Pirates: Supernatural Talent

Chapter 234: Jinbei Kaiho

? Mrs. Charlie decided to do divination for Rhodes, not because of what Rhodes said attracted her.

Instead, she sensed an indescribable and very special meaning in Rhodes, which was completely different from the merman, murloc or human she usually saw.

And as Mrs. Charlie pointed the crystal ball at Rhodes.


A strange feeling suddenly descended into the room, and there seemed to be an inexplicable force surging in the air.

Robin and Kemi both felt their hearts sink and feel depressed.

Rhode didn't feel anything special, but he noticed that his reflection on the crystal ball gradually became blurred, and finally disappeared completely.

And it was at this moment that Mrs. Charlie's eyes suddenly vibrated violently, and then her hands holding the crystal ball began to tremble.

Immediately after she released her hand, the crystal ball slipped out of her hand and fell to the ground, shattering with a snap.

"Mrs. Charlie..."

Cammy couldn't help being a little surprised.

She had never seen Mrs. Charlie's gaffe like this before.

Mrs. Charlie is the most famous fortune-teller on Fishman Island. Although she cannot predict the exact timing of events, her predictions are 100% accurate.

It is rumored that when she was four years old, she had predicted the arrival of the era of the Great Pirate, and before the war, she had predicted the fall of Whitebeard.

Rhodes was also a little surprised, and asked with interest:

"What do you see?"


Mrs. Xia Li heard the words, but fell into a long silence, as if she saw an incredible picture.

Seeing her appearance, Rhode became more and more curious.

"I can help you persuade the residents of Fishman Island to surrender to you..."

After a long time, Mrs. Xia Li suddenly said such a sentence without thinking.

Robin and Kemi were confused, but Rhode smiled:

"That's a big thank you."

Unexpectedly, there is such an unexpected joy. He was still suffering from the racial hatred between Fishman Island and humans.

Charlie looked complicated.

In one of her prophecies, she foresaw the disaster of Fishman Island and the doom of mermen and fishmen.

But she didn't know the source of the disaster and when it happened, and she didn't have the power to change all of this.

This kind of helplessness towards fate made her feel disgusted with divination and prophecy, and since then, she has rarely used divination.

But this time for Rhodes to do divination, she unexpectedly discovered that the future that made her fear and despair has been changed...

Xia Li did not foresee a very clear picture, only the endless bright golden light, and the stalwart figure bathed in the light, full of infinite majesty.

It was only for a moment that Mrs. Charlie's prediction came to an abrupt end, as if some mysterious force intervened and she was not allowed to continue to spy.

"Mrs. Charlie, are you all right?"

Cammy was nervous.


Mrs. Charlie took a breath and began to think about how to convince Neptune and the others.

Mermaids are easy to handle, after all, mermaids are gentle by nature, but the words of murlocs...

She couldn't help frowning.

She is highly respected on Fishman Island, and she knows everything about the other side.

The murlocs on Fishman Island are divided into two factions, one is the murlocs who are close to humans like Shiping, and the other is the murlocs who follow Hoddy Jones and believe in the so-called "murlocs are supreme and humans are inferior".

The latter is the majority, and she even heard that the murlocs in the Fishmen Street formed a large army.

"Maybe Jinbei should come forward."

I didn't want to control it before, after all, it's useless, Fishman Island will eventually perish, but now she has the opportunity to change the future of Fishman Island, of course, Mrs. Charlie will not continue to salt fish, and actively think about countermeasures.

"This matter is a bit troublesome, and I'm afraid it will take a few days."

"Let me show you around Fishman Island today, Kemi is a little confused, I'm afraid I don't even know where it's fun."

She apologized to Rhodes, and at the same time motioned Kemi to fetch a bubble ring.

Kemi also realized the seriousness of the ear problem and hurried to get the bubble ring.

"Let's go, I'll take you to Geelong Cord Plaza, where there is a shop whose crab yellow castle is delicious, which is a must of Fishman Island."

After putting on the bubble ring, Mrs. Charlie took Rhodes and the two out of the cafe.

Along the way, both murlocs and mermaids stopped, greeted Mrs. Charlie respectfully, and then looked at Rhodes with strange eyes.

What's happening here.

Mrs. Xia Li hasn't been out for a long time, and she actually took two humans with her when she went out this time?

Most importantly, Mrs. Charlie seemed to respect that male human.

Under the strange eyes of everyone, Rhode and Robin both looked calm.

One of them is the giant swordsman who shook the world, and the other is the chief secretary of the president of the Baroque work club with a calm nature.

Seeing this, Xia Li nodded secretly in her heart, believing the previous prophecy even more.

The Dragon Slaying Sword is a powerful warrior, and his strength is unquestionable, but his character is hard to say. After all, he became famous at a young age.

Seeing Rhode's calm and calm appearance at this time, Mrs. Xia Li felt more at ease about this Dragon Slayer Swordsman.

After a while, the three came to Geelongcord Plaza.

"Boss Crab, come three servings of Crab Yellow Burgers."

"It's Mrs. Charlie, wait a minute, I'll fix it for you right away."

A red crab head emerged from behind the counter.

After a while, Rhodes tasted the so-called uniqueness of Fishman Island.

Not to mention, the taste is really delicious.

Just like the takoyaki of the previous takoyaki, it fully stimulates the taste of the ingredients themselves.

"Talent, this is talent."

Rhode felt that Xiaoxuesha was used to make this ingredient, but it was only the same, or even slightly inferior.

The three were eating when there was a sudden commotion not far away.

Everyone couldn't help turning their heads to look, and then saw a tall blue-skinned murloc, stepping on wooden sandals, walking over step by step.

"Jinpei? Why are you here?"

Mrs. Charlie was surprised.

"Why are you here."

Jinbei was equally surprised.

After he got the news, he came to look for Rhodes, wanting to know the purpose of this Dragon Slaying Swordsman coming to Fishman Island, but he didn't expect that he would meet Xia Li here.

However, although I don't know why Charlie got acquainted with Rhodes.

But looking at the relationship between the two ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ does not seem to be in a state of tension.

This gave Jinbei a sigh of relief.

The threat that Dragon Slaying Swordsman brought him was still too heavy.

When he was on top of the war, he had seen with his own eyes this man who challenged Whitebeard and suppressed the captains. That kind of strength had definitely reached the level of the peak of the sea.

He may be able to contend with one or two, but he will definitely die under his sword.

Jinping is not afraid of death, but he has to think about Fishman Island. After losing the protection of Whitebeard, Fishman Island is a delicious pastry, and everyone wants to take a bite.

These days, he has no idea how many slave traders he has caught.

"Do not be nervous."

At this time, Rhodes finished eating the last bite of Crab Yellow Castle, looked up at Jinping, smiled gently and said:

"Speaking of which, the two of us are still somewhat related."

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