Pirates: Supernatural Talent

Chapter 272: powerful


Jack tried Jinbei's merman karate combo, but his body swayed and his face turned slightly red.

I saw him grinning and grabbing Jinbei's stiff one.

This reckless man delivered thirteen punches in a row in one breath, and finally the fourteenth punch slammed into Jinping's stance, and a lightning-fast punch slammed into Jinping's chest.

Drought Jack is an ancient animal species mammoth fruit capable. Elephants are good at strength, and ancient mammoths are even more terrifying.

In this punch, Jinping flew upside down, and slipped more than ten meters on the ground. A blue fish face turned red, and finally he couldn't help it, and there was a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth.

Although this injury is not even a minor injury, according to the rules, Jinbei still lost.


Jinbei was a little unwilling, but there was nothing he could do if his skills were inferior to others. Jack's strength was obviously stronger than him.

If he really wants to fight to the death, the one who loses will probably be him.

"You win..."

Jinbei can still afford to lose. After being injured, he has to surrender, but Drought Jack's brain is a little difficult to use.

After he knocked Jinping up, he actually followed, as if he was planning to continue fighting.

Glancing at the indifferent Hopson, Rhode shook his head lightly, without saying anything, just drawing the sword was a slash.


The increase in strength and domineering has made Rhodes' swordsmanship attack a higher level, and the earth is like tofu being passed by everything.

The silver sword energy is like a crescent moon, tearing apart the world.

Although Drought Jack was a little over the top, his fighting instinct was still clear, and a strong danger rushed into his heart.


The sword qi and the fist collided together, and on the square, it was like a thunder explosion.

Rhode's attack was so powerful that almost at the instant of the collision, he slashed Drought Jack upside down, and there was a bloodstain deep in the bones on his huge fist.

His proud defense, under Rhode's slash, was a joke.


Drought Jack fell heavily to the ground in the distance, splashing a cloud of smoke.

Luo Keng slammed his sword into the sheath, his expression indifferent, as if he had done nothing.

"One sword... it smashed that monster into the air!"

The spectators were extremely shocked.

There is no doubt about the strength of Drought Jack. The huge size and majestic strength are enough to suppress Jinping, but he was smashed by Rhodes with an understated sword.

What a terrifying power!

The soldiers were excited and cheered excitedly.

Hopson's heart sank slightly, seeing is better than seeing.

Although Jack has not yet transformed into the animal system and the defense has not reached its peak, Rhode obviously did not use all his strength.

"It seems that this Dragon Slaying Swordsman is really qualified to compete for the Four Emperors, but if even Jack can't be easily defeated, he is not qualified to trade on an equal footing."

In Hopson's mind, strength is the first criterion of diplomacy.

The strength that Rhodes has shown now is enough for him to recognize, but it is not enough to get a better position in the transaction!


With this high elephant roar swept across the four directions, the smoke and dust that filled the air were immediately blown away.

Everyone couldn't help but stare.

I saw a mammoth appear in sight.

This mammoth is quite huge, with lustrous ivory like white jade, thick limbs, a powerful trunk, and dull skin that seems to be made of metal, with a strong visual impact.


In the deep roar, Jack's eyes were red, and he stepped on it like a hoof, and then he buried his head and rushed towards Rhodes.


The mammoth trampled on the ground, the ground trembled violently, and the small gravel seemed to come alive and kept beating.

In an ordinary charge, Drought Jack rushed out with a feeling of a mighty army, and the spectators behind Rhodes even felt suffocated and the soles of their feet softened.


Facing this scene, Rhode's expression was very calm.

Drought Jack's charge is very imposing. I am afraid that even a warship can easily overturn it with a single collision, and it can knock up a tall building at will, but this speed is really uncomplimentable.


Seeing a flash of silver light, Rhodes suddenly disappeared in place.


Jack's fighting instinct is very strong. After finding that the target disappeared, he hurriedly braked to stabilize his body, and then used his sense of perception.

Immediately afterwards, his pupils shrunk to the limit, because Rhode's breath appeared on his back!

Jack almost didn't even think about it, he waved his huge elephant trunk and slapped him on the back.


The impact was scattered in all directions, and a large amount of dust was splashed.

Rhodes had already gotten out of the way, the strong wind ruffled his clothes and his black hair fluttered.

Rhodes found that he underestimated the power of Jack Drought.

That's right, there are also differences in the animal system. Ancient species and phantom beast species are obviously stronger than ordinary animal systems, and different animals also have their own specialties.

Phoenixes are good at recovery, and mammoths are clearly a symbol of strength.

Thinking about the comparison of strength in his heart, Rhodes was not slow, but he gently pulled out his sword:

"With this little strength, you will be beaten badly today."

As he spoke, a large number of silver thunderbolts were attached to his body, and from a distance, the whole person was like a **** descended from the earth, extremely majestic.

"Just let the horses come!"

Jack snorted coldly, and his stout elephant hoof stomped hard.


Like a magnitude 9 earthquake.

The soldiers staggered and stood unsteadily, and there was a creaking noise from nearby buildings, showing how terrifying his power was.

Taking advantage of Rhode's unstable footing, Jack rushed to Rhode again.

This time was different. He was covered with a thick, domineering aura of armament all over his body, turning into a black elephant, as if rushing out of the abyss, carrying a majestic aura and charging violently.

Rhodes can dodge, easily with his speed.

But not necessary.

This is his home court, and the victory is simply neat!

In the new world where the strong eat the weak, the leader can only make his subordinates follow him if he has more powerful strength.


Rhodes slashed out with a sword and unleashed the most violent attack. The terrifying power of thunder turned into a silver thunder dragon. With a power no weaker than Jack of Drought, he rushed out violently to meet Jack.


When the black elephant and the Thunder Dragon collided, an unprecedented explosion resounded through the sky.

Drought Jack's strength is very strong, but Rhode's strength is also not bad, at most only a line, and the Thunder Dragon released by it is even more overbearing to the extreme.

The Thunder Dragon and the Black Elephant were wrestling with each other, colliding constantly, the arcs were surging, the energy was overflowing, and the crackling sound was incessant.


After a brief stalemate, Thunder Dragon exerted its last remaining strength, slammed the black elephant into the air, and fell heavily on the ground tens of meters away, and rolled for tens of meters before stopping.

There was dead silence all around.

"It's fake~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I saw Mr. Jack use this form last time and crashed through a mountain with one head!"

"Is this the strength of Dragon Slaying Swordsman? No wonder it is known as the monster most likely to become the Four Emperors!"

Drought Jack's subordinates such as Sisphead were stunned.

Even Hopson had a hard time accepting it.

Rhodes can defeat Doflamingo and force back the people from the World Government. He must be very strong, and it is expected to defeat Jack the drought.

But this kind of positive regret, what is the matter of forcibly flying.

Didn't the intelligence say that this Dragon Slayer Swordsman is best at speed?

Hopson decided to go back and hang the intelligence officer up and beat him.

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