimenting him with flattering smiles on their faces, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly!

The establishment of the anti-Valoran Chamber of Commerce Alliance also made Duke aware of a problem.

That is, how can the great and noble cause of developing and building West Blue and making countless civilians in West Blue prosperous and powerful be allowed to Duke alone?

Establishing a joint chamber of commerce, pooling funds and working together for common development is the way to go.

Well, Duke could obviously just grab it, and he was also willing to let the chambers of commerce participate by raising funds and buying shares.

This is simply the conscience of West Blue!

Of course, Duke doesn't think that those West Blue chambers of commerce will really lose money.

After all, infrastructure farming is the eternal god!

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