Of course Nicole Robin knows that these three billion Baileys are not easy to get!

Nicole Robin, who is constantly reincarnated in betrayal and counter-betrayal, is no longer the simple and innocent girl she once was.

Nico Robin knew the horror of the funeral home, as well as the power of the Valoran family and Shadow Stream that could vaguely contend with it.

However, it’s not like you do it yourself. If you encourage the Crocodile, Nicole Robin will definitely make a profit.

Crocodile takes action, and Nico Robin can use this to test the strength of Crocodile and the Valoran family.

Nicole Robin has always known that when she completes Crocodile's mission, it will be the day she breaks up with Crocodile.

But it doesn't matter, Nicole Robin is already used to betrayal.

At the same time, she is also very interested in the Valoran family, which has unified the underground world of West Blue and brought great changes to West Blue.

Nicole Robin was born in West Blue.

If Crocodile doesn't take action, the blame for the slow development of Baroque Works can also be passed on to Crocodile, the boss behind the scenes!

In this round, Nicole and Robin simply win-win, well, I mean win twice.

"An assassination order for three billion Baileys?"

"Because of this bounty, countless hyenas from the underworld flocked to West Blue like crazy,"

"Then, they all turned into dead dogs!"

Crocodile took a deep breath from the cigar, and then exhaled a large amount of smoke, making Crocodile's expression even more mysterious and profound.

"That bastard Piecro who smells like blood will not give away his money to others in vain.

The Valoran family and Shadowstream are not easy to deal with,"

"There is no need for us to go into this muddy water!"

"Don't forget our true goal, Nicole Robin!"

Crocodile said in a deep voice, hiding all the guilt in his eyes in the smoke.

Since the challenge, Whitebeard had an arm cut off and his internal organs were damaged by the force of the shock.

And after his faith was directly shattered because of Whitebeard's power!

The current Crocodile is far less powerful than it once was.

To put it simply, Crocodile doesn't want to cause trouble and affect his search for Pluton.

This is definitely not because he is a little timid now!

Crocodile has now pinned all his hopes on Ancient Weapon Pluton.

"I see!"

Nicole Robin smiled and nodded.

Although he failed to use the godfather of the Valoran family to test Crocodile's true strength.

However, Crocodile's current performance has shown everything.

"How powerful is the mysterious Valoran family?"

"Even the Seven Warlords of the Sea Crocodile are unwilling to take action?"

"Or is it that the current Sand Crocodile is far less powerful than it was back then?"

Nicole Robin sighed secretly.

The former sand crocodile was now on par with Douglas Bullet, the top warrior in the ocean who dared to challenge the pinnacle Whitebeard.

But now the sand crocodile, well, it's just a little bitch...

Under the stability of Crocodile, Baroque Works did not rush into West Blue and kill people.

But the well-known killers from the New World Mogarro Kingdom, the Guyli Fanku brothers, who are now in their thirties, rushed to West Blue in a hurry.

He wants to take Duke's head and get the bounty of up to 3 billion Baileys.

Guy Lee Van Ku is a user with the Jacket Fruit ability and has extremely strong fighting ability. Pirates with tens of millions of bounties on their heads are no match for Guy Lee Van Ku!

But the biggest advantage they have is that they have almost never fought since they were young, but they are born with extremely strong physiques and are able to physically resist Armament Haki's younger brother Bobby!

Once the two of them combine using the Jacket Fruit, they will be able to defeat the great pirate who has a bounty of hundreds of millions.

Brothers Guyli and Fanku have a dream of getting rich.

And on an unknown island in the first half of the Grand Line, a tall and strong man holding a big knife,

He was as naive as a chicken, following a short and thin woman.

"Mom, are we leaving here?"

"If we leave here, we won't be able to eat meat every day!"

Whitebeard II Edward Weibull asked reluctantly.

He lived very happily on this island. There were many big beasts on this island.

Their meat is plentiful and delicious!

"Stupid son, as long as we kill that guy,"

"We will have endless amounts of meat in our lives!"

Miss. Ba Jin’s eyes shone brightly and he said with great greed.

The top strong men on the sea are often unwilling to act as killers for the three billion Baileys, and are involved in the Shadow Stream, the Valoran family, and Uzumaki in the funeral home.

But, miss. Ba Jin and his silly son are absolutely exceptions.

Before Whitebeard died, he did not dare to go to the New World easily. At the same time, he once cut off one of Zephyr's arms when Zephyr had an asthma attack.

Edward Weibull and Miss Ba Jin, who killed many Zephyr students, could only hide in the first half of the Grand Line!

Miss. Ba Jin has had enough of such days!

She desires a lot of wealth and a luxurious life.

And enter West Blue, cut off Duke's head, and win the bounty of up to 3 billion Baileys.

This is the first step for Miss Ba Jin to realize his wish.

As for how powerful the Valoran family is?

Is it easy to get Duke’s head?

miss. Ba Jin never cares.

Edward Weibull never asked how strong the enemy was, only where he was!

Edward Weibull, the second Whitebeard, is a fool with terrifying power.

Edward Weibull and Miss Bajin also began to move towards West Blue. In the first half of the Grand Line, there were many powerful pirates and killers from New World who also rushed towards West Blue.

With a bounty of up to 3 billion Baileys, and a little-known mission goal, the West Blue Mafia Godfather is enough to impress even a big pirate with a bounty of hundreds of millions.

In addition to the Guyli Fanku brothers and Whitebeard II, the New World's great pirate Blood Wolf Hogg, who has a bounty of 290 million, also set sail for West Blue!

“Fuck New World, fuck Four Emperors,”

"Monsters, all monsters!"

"When I take that guy's head, I will take this money and retire in peace to become a rich man!"

Blood Wolf Hogg was lucky enough to see Kaido of the Beasts and red-haired Shanks meet not long ago.

Then, the sky cracked, and Blood Wolf Hogg's original ambition to challenge the Four Emperors also shattered into pieces.

When the Four Emperors meet, they will hit the sky with a blow. It is purely a meeting gift.

But such a greeting gift is enough to shock countless people.

Blood Wolf Hogg was one of those who was hit.

Countless powerful people from the Grand Line and New World began to pour into West Blue,

In the Holy Land of Mariejois, the Five Elders who had received countless messages of help and protest from the King of West Blue also frowned slightly.

"The Funeral Home did not quietly weaken the strength of the Valoran family and Shadow Stream in the darkness as we expected,"

"Now, the entire West Blue is in chaos because of the high reward that was revealed!"

"West Blue, no chaos!"

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