Pirates: Summon Heroes And Build The Strongest Family

Chapter 58 Terrorist Assassination Order

Miss Fortune Sarah takes action!

As for the two pieces of tank-busting equipment that Duke drew, Duke directly equipped Gangplank after thinking for a moment.

Duke originally thought about equipping Gangplank with some meaty suits. After all, in the real world, staying alive is the most important thing.

However, the tank buster has been drawn out, so it would be really rude to leave it unequipped.

What's more, Gangplank now needs these two deadly weapons.

New World, Gangplank feels that his strength has inexplicably increased a little,

Looking at his pistol and machete, a bright smile appeared on his face.

Now, he feels that the gift he prepared for big.mom will be something that big.mom will never forget.

Now, there are only fifteen days left before the big.mom tea party!

And Jim Volt, Brando, President Rum and others also finally found a return gift for Duke in these days.

They may not be able to solve the problem of the Valoran United Chamber of Commerce's impact on their chamber of commerce, but they can also find a way to solve the problem of the people who raise problems for them!

Money can also be transformed into power in many cases.


"A bounty of three billion Baileys, plus a lot of intelligence and personnel support,"

"It's really exciting!"

New World, the controller of the funeral home, the big-handed undertaker Piecro looked at the huge assassination order that West Blue Jim Volt and others jointly put together, and the corners of his mouth went straight to his ears!

"Dragu died in West Blue because of a bounty of one billion beli,"

Black Swordsman Freddy wiped the long sword in his hand expressionlessly, without looking at the terrifying and huge assassination order in Piecro's hand, and said coldly,

"The most important thing is that they can't provide any useful intelligence at all!"

In terms of intelligence, how could the intelligence of Jim Volt and others compare to the information provided by Queen of the Pleasure District Stussy for the funeral home.

And the so-called huge assassination order of up to 3 billion Baileys.

This wealth is a huge amount of wealth for ordinary people or most pirates in the pirate world.

But for the King of Killers Pietro and the Black Swordsman Freddy, it is difficult to completely impress them with money alone.

No one among the New World Four Emperors has a bounty lower than three billion, but who can really get this huge bounty?

"Marine Vice Admiral, the Shadow Stream Killer, and the mafia that unified the West Blue underground world, as well as the Valoran Chamber of Commerce Alliance that integrated a large number of West Blue chambers of commerce,"

"The most important thing is those powerful cadres whose strength is unknown,"

"Hehehe, our mission target is really a big shot!"

Piecro was like a clown, with a funny and weird smile on his face, and he tore into pieces the huge assassination order that Volt and others had put together with a smile.

"Big shot?"

"Big men bleed and die just the same!"

"The situation in New World has stabilized, and we have a thorough understanding of the intelligence sent by Stussy, plus the guys we have recruited during this time,"

"It's time for those naive guys in West Blue to know what real death is!"

Black Swordsman Freddy continued to gently wipe the long sword in his hand. Kaidō did not even raise his head.

"All life will be worthless when it dies!"

Black Swordsman Freddy killed many so-called big shots with his sword.

Freddy was already tired of the familiar cries and wails of those big men before they died.

During this period of time, the funeral home was ready to enter West Blue and destroy the shadow stream.

The killer realm of the pirate world can only have room for one true king!

"Hehehe, death is the final destination of all living things!"

"However, in many cases, we need to help those lost guests find their own graves in advance!"

Piecro then said with a smile,

"But now is not the time!"

"Big.mom's tea party will be coming soon. If I don't go, she will be angry!"

"Let our guests live a little longer,"

"By the way, let those idiots who smell the smell of blood also...

Become our messenger of death before we completely bury Shadowstream and the Valoran family! "

big.mom’s tea party is not to be refused.

Even if he is the king of the dark world, he is likely to encounter unexpected events if he casually refuses Big.Mom's tea party invitation.

The King of the Dark World is just the King of the Dark World, and the Four Emperors,

But it is the Emperor of the Sea who stands at the top of the sea in the entire pirate world!

Piecro doesn't want to and doesn't dare to offend big.mom!

At the same time, before the funeral home entered West Blue with all its strength to destroy the shadow stream.

Piecro doesn't mind, using that huge bounty of three billion beli to disrupt the entire West Blue,

At the same time, let those killers and pirates who are crazy for money take a good look at the strength of the Valoran family and Duke!

Although the information given by Stussy was detailed enough, it still did not have the specific strength of those Valoran family cadres.

The funeral home needs more detailed information!

The most important thing for a killer, besides his own strength, is always intelligence.

The terrifying assassination order of up to 3 billion Baileys put together by Jim Volt and others, and deliberately spread by Piecro and others, instantly spread to all the dark corners of the pirate world.

Countless killers, countless pirates, countless bounty hunters, even some Marine officials and kings of some small countries began to feel excited.

Three billion Baileys is nothing to the king of the dark world or some people who stand at the top of the pirate world!

But for 99% of the people in the pirate world, this is a fortune that is enough to drive them crazy.

The vast majority of pirates, killers and bounty hunters work desperately on the sea, definitely not for the so-called ambitions and dreams!

They just do it for money.

And now, this wealth, which is enough for them to live a luxurious life, is right in front of them.

All they need to do is kill one person.

Kill the leader of the West Blue Valoran family, Valoran Duke!

"That money must be mine!"

Countless killer pirates from all over the world, the Grand Line, and even the New World began to try their best to swarm into West Blue with the intention of taking Duke's head!

As for what kind of strength the Valoran family and Duke have?

Who cares?

In the traffic-blocked pirate world, there are many pirates and killers from all over the world.

But you would think that you can rush into the New World with just the numbers, and you can kill the Four Emperors directly with the help of cannons and gunpowder!

Greed often makes people lose their minds.

And only blood can make those ignorant people understand what reality is!

Duke frowned slightly as he looked at his terrifying assassination order of three billion beli.

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