Pirates: Supernatural Talent

Chapter 121: not threatened

The situation changed too quickly, and everyone felt overwhelmed.

From when Rhodes came on the court and swept the court with a single punch, he swept the court with a single punch, to the one punch and one sword that severely damaged Kapoem Becky, the godfather of the West Sea, and now he is the patron saint of the Land of Flowers, the deputy pillar of the Eight Treasures Marine Army!

Yuffie and the others in the VIP seats were stunned and couldn't understand.

Everyone is a decent person, what are you doing shouting and killing?

People in the Land of Flowers, who have been in peace for a long time, can't understand Rhodes' thinking at all.

Everywhere, there are rules. If you don't follow the rules, you will be rejected by everyone. For that, no one can be aloof from the world.

In this world where the strong are respected, the Eight Treasures Navy is actually the rule of the land of flowers, and there is no room for provocation.

Kapenberg was stunned for a moment, and then he was overjoyed. He didn't expect Rhodes to be so hard-headed, and he would slap the deputy pillar of the Eight Treasures Navy directly in front of everyone's eyes.

On such occasions, Abu represents the face of the Eight Treasures Marines, to provoke him is to provoke the Eight Treasures Marines, to provoke the entire country of flowers, and he will definitely be crushed to the ground by the power of the entire country!

Larry was in a hurry, and regardless of the injury, he jumped directly to Rhode's side and persuaded in a low voice:

"Enough is enough, you can't offend the Eight Treasures Navy in the Land of Flowers."

Rhodes didn't respond when he heard the words, but Abu on the stage was already extremely angry and said with a smile:

"Dragon Slaying Swordsman is worthy of being Dragon Slaying Swordsman!"

"I'll put it here today, you dare to kill Capombe..."

He hasn't finished speaking yet.

I saw a faster and sharper silver-white sword energy suddenly burst out of the air, instantly smashing Capenberg.

This time, Kapenberg was not spared.

I saw him slowly retreating, trying to escape from this place, the figure just stiffened, the upper and lower body separated, rolling over and over again, and the intestines gushed out.

"So, what do you want?"

Like killing a chick, Rhode looked indifferently at Abu on the high platform, and said in a flat tone.

He never accepts any threats!

He was stared at by this gaze.

Abu, the two-meter-tall man, actually felt a burst of horror from his heart, his back was chilled, and he unconsciously took a half step back.

But after all, he was the deputy pillar of the Eight Treasures Marine Corps. After taking a deep breath, he quickly recovered and said coldly:

"You will definitely die here today, I said!"

He took down two axes from behind, then jumped directly from the high platform, and slammed into the arena with a bang, creating an invisible wave of air.

at the same time.

In the valley, the Eight Treasures Marines all over the place also took their positions, raised their weapons, and aimed at the stage. If Abu lost, they would probably open fire instantly and blow Rhodes up.

In the land of flowers, no one provokes the Eight Treasures Navy at all, because the provocateurs are all dead.

There are thousands of Eight Treasures Marines in the valley here, each of which is well-equipped, and there are even dozens of snipers at high places at any time.

This is also the basis for the Eight Treasures Navy to ensure the order of the competition.

The firepower of thousands of elites is much stronger than that of Capenberg's so-called one-man army!

"Do you think that with the advantage of the sea of ​​people, you can always keep the situation in your hands?"

"Unfortunately...you don't know anything about my power."

Rhode looked around, his expression still as calm as water.

Larry in the back trembled slightly. This was not because he was afraid of death, but because he was being pointed at by too many black guns, and he couldn't control himself.

"Then what about me?!"

Abu looked cold.

In the face of the real powerhouses, the simple crowd tactics are indeed not very effective, but if there are enough powerhouses to contain them and let their subordinates look for opportunities to snipe, the effect is still amazing.

This is also the meaning of the existence of snipers.

If it is a sniper of the level of Jesus, it can even play a role in the peak battlefield and shoot into the soul.

And Abu himself is indeed extraordinary in strength and full of self-confidence.

As the current deputy pillar of the Eight Treasures Navy, he was a master who followed Qingjiao to the great waterway.

In the original book, he was involved in the big event of Dressrosa.

Abu is at least a lieutenant general of the branch, and he masters the special body technique Eight Chong Fist.


The dark and shiny armed color appeared domineering, attached to the battle axe, exuding an indestructible metallic texture.

"Do you really think... that there are no strong men in the West Sea?"

Abu held a pitch-black battle axe in his hand, and his tall and burly body had an impressive aura, which made everyone watching the battle in the distance change their color.

"Today is really a worthwhile trip, I can actually see Lord Abu take action in person!"

"But who the **** is Dragon Slaying Swordsman? Why have I never heard of it in Xihai."

"It seems to be a big man in the first half of the great waterway. I don't know very well, but it is absolutely impossible to win Lord Abu. He is the best master in the entire flower country."

During the discussion, people stepped back one after another and stood at a distance to watch the battle.

Even Yuffie and other people in the VIP seats who were either rich or expensive, or who were powerful, left their places, for fear of being affected.


Abu moved violently, and a gust of wind came from his whole body, which came in an instant, and slashed down with his battle axe in hand.


There was a tearing sound in the air.

Before the axe fell, a fierce energy came first, blowing Rhodes' black hair back lightly.

Facing this scene, the corner of Rhode's mouth lifted lightly, evoking a disdainful arc. He stood on the spot, unstoppable and dodged, and when the axe got close, he suddenly slashed out with a sword.

His sword came out silently~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but came first.

Only heard a bang.

When the sword and the axe collided, Abu, who charged with astonishing momentum, could no longer move forward.

His expression turned red, and he exerted his strength to the extreme, trying to suppress Rhodes.

But Rhode's unmoving figure is like an eternal mountain, which can never be shaken. No matter how hard Abu exerts it, he can't shake it in the slightest.

"This...is that the power you are proud of?"

Rhodes spoke calmly, and at the same time took a step forward slowly.

As he moved forward, Abu was suddenly forced to take a step back, his arm muscles were trembling, his forehead was dripping with sweat, but he could not stop Rhodes from advancing.

This surprised everyone.

From the scene.

Abu is burly and as strong as an ox. He is more than two meters tall. His muscles are bulging, and he is extremely powerful at first sight.

And Rhodes is of average height and physique. Apart from being very handsome, he is just like an ordinary person.

But in such a pure power confrontation, it was the "ordinary man" Rhode who steadily suppressed the burly man Abu!

"No wonder this guy can eat so much..." Yuffie sucked in a breath.


Under everyone's attention.

Seeing that Rhodes was holding the hilt of the sword and waved it casually, Abu could no longer hold the battle axe.

"What about the Eight Chong Fist?"

"let me see."

Rhodes did not pursue him. He had one hand behind his back, and the other stood with a sword in hand, the tip of the sword pointing diagonally at the ground.

According to the current situation, it is almost inevitable for him to meet Lao Cai, Qingjiao and others. In this case, it is of course necessary to first understand the enemy's trump card.

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