Pirates: Supernatural Talent

Chapter 282: The sword is in the air

Speaking of which, Rhodes hadn't been in a state of boiling war for a long time.

Neither Doflamingo, nor Drought Jack, were enough to keep him at full strength.

But Akainu's comprehensive strength is undoubtedly on the same level as him, second only to the existence of the Four Emperors!

There are also strengths and weaknesses in the top people.

Carlos of CP0 is undoubtedly the bottom layer.

On the top are Kizaru and Aokiji, as well as the old and debilitated Golden Lion and others.

Further up are the current Rhodes, Akainu, and Blackbeard with the single-fruit ability.

Finally, there are the four emperors.

The gap between each level is not huge, just slightly stronger.

This one is slightly stronger, but it is really only slightly stronger. Specifically, it means that in the end, the chance of winning is about 50% higher.

Of course, according to the characteristics of different people, the winning rate fluctuates.

For example, Kaido and Akainu fought to the death in a one-on-one battle to the end, relying on the vitality of immortality and immortality, it is very likely that Akainu died in the battle.

The same level of Rhodes and Akainu duel, the winning rate is evenly divided.

Rhode's swordsmanship is extremely sharp, and Akainu's physical skills are equally domineering and fast.

There is no restraint between the power of thunder and the power of magma, and the power seems to be different.

Although Rhode's speed surpassed Akainu's, he was slightly weaker than Akainu in terms of armament and physique.

"This kind of opponent is what I want."

Rhodes smiled, fighting, only fighting, evenly matched battles, can make Rhodes feel the pressure, and thus spy on the realm of the great swordsmen at the top of the swordsmanship.

boom! boom!

Two magma columns erupted from the ground, one left and one right attacking Rhodes.

Rhode's face was calm, and he condensed two thunder spears, which were hard to regret. At the same time, a sword was slashed out, and a huge silver sword qi burst out of the air, as if it could tear everything apart.

Akainu, who was rushing at the positive speed, couldn't avoid it, so he could only stop and fire a big fire.


The collision of magma and sword energy is like the collision of the dark red world and the silver world, intertwined with earth-shattering energy fluctuations.


Almost in the next instant, a silhouette flashing silver light suddenly appeared beside Akainu, and slashed out with a sword.

Akainu's knowledge color sensed Rhode's attack, and punched out, the armed color covered the magma fist, and collided with the blade.

Rhode's empty left hand suddenly grabbed the hilt of the Lanqi sword at his waist, and suddenly released the sword drawing technique.


A little coldness appeared.

Lanqiena fits the Thunder's characteristics and gives full play to the advantage of speed.

Between lightning and flint.

Akainu was instantly split in half by Lanqie.

But Rhodes did not show any joy. As a naval marshal, he is proficient in knowledge and domineering, and it is not difficult to avoid attacks in advance by elementalizing.

He turned and looked to the right.

Almost in the next instant.

In the magma rolling on the ground, Akainu's figure condensed, his eyes were cold, and he punched Rhode's head fiercely.

Ghost dog!

This blow was extremely fast and had the impact of a volcanic eruption, but Rhodes was well prepared and took his sword out.


The ghost dog collided with the ghost sword, and the sparks splashed in an instant, which was caused by the sword's cutting on the armed color.

God Rachel!

Rhodes took advantage of the dual-sword flow, holding Lanqi in the other hand, inspiring a strong thunder force, and smashing through the air with a sword.


Akainu couldn't dodge any longer. Although he evaded the sword energy from Tianlei's cut in advance by elementalization, he couldn't avoid the large-scale thunder attack.

"Marshal Sakaski!"

In the distance, everyone in the navy was shocked. Except for the first two collisions, their marshals never seemed to have the upper hand!

Is this the strength of the strongest rookie, Dragon Slaying Swordsman?

"Is the fighting situation so intense?"

The even people in the institute couldn't help but feel a little worried and nervous.

The institute was far from the coast, but the shaking could still be clearly felt.

The battle that seemed to sink the entire island fluctuated, and the terrifying roar was deafening even though it was so far apart.

too terrifying!

At this time, the equipment in the research institute has almost been carried, and the people are organizing those children to enter the space door.

Rhodes promised Monet that he would never break his promise by properly arranging these children!

The children also seemed to sense the terror. Although they had tears in their eyes and panicked, they trotted into the space passage under the care of Dressrosa soldiers.

"I will burn all evil, and you are no exception!"

After being blasted away by Rhodes, Akagi's eyes were cold, and the magma on the body surface was surging rapidly, regardless of the injury, with a tragic aura that seemed to die together, he rushed towards Rhodes.

The dog bites the red lotus!

The magma surged, and with the wave of Akainu, it turned into a fierce and vicious dog, spinning and biting away at Rhodes.

"There is so much nonsense, kill me if you have any."

With an expressionless face, Rhodes took a step forward, neither dodging nor evading, the two swords crossed, and the cross sword energy swept out, instantly smashing the magma.

The remaining sword energy continued to move forward, tearing apart the ground and pulling out a crack that was several hundred meters long.


Akainu avoided the sword energy first, and an explosion came to Rhodes and fought with Rhodes in close quarters.

Boom boom boom!

Thunder exploded on the battlefield, like the sound of countless shells exploding at the same time.

One after another, waves of energy swept across the four directions, and whether it was boulders or ancient trees, they were all thrown out.

Wherever the two passed, it was like a bulldozer, the ground was torn apart, and everything was destroyed!

"Too strong!"

The admirals and colonels were dumbfounded, looking at the cracked abyss and the sea water pouring in.

They can clearly feel that the island is sinking a little bit, and it has a tendency to collapse!

"What do we do? Support?"

A rear admiral swallowed and said dryly.

A vice admiral glared at him and said angrily:

"What are you thinking, didn't you see the aftermath? I'm afraid we have to go all out to resist any aftermath. If we really want to pass, it will only distract Marshal Sakaski!"

Or simply get killed by Marshal Sakaski.

The Vice Admiral silently added in his heart, the navy is still very clear about Akainu's style.

I really want to go up and drag my feet~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Akainu will never show mercy.

"Dragon Slaying Swordsman..."

Virgo's eyes were heavy, and some regret was inevitable in his heart.

When Rhodes just made his debut, he offended the Don Quixote family. Vergo actually had the opportunity to shoot, but because of certain scruples, he did not look down on this newcomer too much.

Who would have thought that less than a year later, the young and young man in the past has grown into a terrifying behemoth.

Even the Don Quixote family collapsed, and Doflamingo himself paid the heaviest price.

Now it's even more so with the Admiral of the Navy.

A bad premonition gradually rose in Virgo's heart.

In today's killing round, can the Dragon Slaying Swordsman really be left behind?

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