Pirates: Supernatural Talent

Chapter 322: ups and downs

in the secret room.

Feeling the power of belief gradually filling in the soul space, Rhodes smiled slightly.

The peak powerhouse is a monster-level existence that surpasses the limits of human beings, with tenacious life and perfect ability system. It may be defeated, but it is extremely difficult to kill.

Therefore, the death of Kurman Luke brought a lot of prestige to Rhodes, completely surpassing the Blackbeard who fought in the new world one step ahead of him, and was almost on par with the old four emperors such as Kaido.

A lot of prestige, for Rhodes, means a lot of faith.

And what surprised Rhodes was.

Perhaps because of Kaido's battle with the beasts, his power of belief has grown very fast these days, and a golden ocean is almost condensed in the soul space!

"Although the more the power of faith, the better, but from this aspect, we can also see how terrifying Kaido's prestige in the new world is..."

"Hundred Beast Kaido, the strongest duel, I'm afraid it's not just talking."

Rhodes took a deep breath and felt a little pressure.

The strongest creature in the world, immortal and indestructible, the strongest one-on-one...

Beast Kaido has many titles, and each title is extremely powerful.

The title is not what you say, it must be recognized and approved by the majority of people.

Therefore, the titles that have passed the test of time and have been circulated are generally worthy of their names.

"It's a tough battle, but instead of guessing the strength of the enemy, it's better to strengthen yourself as soon as possible..."

Gradually restraining his thoughts, Rhode was ready to start the next evolution of his body.

Three-tenths are hurdles.

Rhodes has a feeling that some wonderful and miraculous changes may occur this time.


He sat cross-legged in the center of the secret room, with his hands flat on his knees, and when he thought about it, the ocean of belief in the soul space trembled violently like boiling.

The turmoil became more and more violent, with Rhodes fully motivated.

The ocean of belief trembled, and the whole thing turned from virtual to solid, and it emerged outside Rhodes, revolving around him, slowly.

From the outside, Rhodes looks like a golden god, extremely mysterious.

At this stage, Rhode does not need to bother at all, it is completely absorbed by the body, flesh and blood, bones, internal organs, etc.

The golden energy kept surging, and he was shaking all over. Rhode clearly felt that he was evolving, his physique was strengthening, and he was very fast.

Later, the joints vibrated, like the impact of gold and stone, and the viscera roared, as if there was thunder after another.

It can be seen that there is a layer of material on the surface of Rhodes' body, which is sticky, which is what was discharged, and his body is undergoing amazing changes.

Under that sticky substance, Rhode's body was dyed with a golden layer.

Looking closely, this golden color is not the color of the skin, but the muscles and blood are glowing, penetrating the body!

This evolution is very important, it is a sign of entering a small success, and it is also the beginning of Rhodes' detachment from the mortal body.

Once this evolution is completed, his body may have some divine properties.

"This time the harvest is very big, and it will continue to be replenished in the past few days... About one percent of the progress can be completed in one day."

"But this is just the beginning. After the body adapts, it will speed up. At that time, 2% of the day will be fine."

"In this way, seven or eight days should be enough for me to complete the evolution without delaying the decisive battle."

Rhodes threw himself into evolution.

Physical evolution is a feast.

Because this is not only physical pleasure, but even the soul is filled with a sense of pleasure, which is immersive.

Rhode felt that even the fierce hand-to-hand combat with Hancock was a little less charming. If there was Robin, it might be better.

Within a day, he did not eat or drink, and took a firm step on the road of evolution.

The entire secret room was saturated with overflowing golden energy.

Furniture such as wooden stools, tables and chairs, which are obviously dead objects, have gradually undergone wonderful changes, giving people a feeling of being alive and alive.

It's like Hormiz who has been given the ability of Soul Soul Fruit by bigo!

But Rhode did not care about this at all. As his physical evolution progressed, his transformation speed was also accelerating, consuming a lot of faith power every day.

At this time, Rhode's skin, muscles, eyebrows and even pupils were all dyed golden, and the vast golden energy filled his body, gradually transforming him into the body of a god.


With such magical creatures as phone bugs and ubiquitous news birds, the news of the pirate world is not slow to spread.

Besides, neither Rhodes nor Kaido intended to hide the news.

Therefore, almost overnight, the news of the beast Kaido's invitation to fight the Dragon Swordsman spread to the new world and continued to spread.

Before the dawn of the second day, it had spread all over the sea.

The news caused an uproar.

The whole sea is in an uproar!

The Four Emperors, Kaido of the Beasts... A battle with the strongest of the new generation, the Dragon Slaying Sword Horod!

For many, this is a decisive battle with special meaning.

Beast Kaido is one of the leading figures in the era of pirates, while Rhodes is the strongest and undisputed leader in the new era.

The confrontation between the two of them is very topical.

The achievements of the two were found out by the newspapers and published one by one.

Dragon Swordsman:

Forcibly kill Tenyasha Doflamingo and defeat Kizaru!

Defeat the Admiral of the Navy and leave with ease from the joint hands of Kizaru and Akainu!

Team up with Aokiji, kill the peak powerhouse, Kuhlman Luke!

This kind of record can be called terrifying. The supernova of Rhodes' generation can only feel powerless, and he can't raise his mind to catch up.

When your opponent is one point ahead of you, you want to catch up to him.

But when he is taller than you, you can only look up and sigh.

The people who eat melons feel incredible when they see the achievements listed in the newspapers.

Is this really done by a young man who is under 20, seems to be only 18 years old?

At their age, they were still thinking about whether they should go to sea!

And Kaido's brief description is even more amazing:

After 7 failures, he was captured 18 times when he challenged the Navy and the Four Emperor Pirates alone, was tortured more than a thousand times, and was sentenced to death 40 times...

Even if you are hanged, the chains will be torn off, even if you are put on a guillotine, you can smash the guillotine, and even if you are stabbed by a spear, it will end with the spear breaking!

It is rumored that he once bathed in magma and was indifferent to the thunder bombardment!

No one could ever kill him!

Even he himself has tried many times to commit suicide without success!


The new generation of pirates who were originally confident because of Rhodes' record~www.wuxiaspot.com~ were instantly hit by this brief description, and they lost the slightest spirit.

One-on-one against the Four Emperor Pirates... Is this a person?

Lava bath, thunder bombardment... Is this a human?

People simply can't imagine that it is a polymorphic existence that can do these things that make the scalp tingle just thinking about it.

In contrast, Dragon Slaying Swordsman's amazing record appears unexpectedly weak.

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