Pirates: Supernatural Talent

Chapter 261: wake up

?boom! boom! boom!

Before the three of Doflamingo joined forces, it was only a good defense. Losing a teammate at this time made the situation even more dangerous.

It was just a few simple collisions. No matter how careful the two of Doflamingo were, they were still slashed with bloodstains, scarred, and constantly retreating.

If you fight like this, it won't take a moment, and you will definitely be damaged again!


Doflamingo's expression was solemn, and he slammed his hands together, and two extremely thick super-strike whips attacked Rhodes one by one, and the air roared.

Rhode's expression was light, and the ghost in his hand swung two swords lightly.

Chi Chi!

The two super-strike whips, which were enough to cut through the naval warship, were directly cut into two pieces under the two swords of Rhodes, fell to the ground, and then disappeared.


Rhodes held his sword in both hands and slashed hard at Doflamingo.


The violent power of thunder turned into a thunder dragon and roared out, the air was turbulent, and it rushed towards Doflamingo.

"Multiple cobweb walls!"

Doflamingo stretched out his hands, exerting his full power.


The Thunder Dragon roared and roared, and it split into the air, causing the cobweb wall to be violently deformed by the impact.

In less than a second, the multiple cobweb walls were hit to the limit and collapsed.

Brother Doflaming was blown upside down by Yu Jin, crashing through several buildings one after another, spewing out a few mouthfuls of blood in the air, and his expression turned pale for a while.

But he quickly stepped into the air through the silk thread and stabilized his body that was flying upside down, like Spider-Man, flickering in the town, avoiding Rhode's pursuit, and reuniting with the CP0 members.


Brother Doflaming wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and resisted the dazzling sword qi from the sky with the CP0 members. While being blasted backwards, he finally understood.

He could no longer hide his strength, otherwise he would not be able to fight Rhodes at all.

Not to mention two hours, it is a moment, I am afraid it is not enough to support!


Rhode flashed a few times and came to Doflamingo and others dozens of meters away.

Almost at this moment.

A strange force suddenly spread in all directions, spreading like a plague, covering a large area of ​​ruined buildings nearby.


Under the shocked gaze of everyone.

This ruined building started from the bottom, turned into white silk thread section by section, and finally spread to the top.

"What kind of power is this?!"

The battlefield of Rhodes and others attracted a lot of attention, and most of the cameras of the reporters were locked here.

When this strange scene appeared, all the spectators were stunned.

"Fruit Awakening?"

"Is it finally used?"

Looking at the building that was assimilated into silk threads, Rhodes' eyes flickered, a little surprised, but not afraid.

Fruit awakening is not a panacea.

Doflamingo's physical strength and domineering strength are still the same, it is impossible for the strength to be greatly improved, and the strength is increased by half a level at most.

"That's interesting. Otherwise, your death is too simple, and it will appear that I am not strong enough."

Rhodes smiled softly.

When Doflamingo in the ruins heard the words, he couldn't help but snorted coldly.


"The power of fruit awakening is beyond your imagination!"

There was a certain confidence in his tone.

After the thread fruit awakens, both the number of threads and the tenacity of threads will be greatly improved, and his strength will also skyrocket.

This ability has always been his trump card, and today is the first time he has appeared in front of the world.

"Wild waves and white lines!"

With a wave of his hands, the endless threads of the ruined buildings formed a stretch of white waves, surging frantically, sweeping towards Rhodes, as if Rhodes would be crushed in the next instant!

A vast expanse of white, revealing a pale murderous intent.

The CP0 member looked solemn, and came to Doflamingo's side in a flash, and let out a light breath, he knew about the fruit awakening, and it seemed that this battle was still going to be fought.

On the frontal battlefield, Pika and the others, who were fighting fiercely with Anilu and the others, saw this scene, and their eyes flickered.

Doflamingo's fruit has awakened, and these henchmen still understand.

But they didn't expect that in just a short while, Doflamingo was forced out of this biggest hole card.

"Dragon Slaying Swordsman..."

Rao G's eyes are the most complicated.

A year ago, although he lost to Rhodes, he was still able to fight vigorously. If he went up at this time, I am afraid that he would not be able to take a sword.

"Jianhao Zhanlong is really powerful, but Dover's awakening should not be difficult to maintain the situation. As long as the navy arrives, everything will be solved."

Torrepol, the top cadre who protected the key person, Sugar, in the underground port said in a deep voice.

The sugar on the side was holding a basket of grapes, and while eating, looking at the projection in front of him, he said casually:

"How long until the navy arrives?"

"It's more than an hour. The situation is still under control. It's really not good. As long as Dover and Carlos get together, this amount of time can still be passed."

Torrepol spoke in a low voice.

But he did not find that in the shadow not far away, a figure quietly touched, holding some dark metal blocks in his hands.


The pale sea of ​​silk threads surged in, like a giant beast that devoured everything, with a frightening aura.

"Tian Leiqi!"

Rhode clenched the hilt of the sword with both hands, and the power of thunder suddenly soared to three meters high, and the sword fell sharply.


The dazzling sword qi roared out with the power of the vast thunder, tearing the sky, and slammed into the endless silk thread that came surging.

Chi la chi.

Sword qi and thunder continued to explode, silk threads were constantly broken, and the air hummed and vibrated.

Rhodes found that after the fruit awakened, the toughness of the silk thread was greatly improved.

Before Rhodes slashed out with a sword, he could easily cut the silk thread, and there was almost no stagnation, but at this time, these silk threads could slightly hinder the slashing of sword energy.

At the same time, the number of silk threads has undergone a qualitative change, too many to count.

As far as the eye can see, it is all pale.

With this endless support, Silk Thread Ocean forcibly resisted the bombardment of sword energy and thunder.

The awakening of the fruit is indeed called the last qualitative change.

Today's Doflamingo's attack strength is still not as strong as Rhodes.

But after the fruit awakened, there were too many threads that he could control, and waves poured out.

To a certain extent, this greatly improved the defense ability, enough to resist Rhode's thunder sword qi.


Looking at the thunder sword qi that was gradually eaten away by the silk thread below, Rhodes eyes flickered, and then he stomped on the ground.


He instantly turned into an afterimage, shuttled through the battlefield, and charged towards Doflamingo.

Doflamingo's expression was condensed, his hands were constantly waving, and silk threads formed waves that swept toward Rhodes from all directions.

The speed is not fast, far from keeping up with Rhodes' footsteps.

But Doflamingo didn't panic at all, he waved his hands one after another~www.wuxiaspot.com~ like a musician conducting an ensemble, waves of white silk threads surrounded him from all directions, preventing any direction of dodging.

He doesn't need to be faster than Rhodes.

As long as all directions are surrounded, Rhodes can naturally be blocked!

Doflamingo can become a big pirate second only to the Four Emperors, and the identity of Tianlong is one of them, and his own strong strength and wisdom are the key.

"The overall situation is set."

The five old stars and others who watched the broadcast through the screen showed a faint smile.

What identity and strength they are, of course, they know the characteristics of the awakening of the line fruit.

Perhaps there is no overbearing attack, but in terms of defense and field control, it has reached the extreme, almost no less than a naval admiral!

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