Pirates: Summon Heroes And Build The Strongest Family

Chapter 89 The Strengthened Capone. Bege

The kingdom is gone, and then give them the status of a World Government member country,

Then trying to find ways to cause trouble with the Noxus Empire certainly doesn't make much sense.

The emergence of the new Four Emperors and the failure of Gekko Moria have caused the entire sea to begin to become slightly turbulent.

If the World Government attacks a non-World Government country without legitimate reasons, it will still be a powerful country.

Then the whole world will surely fall into greater turmoil.

Before Lord Im decides to cleanse the entire world, the Five Elders want to maintain the balance of the entire sea.

As for the Noxus Empire that suddenly emerged in the first half of the Grand Line?

Those who thrive due to war will often die due to war!

There are only so many non-World government member countries in the first half of the Grand Line.

At the same time, the destruction of the Four Seasons Kingdom is enough to become another propaganda point used by the World Government to warn those countries that join the World Government!

Anyway, the worse off those countries that are not members of the World Government are, the higher the heavenly gold that the World Government member countries will be able to collect!

After all, in addition to having to face those vicious pirates, the world government also has to be wary of those ambitious kings.

There is nothing we can do to slightly increase the proportion of gold in the sky.

The Noxus Empire may make a lot of money by annexing the Kingdom of Four Seasons, but World Government will never lose money in these aspects.

After the Noxus Empire captured the Xia Uranus Kingdom, it quickly annexed the Spring Uranus Kingdom and Winter Uranus Kingdom, which were dilapidated due to the ravages of pirates and bounty hunters.

The Noxus Empire, which annexed the four kingdoms in one fell swoop, has officially become a powerful nation in the first half of the Grand Line.

Although there is still some gap with Alabasta, it is enough to make most of the forces in the pirate world hear the roar of the Noxus Empire!

After the Noxus Empire annexed the Kingdom of Four Seasons, it did not continue its conquest.

What the Five Elders said is not wrong. There are only so many non-World government member countries in the first half of the Grand Line.

And some non-World Government member countries are still very far away.

The Noxus Empire now does not have the conditions to continue its frenzied conquests.

In other words, it is easy to defeat those countries that are not members of the World Government.

But in order to truly bring those countries that are not part of the World Government into the rule of the Noxus Empire,

But it is ten thousand times more difficult than defeating the kings and armies of those kingdoms!

As for directly attacking those World Government member countries?

Swain and others have no plans to start a full-scale war with the World government.

Naval Headquarters Marineford and World Government Holy Land Mariejois are both in the first half of the Grand Line.

The Noxus Empire began to develop with peace of mind, and did not even donate the treasures obtained by conquering the Autumn Uranus Kingdom and Xia Uranus Kingdom to Duke.

Instead, they kept it and used these treasures to digest the Kingdom of Four Seasons bit by bit.

The development and growth of any force cannot be separated from the support of money.

Especially the Spring Uranus Kingdom and the Winter Uranus Kingdom, which had just been plundered by pirates and criminals, needed a lot of financial support.

The Noxus Empire is extremely poor now!

Vladimir, who had just left the Thriller barque, started to go to the Beehive Island in the New World, preparing to take out Captain John's big treasure.

The location of the great treasure pointed to by Captain John's armband is one of the Rocks Pirate's former bases, Beehive Island.

Now, Captain John's big treasure is Duke and his heroes, and the hope of the whole village.

There is no way, they are all short of money.

Then, Vladimir encountered an envoy sent by the World government on the road!

"Conscript me as the Seven Warlords of the Sea, with the power of lawful plunder,

But we need to assist the World Government and Marine to attack the remaining pirates,

At the same time, must we respond to the forced recruitment of the world government? "

"Such conditions,"

"It seems I have absolutely no reason to refuse!"

Vladimir gracefully accepted the recruitment order from the World Government envoy.

The rights of the Seven Warlords of the Sea have never been limited to legal plunder.

In other words, each of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, and their estates,

In the overall environment of the World Government member countries, they have great privileges.

This is very important for the Vladimir labor dispatch company that Vladimir plans to jointly establish with Gekko Moria.

After all, what kind of workers can be better than those who have experienced Vladimir’s flesh and blood transformation?

They were stuffed into the shadow by Gekko Moria and became living undead people, working harder and harder?

Duke and the heroes under Duke are all serious about becoming a good capitalist.

As for possible forced conscription by the World Government?

Haha, who cares?

The reason why all the Seven Warlords of the Sea can become the Seven Warlords of the Sea has never been the favor of the World government, but their incomparable power.

The World Government's compulsory recruitment has never had any compulsory effect on those Seven Warlords of the Sea.

They are willing to accept the call, often because the call is in their interests.

The new Seven Warlords of the Sea are freshly released and are significantly more powerful than the previous Seven Warlords of the Sea Gekko Moria.

Suddenly, the commotion in the pirate world caused by the emergence of the new Four Emperors and the defeat of one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea began to subside!

The entire sea fell into a strange calm!

Duke's Valoran Manor once again welcomed a new group of guests.

"Hey, hey, why are there still some idiots who are not afraid of death?"

"Really, can you please surrender?"

In the Valoran Manor, Capone. Bege holding a cigar,

Looking coldly at the two Vanke killer brothers who rushed into Valoran Manor,

His eyes were full of pity!

Others don't know, but he knows very well that in the Valoran Manor recently, except for the terrifying head maid,

But there is another manor manager who seems to be very difficult to mess with!

Anyway, Capone. Bege doesn’t think he is the manager’s opponent!

This Valoran manor is filled with monsters.

Capone. Bege thought of this and silently glanced at the strange blue statue beside him in the fountain.

A strong sense of security suddenly emerged.

"Believe it or not, even if I am no match for you guys,"

"Any statue or any person in the manor could suddenly beat you into pieces?"

Capone. Bege thought secretly!

But the Fanke killer brothers in front of him didn't realize Capone. Bege's good intentions at all.

Then, Guyli Fanku, the brother with extremely violent personality, rushed forward bravely and took the lead in launching an attack on Capone Bege!

Then, suddenly, before his brother Bobby Fanku could react,

It was turned into a hornet's nest by countless gunfire extending from the castle window in Capone. Bege's body...

At this time, not only Bobby Fanku was dumbfounded, but even Capone Bege himself became dumbfounded.

He thought that the one who dared to attack Valoran Manor after the bounty order was revoked would be a master like the CP0 he had faced before?

Result, that's it?

Although the Vanke killer brothers have quite a reputation in the New World, the two of them together are even enough to defeat pirates with a bounty of hundreds of millions.

But that basically relied on the terrifying physical fitness of his younger brother Bobby Fanku.

Brother's own strength.

To put it simply, it was okay to bully the little pirates, but he was really not qualified to face the current Capone. Bege!

That's right, after Capone. Bege faced the harassment of countless killers and pirates,

At the same time, after being severely beaten by many strong men who returned from the New World, he finally became stronger.

Well, the main reason is that the weapons and ammunition in his body have been strengthened by Jace.

The power is not great, the bounty is less than 100 million, the physique is not strong enough, and the Haki is not skilled enough, it can only be done in seconds.

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