Rhodes looked down at the goods as if looking down, making Abu furious.

The strength displayed by the person in front of him is powerful and invincible, but he is also a master of the country of Megatron flowers, how can he be lightly humiliated?

He roared furiously, his whole body was boiling with blood, his skin was as blue and black as iron, and he obviously used some kind of physical technique that exploded his potential.

The next moment, he clenched his five fingers into a fist and slammed it down at Rhodes.

Eight punches!

This punch seems to be ordinary, but at the same time as it is swung, it is wrapped in a strange force, like an unstoppable shock wave.


"Master Abu's eight punches!"

Distributed all over the valley, staring at the battlefield, the Eight Treasures Marines, who were ready to fight at any time, were all shocked when they saw this scene.

Eight Chong Fist is a top-level physical technique that only the core members of the Eight Treasures Water Army can practice. These ordinary members can't even touch it, so they are not qualified to practice.

Not long ago, Abu, with his eight punches, smashed a big pirate with a reward of tens of millions into pieces with one blow, and even his bones were turned to ashes.

Facing Abu's eight punches, Rhodes was slightly interested.

I saw his left hand clenched into a fist, the power of thunder surged out, and the fist seemed to turn into a small blue sun, with a blazing light, brazenly greeted him.


When the fists collided, the power of impact and the power of thunder broke out in a fierce conflict in the air, making a roaring sound, like a cannonball blasting in the air.

The impact force of the Eight Chong Fist is somewhat similar to the shock force of Whitebeard. It can ignore the defense of the shield and armor and directly injure the inside of the human body.


Just like the same devil fruit, in the hands of different people, it will glow with completely different light.

The same physical skills, in the hands of different people, are completely different.

If Qingjiao, or even a character of that level of Lao Zha, used this kind of strange power that almost ignored defense, Rhode would never dare to collide with his fists head-on.

But Abu is another matter.


The power of shock and the power of thunder stalemate for a moment, and they were defeated.

The blazing thunder surged up like a cannonball, hitting Abu instantly.

There was a "chaos" sound.

The strong electric current made Abu extremely miserable, his skin was blackened, his muscles were tingling, his whole body was almost paralyzed, and he obviously lost his fighting power.

"Ba Chongquan... It's really a good physical technique."

Rhodes slowly retracted his fist, feeling the qi and blood in his body surging slightly, and he couldn't help but admire.

Ba Chong Quan is worthy of being the top martial arts of the Cone Zhi Green Pepper Fight in the New World.

Although it is far less comprehensive than the Navy's Sixth Form, this special attack effect can completely surpass the challenge. If the physical strength is not cultivated, you will even be severely injured by a single blow, and suffer from dark wounds that are difficult to heal!

The battle ended too soon.

A momentary collision produces results.

The members of the Eight Treasures Navy were not even able to react.

"I'm not as good as others, it's understandable to lose to you."

"But this is the land of flowers, and those who provoke the Eight Treasures Navy must die!"

Abu reluctantly raised his head, a hint of arrogance and madness flashed in his eyes, and shouted loudly:

"Everyone, prepare to fire!"

Brush Lala!

Thousands of Eight Treasures Marine Corps, as well as hundreds of Capenberg's subordinates, took action one after another and surrounded them in all directions.

Countless guns are aimed at Rhodes, and countless swords are aimed at Rhodes, as if the next moment, he will be torn to pieces.

For a moment, Rhodes on the field seemed to be in a desperate situation.

Larry collapsed directly to the ground, giving no hope of surviving.

"Oh, what a pity."

Yuffie sighed lightly.

In this situation, even if she came forward to say stop in her identity, it would not have the slightest effect.

When it comes to the dignity of the Eight Treasures Navy, let alone her vase princess, who has no power and no power, and has no bright spots, even if the eldest prince who is literate and martial, famous in the West Sea, comes, it may not be useful.

And in this situation.

Rhode's expression was calm, even the sneer and contempt at the beginning, as well as the joy of seeing a hunter who had seen multiple abilities, disappeared.

There is only one kind left. It seems to be calm and condescending, just like the extraordinary and refined time when climbing the red earth continent and standing on the top of the cloud.

These people in front of me are really too weak...

He was so weak that he didn't even want to inspire the power of thunder, and he didn't even want to draw his sword. He felt that with a single thought, he could defeat all these people.


Not only these enemies with guns and swords, but also the vast and deep sky, the boundless earth, and the ubiquitous air, it seems that they will surrender to it with just a single thought.


At this moment, an unprecedented light suddenly flashed in Rhode's eyes.

This light comes from a power that has never appeared in Rhodes body. He is somewhat similar to the armed "color" and the knowledge "color", but it is completely different.

The light flashed away.

But Rhodes' whole person suddenly underwent an earth-shaking change.

I saw an aura that seemed to be real, suddenly burst out, and swept across the world in an instant.


Because even the air, the light wind, is still.

Larry, who was behind him, was the first to be affected, and his whole expression was instantly frozen.

Then there is Abu, even if his strength is as strong as him, he is still shocked.

Then there are the Eight Treasures Marines surrounded from all directions, as well as Capenberg's subordinates, these people are all frozen in place.

In the distance, they thought they had retreated far enough, and the very safe general audience, Yuffie and other VIPs also stopped.

It seems that there is a supreme existence that freezes time at this moment.

For a moment, it seemed like eternity.

until a gust of wind blew.

The sound of the body falling to the ground suddenly rang out incessantly.

With Rhodes as the center, the entire valley, thousands of people, fell to the ground piece by piece, making a series of thumping sounds.

This force was so terrifyingly strong that it even spread to the nearby Black Harbor, covering half of the small Black Harbor.

Whether it was the people on the street, or the men and women who created people in the room, they all fainted instantly.

At the end of the ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ there are very few who can remain awake within a few thousand meters.

Abu is the strongest and the first to wake up.

The arrogance and madness in his eyes completely disappeared, leaving only the deep shock and incredible "color".

As a master who has fought against many legendary figures with Green Pepper, of course he knows this incredible and terrifying force that seems to make the world surrender to it.

Overlord's "color" is domineering!

He never imagined that he would see such legendary power in such a young man.

There are many navies in the Land of Flowers. Why is the Eight Treasures navy able to suppress other official pirate forces?

It is because of the previous leader, Cone Zhi Qingjiao, who has the domineering "color" of the overlord!

He was born to be a leader, undisputed and unconvinced. Pirate's supernatural talent

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