"Dead people are not qualified to speak to me."

As the magnetic and majestic words spread, an extremely dazzling silver sword light passed by.


This sword is only fast.

But when the speed is extremely fast, the lethality is also extremely strong.

"Do not!"

In the face of this sword, August didn't have time to dodge at all, he only had time to cover the armed colors on his arms and hands, and then crossed them to resist.

A feeling of being made of steel permeates the air.

As one of the boss-level figures in the dark world of the West Sea, he is proficient in physical skills and has a lot of experience in defense.

"The speed is so fast, it should be some kind of special devil fruit ability, I just need to defend and counterattack."

A thought flashed through his mind.

Immediately after, a figure staggered past him quickly, and the gust of wind made his face tremble.

He was shocked, and his body froze in place, staring angrily.

The blood in his eyes quickly dissipated.

Then a blood line spread rapidly along the left neck. The defensive posture and the dark and shiny armed color domineering seemed to not exist. The blood line spread all the way and extended to the abdomen.

Finally, his body swayed slightly, and half of his body slowly slipped along the blood line.

Rhodes didn't even look at it, he shook the body of his sword and sheathed it.


At this time, the sonic boom of Rhodes breaking the sound barrier spread, resounding like thunder.

There was a dead silence in the field, no one spoke, and everyone was stunned to watch all this.

Following August, the blond young man who was arrogantly preparing to forcefully marry Yuffie was even more stunned.

The strongest of their family died like this?

One sword and two paragraphs? !

Not even a last word? !

He stared blankly at the half of his body that fell to the ground, as if he had lost his soul.

This is the patron saint of their family's rampage in the underground world of the West Sea, and now he can't even take a sword from a young man.

Wait, young man? A sword? White clothes?

The blond young man was startled, thinking of the most incredible legendary figure, his teeth trembled, and the whole person trembled, just like an ordinary person facing a sea king!

He looked up, as if trying to say something.

However, a blazing silver light pierced the air abruptly, directly shattering his chest.

cough cough.

Blood flowed from the blond youth's mouth, and he forced a wry smile.

To provoke the one face to face, he admires his own courage, and only hopes that the family will not be implicated because of this.

That's not right. Without Uncle August, the family will soon be approached by the former enemy. Even if it is not destroyed, it will be wiped out.


With this thought in mind, the blond youth's body fell heavily to the ground, his eyes dimmed.

From the appearance of Rhodes to the beheading of August, it took less than half a minute.

A sword! A flick of the finger!

Simply neat!

Many people haven't even reacted, and the two Augustus, who were arrogant and domineering before, were already dead on the spot.

In the silence, Yuffie was the first to react, but instead of recognizing Rhodes immediately, he ordered to seal up and let Hela take the guards elsewhere.


Hela's response was also very fast and acted quickly.

Although the guards were full of doubts and shocks, they did not dare to disobey the order and followed Hela out.

Who is it? !

A thought flashed through everyone's heart, and their hearts were suddenly shocked.

"Looks like you've grown a lot."

Seeing this scene, Rhode smiled lightly.

Obviously, Yuffie is already a full-fledged queen.


Yuffie bit her lip lightly, her eyes a little complicated.

She looked at the black-haired man whose image had changed considerably in front of her, but there was nothing strange about it.

Because she has been paying attention to the information of Rhodes, from the war on the top to Punk Hassad, she knows everything about everything.

"I didn't expect you to come."

Yuffie lowered her head slightly and said softly.

Xuesha and Gates stayed next to each other, inexplicably restrained.

Today's Rhodes, status and prestige are too high, too high to match.

He is a Dragon Slayer and one of the legendary figures most likely to become the Four Sovereigns. The opponents he usually faces are big figures such as admirals and marshals of the navy, and they are far beyond their level.

Rhode was keenly aware of this estrangement, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Actually this is fine.

The Land of Flowers, located in the West Sea, should not be too involved with Rhodes at present. After all, the four oceans are reserved for the world government and are easily targeted.

"Are you here for the heavenly gold?"

Yuffie is a thoughtful girl, she sensed that the atmosphere was not right, and smiled reluctantly.

Rhodes nodded.

"Let's go to the palace and talk."

Yuffie led the way, and everyone quickly came to the palace,

Xuesha calmed down a little at this time, and obediently poured a cup of hot tea.

Rhodes patted her little head, didn't speak, just picked up the teacup and sipped it lightly.

Yuffie knew that Rhodes appeared in the West Sea, and every second he stayed was dangerous, so she didn't mean to gossip, and directly began to introduce the basic information of Tianshangjin.

"Gold in the sky, for our member countries, it is a search and squeeze, and it is also a kind of force to deter...

Almost every time, the person who came to collect the tax was an unbelievably powerful being. I saw it once from a distance when I was very young, and even the leader Green Pepper didn’t dare to fight against it.

And I heard that such a powerful existence, there is another one on the golden flagship in the sky..."

Her narration is very organized, and Rhode can easily detect the key points.

"Are the two peak fighting strengths?"

Rhodes narrowed his eyes slightly.

The world government really has deep pockets.

You must know that almost any peak existence has the power to destroy a country by one person, but the difference is only the speed of efficiency.

"I don't know which two they are? The first two captains of CP0? There are still admirals involved, will it be Green Bull?"

Rhodes thought.

In fact, he really wanted to fight against these peak powerhouses.

He has been in the limelight during this time, and now his various abilities should have been seen through and understood by others, whether it is the speed he is good at, or the strange sharpness of the blade, and the unbelievably strong tyrannical domineering and so on...

But Rhodes still knows very little about the abilities of Green Bull and other captains of CP0. If those people have any special abilities, the future battles may be capsized in the gutter.

Unknown means variables. Mastering information in advance is what the wise do.

"Where is Tianshangjin's current position?"

"It should be on Vastaya Island to the east."

Yuffie replied, and then showed an inexplicable look, "Are you leaving?"

When Rhode heard the words, he turned around for a while, then waved his hand and laughed.

"You work hard, and when I conquer Holy Land Mary Joa, there is still a lack of a consul."

In the clear laughter, Rhode's figure flickered and disappeared at the end of his sight.

"The Archon...?"

Rear ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yuffie whispered softly.

Surprisingly, she didn't even feel the slightest doubt about the meaning of Rhodes' words to overthrow the World Government.

Not far away, Hela just came over, and when she heard this, she couldn't help but be slightly taken aback.

It is the dream of every revolutionary army to overthrow the aristocratic rule of the world government. It is not surprising that Rhodes has such an idea, but Rhodes' approach is very different from that of the revolutionary army.

A low-key development, silently waiting for the opportunity.

One is high-profile to the extreme, standing in the spotlight of the world almost all the time.

There's no telling who's right or who's wrong.

Inside the revolutionary army, there are radicals who are eager to go to war and confront the world government.

Perhaps the leader will make a choice.

Hela thought.

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