Pirates: Supernatural Talent

Chapter 118: gather together

But listen, Rhode understood.

Why is the title of Dragon Slaying Swordsman, although its connotation and meaning are much greater than that of the Seven Martial Seas under the King, but it still cannot meet the advanced requirements of the Book of Knowledge.

This is because the title of Dragon Slaying Swordsman is too uncommon and ancient.

There are not many people who know it, and even fewer people are in awe.

There are too many strange creatures in the pirate world. You say a dragon is a dragon?

The name of Rhodes spread to the sea mainly because of his "young swordsman", the talent potential and future prospects of "there will be great achievements in the future".

However, compared with the great pirates and the Qiwuhai who have been famous for a long time, all of them are world-famous, they are not worth mentioning.

In a place like the West Sea, it is only to the extent of hearing its name. If the memory is not deep, it is possible to forget it in a blink of an eye.

After all, there are too many geniuses and powerhouses in the sea, and many supernovae have emerged from the West Sea.

After all, rumors are always rumors.

Most of the people in the pirate world have certain characteristics.

If you haven't seen it with your own eyes or experienced it yourself, you won't put those famous people in your eyes.

Just like the supernovas from generation to generation, almost all of them have higher hearts than the sky, and before they step into the new world, they conspire to challenge the four emperors.

Could it be that the achievements of the Four Sovereigns are not shocking enough?

"This should be the last leisure time."

Rhode smiled in his heart.

When he becomes Shichibukai, his name and portrait will be officially spread all over the world by the world government, from the royal family to the commoners.

At that time, I am afraid it will be difficult to have the experience of sitting around and eating snake meat with passers-by.


Time passed quickly in the chat, the martial arts meeting was about to start, and the three went down the mountain together.

Yuffie has a distinguished status, but because she came in disguise, she just sat in the ordinary VIP seat.

Compared with Larry, the revolutionary army who must be very old, Rhode is of course more willing to sit with Princess Yuffie. Although this guy is dressed in men's clothes, he just listens to the soft, waxy, tickling sound of a cat. Just comfortable.

At this time, the valley was silent, and there were powerful Eight Treasures Marines standing everywhere.

The audience sat there, not daring to come out.

This is once a year in the Land of Flowers, when all the underworld bosses gather to resolve conflicts and divide the circle of influence.

Whoever dares to make trouble here is to offend the entire country of flowers, and he will definitely die without a place to be buried.

"Come on, come on!"

When the crowd became commotion, they saw a group of people file onto the high platform. There was a special place for the underworld bosses.

"Boss Larry of Black Harbor!"

"The Godfather of the West Sea, Capone Becky!"


Every big man came on stage, causing a lot of discussion, some envy, some hate, some sigh.

No matter which of these people on stage, they are all powerful beings.

Like Capone Becky, he has a great reputation in the entire Xihai underground society and is respected as the godfather of Xihai!

"The VIP seats are also seated with a lot of bigwigs. Those few seem to be big pirates with a reward of 40 to 50 million!"

The people in the audience were secretly suspicious, and they all recognized it.

At this time.

The last figure came up, and the audience fell silent for a moment.

Everyone looked at the burly tall man with a skull tattoo on his left shoulder with solemn eyes.

"The deputy pillar of the Eight Treasures Navy!"


Among the people present, Abu had the highest prestige.

The Eight Treasures Marines used to go to the new world with the green pepper, and Abu was one of the leaders. A small bathtub like the West Sea was naturally a dragon-like figure, who could easily suppress the underground forces in the land of flowers.

Seeing Abu's aura on stage, someone on the high platform couldn't help but snorted coldly.

Abu turned a blind eye, and after sitting in the main seat, he glanced slightly from the corner of his eyes, and his expression couldn't help but turn cold.

Sure enough, it was Capone Becky's general Sokki.

The Godfather of the West Sea is an old god, and his subordinates can express their attitudes, so that they will not be too provocative to the majesty of the Eight Treasures Marines in the Land of Flowers, nor will they be looked down upon by other underworld bosses, and they are not leaking.

Larry sat on the side, watching his eyes, nose, nose and heart, and did not dare to intervene in this level of confrontation.

He was a little anxious at this time. Didn't he say that the cadres from the headquarters had already come? What about people? !

Abu calmed down and sat firmly in the main seat. First, he nodded slightly to the two Yuffies in the VIP seat, and then slowly said:

"Brothers, friends from the underground world of major cities in the Land of Flowers."

"Today is the underground world of our country of flowers. When we divide the circle of influence by martial arts, and when the hatred of the past is ended, everything is based on victory or defeat. After today, there can be no more disputes."

"No matter who disturbs the order of the country of flowers, the Eight Treasures Navy will never let them go."

As soon as he said these words, the audience fell silent, and no one dared to take his words on deaf ears.

In the Land of Flowers, the Eight Treasures Marines represent the greatest deterrent. For these underworld figures, they are more terrifying than the royal family.

And after he finished speaking.

As if he was already prepared, Capone Becky looked at Larry and said indifferently:

"Larry, you should hand over the rights and interests of the Black Harbor this year."

"Siyue was there last time, who else do you have this time?"

As soon as Capone Becky waved, Socky walked out quickly.

With a run-up, he jumped abruptly, crossed several meters in the air, fell from the high platform to the ring, and then looked at Larry with provocative eyes.

Larry's face sank, and he grabbed the armrest of the chair with both hands.

At the last military meeting, Siyue cadres were there, and they took part of the rights and interests of Heigang.

Now, judging from Capenberg's attitude and tone, Si Yue's death is probably inseparable from the godfather of the West Sea!

"The visitor is not good..."

Larry glanced left and right at his subordinates and shook his head slightly.

He knows that Soki's strength is not something that these subordinates can deal with.

"I can only drag it out first, and I'll be able to solve it when cadre Rhodes appears~www.wuxiaspot.com~."

He sighed softly and got up slowly.

I saw him jump lightly, without any help, the whole person shot directly onto the ring like an arrow.


The audience suddenly applauded.

Larry is a local. He has a good reputation near Heigang. He is known for his heroism and loyalty. Compared with Capenberg, who is a cross-country leader, they certainly support Larry, a local snake.


After Sokki finished speaking, he bowed sharply, his body like a spring, he bounced off the ground with a puff, punched the dragon, and hit Larry directly.

His punch was not only unexpected, but he also used the strength of his waist and crotch to be extremely fast, making a shrill tearing sound in the air, and the power of just one punch made everyone in the audience change their color.

Larry is worthy of being one of the black port bosses, his face sank, and he pushed out his hands, barely blocking it.

But Soki was very skilled in physical art. He missed a punch, and then another punch came, then his elbows and knees.

Quan was afraid of young men, and the elderly Larry fell into a situation where he fell into a beating situation.

Larry's expression sank slightly. He didn't expect that in the past year, Soki's strength has improved a lot.

"you're old!"

Soki proudly drank coldly.

He had the upper hand, and his attack speed was extremely fast. His punches and kicks were powerful, and Larry had no choice but to struggle with the violent attack.

The audience was silent, watching the black port boss Larry being beaten violently by Capenberg's men.

All the big figures on the stage frowned slightly. I didn't expect that one of Capenberg's subordinates had such strength.

And Rhodes in the VIP seat also frowned secretly. If this trend continues, Larry will lose.

Sure enough, the outcome was soon decided, and Larry lost!

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