Pirates: Supernatural Talent

Chapter 276: loyalty

? Meanwhile, Punk Hazard.

"Damn, bastard, how is it possible that you want me to hand over the core technology."

Caesar patted the table hard, a little impatient.

He and Doflamingo are just a transactional relationship, there is no friendship. Doflamingo is dead, and the big deal is to change the transaction partner.

But what he didn't expect was that the attitude of the Dragon Slayer Swordsman was so tough, he was several times more cruel than Doflamingo, and squeezed his interests to the limit.

At this time, the door of the laboratory was pushed open from the outside, and a woman with long green wavy hair walked in.

The woman was plump and had golden pupils.

Impressively, it was the undercover agent Doflamingo sent to Caesar, and he was naturally the one with the ability of Snow Snow Fruit, Monet.

At this time, she did not turn into a half-human half-bird like in the original book, and her slender and fair legs were quite moving.

"Have you contacted Vergo yet?

Are you sure Akainu will really come? "

When Caesar saw the person coming, he said indifferently.

Since Doflamingo's death, Monet confessed his identity to him, and he realized that he had always had Doflamingo's undercover beside him, which made him break into a cold sweat, and of course he would not have a good face.

"Tomorrow at the latest, Lord Vergo will be here.

Punk Hassad is near the entrance to the new world, not far from the new naval headquarters. If the Dragon Swordsman really appears, the current Admiral Sakaski will soon arrive with his army.

At that time, it will be the death of Dragon Slaying Swordsman!

Some time ago, Dragon Swordsman publicly slapped the World Government, and the World Government may have already ordered him to kill him, but he just didn't have a chance. "

Monet didn't care about Caesar's tone, his beautiful eyes were full of hatred, and he said viciously.

She is extremely loyal to Doflamingo and firmly believes that Doflamingo will be the best choice for One Piece. In the original book, she is willing to sacrifice her life for Doflamingo.

Beheading Doflamingo's Rhodes is equivalent to destroying her beliefs. Monet hated Rhodes as much as he was loyal to Doflamingo.

"Better so."

Caesar's eyes flashed, and he seemed a little hesitant:

"Is the Dragon Slaying Swordsman really going to be dealt with?"

He was a little scared, Long Zhan Jianhao was not someone to mess with, if he knew that he was being plotted, he would probably have to find him out if he killed him all over the new world.

"What are you afraid of?!

Your artificial devil fruit is favored by the beasts, the big deal is that you can directly join the beasts pirates, and Rhodes can still go to the beasts' site to arrest you.

What's more, don't think I don't know, you are secretly helping bigmom to study the giganticization of human beings. "

Monet's expression was cold, but he still spoke to comfort him.

Caesar is a relatively key figure, who can attract the Dragon Slaying Swordsman to come here, and she doesn't want this guy to back down.


Caesar's face changed for a while, the feeling that the people around him were undercover was really not too wonderful.

But what Monet said was also right. He didn't have to worry about Rhode's threat at all. With Kaido or bigmom covering the beasts, Rhode really became the fourth emperor, that's all.

"The secret passage, only I know it, if it's a big deal, just run away."

Caesar made a decision in his heart.

He had long wanted to abandon the base of Punk Hazard.

The battle of the generals that destroyed the world a few days ago really made his heart skip a beat.

Monet was secretly contemptuous, her eyes couldn't help flashing a ruthless look, she was ready to blow up Punk Hassad and die with the enemy.

Rhodes is not a good thing, and the Admiral is also not a good thing!

The young master should be very happy to see such a sacrifice.

There was a slightly sick look in Monet's eyes.

The next day, over Punk Hazard, a green gate suddenly appeared.

The door opened, revealing two figures, and it was Rhode and Luo who came from Dressrosa.

Seeing the island below where half of the ice and snow was covered with snow and half of which was flowing with magma, Luo took a deep breath: "Is this really caused by the aftermath of the battle? How strong are those two admirals."

Rhodes was also a little surprised and praised:

"I'm afraid both Akainu and Aokiji have already developed their fruit abilities to the extreme."

"The ability to change the climate of the island, I can't do it either."

With Rhodes' current strength, it is barely possible to sink an island, but changing the climatic conditions is not within his ability.

"Okay, let's go down."

After Rhodes finished speaking, he stepped out, fell to the ground, stepped on the air a few times in the middle, and landed lightly on Iceland.

Luo, on the other hand, came to the open space after a few swaps through his spatial ability.

Looking at Luo, who was gasping for breath after landing, Rhode shook his head: "Your physical fitness still needs to be improved, and, learn to walk early."

Luo Wenyan was a little helpless.

Not everyone is as evil as Rhodes.

His mind was spent on the development of surgical fruits and medical skills, so he had so much energy and events to exercise his body.

"Have to find where."

Rhodes looked around.

The harsh environment will affect the performance of seeing and hearing, but it is a pity that Anilu is not here, otherwise he is the best at this kind of hide-and-seek activity, and he will be accurate when he catches it.

"According to the information given by Miss Robin, it should be near the center of Iceland."

Luo's tone was a little trembling. He was not Rhodes with a monster physique. The low temperature environment in Iceland still made him quite uncomfortable.

"so troublesome."

Rhode shook his head. If he wasn't worried about destroying the equipment, he could actually split the island directly.

Forget it, spare this poor, devastated island.

And just when the two of Rhodes were looking for the research institute.

Caesar and others in the base have already learned the information about Rhodes' landing on the island through monitoring equipment.

"Zhanlong Jianhao is here, how did it appear? It seems that no ships are approaching. Forget it, forget it, what about Vergo you said? Where's the red dog?"

Caesar was impatient and walked up and down.

Monet was also a little anxious. She quickly took out the phone bug from her chest and contacted Vergo:

"Lord Vergo, Dragon Slaying Swordsman has appeared in Punk Hazard, accompanied by Death Surgeon Luo."

"What? I know, I will immediately find a way to let General Akainu pass by, you hold off first, I will be there soon!"

After speaking, Vergo hung up the phone.

As the top cadre of the Don Quixote family, he followed Doflamingo's existence very early, and his loyalty to Doflamingo is also beyond doubt. This time he gave up his life and left Rhodes behind. !

Of course ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He is well aware of the terror of such top powerhouses. He knows that relying on himself, he is simply not enough to kill them.

The phone bug was hung up. Looking at Rhodes who were gradually approaching the institute on the monitoring screen, Monet clenched his fists and said, "I'll hold them back. You can find a way to release the poisonous gas, the purest kind."

She is a natural ability person, as long as she maintains elementalization, pure poisonous gas will not affect her.

"I know."

Caesar glanced at the secretary of the Department of Nature unexpectedly. He didn't expect this woman to be so loyal to Doflamingo that she didn't care about death at all.

You must know that Dragon Slaying Swordsman is a madman who even dares to single out with Whitebeard. If he meets that person, he might be beheaded in an instant.


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