Pirates: Summon Heroes And Build The Strongest Family

Chapter 70 The Old King Falls And The New King Is Crowned

"Hehehe, hasn't that guy Piecro arrived yet?"

"Really, it's not polite at all to make a lady wait!"

Stussy covered her mouth and snickered, but a hint of doubt quietly flashed in her eyes.

Under normal circumstances, it would be impossible for Piecro to have not arrived at Cake Island by now.

"Who cares about the guy in charge of the funeral?"

"Maybe it would be better if he didn't come!"

The king of loan sharks, Fushenlu Field, said greedily.

He is the one with almost the most wealth among all the kings of the dark world present.

The massive loan sharking allowed him to harvest countless bloody wealth.

But at the same time, he can only focus on the way some weak businessmen or civilians lend money. Field,

The strength of his subordinates is also the weakest.

He lacks top-level combat power, and those powerful pirates or forces never think of paying back the money they borrow based on their ability.

He has always longed to enter the realm of killers in the dark world, firmly control a large number of top killers, and then make his money empire stronger and stronger.

If Pietro offended big.mom because he was late,

Then, this might be his opportunity to enter the killer field.

"This is big news,"

"It would be such a shame if he doesn't come!"

Press giant Morgans was looking around and taking pictures, searching for traces of the Gangplank Pirates.

"This is not big news in the underground world,"

"There is no value in moving at all,"

"But that guy Piecro should be on my ship,"

Shipping King Umit said impatiently,

"At least, deep ocean currents are never late!"

The news that the Big.Mom Pirates will marry and merge with the Gangplank Pirates is not a big secret in the underground world.

The Warehouse King Giberson, who is also one of the kings of the dark world, did not complain and just kept pouring wine into his stomach!

As the oldest king in the dark world, the reason why Jibotson’s warehousing business can always exist in the dark world is

The key is to drink more, talk less, and meddle less.

Piecro was nowhere to be seen at the port of Cake Island, and the face of Perospero, the minister of confectionery in charge of reception, gradually became gloomy!

big.mom hates being late.

Even the king of the dark world must pay a price for his rash absence from big.mom's tea party.

But at this moment, the gloom on Painsperot's face quietly dissipated and turned into a bright smile,

In the distance, Piecro's ship has appeared.

But before Perospero was ready to meet Piecro,

Looking at the figures coming out of Piecro's boat,

Perospero, Stussy and others suddenly opened their eyes in shock, and the expressions on their faces began to change.

"Big news, big news, hahaha, this is really big news!"

Morgans kept taking pictures of Zed. When Zed appeared from Piecro's ship, it already represented the earth-shaking of the world of killers in the dark world.

This is undoubtedly big news.

Stussy covered her mouth with a soft smile on her face, keeping her inner surprise and hostility towards Zed and others firmly hidden in her heart, and said softly to Zed,

"If you need information, just come to me!"

"I will definitely give you the best deal."

The funeral home is over, and establishing a good relationship with Shadow Stream will help Stussy obtain more information.

Stussy and the World Government are very curious, how strong are Shadow Stream and the Valoran family?

"Are you the new king? Today seems to be a really good day!"

Shipping King Umit glanced at Warehouse King Giberson in a vague way, and expressed his goodwill to Zed.

Umit has no intention of intervening in the killer realm of the dark world. If possible, he has always wanted to annex all the storage terminals in Gibson!

The combination of deep current shipping and hidden docks with old warehouses all over the world is a force that can truly influence the entire world.

It's a pity that Umit never found a suitable opportunity.

The warehouse king, Giberson, smiled drunkenly at Zed, and then continued to drink wine.

Expressing goodwill prematurely has no meaning.

The one who truly survives to the end is the king.

Kiberson is solid.

However, after a flash of greed flashed in the eyes of the loan shark king Lu Field, he began to attack Jie directly.

Piecro's death created an excellent opportunity for him to enter the realm of killers.

The premise is to suppress the sudden shadow flow.

"Hey, they are not invited to this party,"

"Kill the guests invited by the master and dare to come directly to the banquet,"

"The master may not welcome it!"

Lou Field began to act strangely, trying to provoke a conflict between the Big Mom Pirates and Zed, or at least prevent Shadow Stream from attending Big Mom's tea party.

Big.mom’s tea party invited a large number of prominent New World figures.

Not attending big.mom's tea party is undoubtedly very dangerous, but attending big.mom's tea party also has a lot of gains.

The connections and recognition of a large number of forces in New World are very important to the killer industry.

Some relatively secretive things can only be done by the most reliable organizations.

But Perospero did not show any hostility towards Zed and others who came to the banquet after killing Piecro. Instead, with a bright smile,

He welcomed Zed and the others who came out of Piecro's ship with great welcome.

"Mom would be very happy if she knew you were coming to her tea party!"

What Perospero welcomes and awaits is the identity of the assassin king of the dark world and the power behind this identity, rather than a specific person.

“We are also very honored to be able to participate in Four Emperorsbig.mom’s tea party!”

"Especially, this one!"

Zed's dull voice revealed incomprehensible information through the mask.

The emperors of the dark world present also had mysterious smiles on their faces at this time.

Including, the Queen of the Pleasure District, who had originally made an appointment to destroy the Shadow Stream together with the Funeral Home.

This is a feast destined to be famous all over the world.

And the real protagonist slowly appears at this time.

At the end of the sea, a huge and ferocious pirate ship suddenly jumped out of the sea level,

And behind it, a large number of battle-hardened and weathered pirate ships followed, immediately covering the entire ocean!

The legendary pirate Ocean Calamity Gangplank, who had a bounty of 1.85 billion, showed up boldly with his fleet, which had expanded to 5,000 people.

In the world of pirates, strong strength and reputation can always allow those big pirates to easily recruit a large number of subordinates.

"Hehehehe, what a spectacular pirate fleet,"

"If I get his permission,"

"Mom will definitely become the Pirate King!"

Perospero stuck out his long tongue, licked the lollipop cane in his hand, and said excitedly.

The big.mom pirate group, which has already confirmed several merger plans with the Gangplank pirate group, does not think that Gangplank will be their enemy.

Especially, this is Cake Island, the home base of Four Emperorsbig.mom.

It is simply impossible for a pirate fleet of only five thousand people to challenge directly the tens of thousands of Cake Island's Homitz Corps and the large number of cadres of the Big.Mom Pirate Group.

(I only had one update yesterday due to something happening, so I’ll make up for it with four updates today!)

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