Pirates: Supernatural Talent

Chapter 390: The strength of BIGMOM

BIGMOM has a very tall stature, comparable to that of a giant, with muscles and knots all over his body as if made of steel. His complexion is cold, with a strange luster. It is completely different from ordinary people and is indestructible at first sight.

She stared at Rhodes, two light beams shot out from her eyes, and the whole person gradually filled with an amazing breath. In a trance, the already huge body seemed to be infinitely tall, making it impossible to look directly.

At this moment, even the pirates who offered a reward of hundreds of millions felt a burst of horror. When facing BIGMOM, they couldn't help but surrender. This was a spiritual suppression.

Rhodes snorted coldly. After the test just now, he had already preliminarily judged the strength of BIGMOM.

Like the beasts Kaido, BIGMOM's physique also exceeds the limits of human beings.

But there are differences between the two. Kaido and BIGMOM's strength, speed, and stamina are almost the same, but BIGMOM's defense is stronger than Kaido's, and Kaido's recovery is stronger than BIGMOM.

In terms of attack power, BIGMOM is slightly stronger than Kaido due to the presence of Hormiz such as flames and giant swords, and even not much different from Rhodes at this time.

"The armed color is very strong, even stronger than the Green Bull General, but I have improved the armed color once before, and the gap is there, but it is not big."

Rhode's eyes flickered, even if BIGMOM's attack was similar to his, and his defense was stronger than him, but because of the disparity in speed, the balance of this battle was obviously in Rhode's favor.

The Four Emperors are the top existences in the world, and one of the strongest people in the world. No one can guarantee that they will definitely defeat an Emperor, but as long as there is a chance of winning higher than 50%, it is enough to fight!

He stood with a sword, his body tense, his spirit highly concentrated, and he was ready to fight to the death with BIGMOM.

"I haven't used my full strength for a long time, and my body feels a little rusty."

BIGMOM opened her mouth, her eyes were very aggressive, and she looked at Rhodes, trying to see through him.

After the previous collision, she has put away the contempt she should not have, and treated Rhodes as a powerhouse of the same rank.


The next moment she moved, the void seemed to have a big explosion, the sound was deafening, she traversed hundreds of meters, like flying, and killed directly in front of her.

In the process, the trees burst into pieces, the vegetation turned into powder, and all the rocks blocking the road exploded. She was like a humanoid sea king, invincible.

BIGMOM broke out at the fastest speed and showed amazing power, hoping to pull back the situation and press Rhodes into the disadvantage.


Rhodes also moved, as fast as thunder and lightning, the whole body was blooming with fiery thunder, and the arc was turbulent. He pushed the thunder and physical strength to the extreme, without any reservation.

At the same time, he displayed the swordsmanship that he is best at. The slash of the great swordsman became more refined and sharp, with a thunderous sound, as if the thunder of nine days exploded here.

In the battlefield, the sound of thunder was terrifying, and the earth around Rhodes exploded. He was like a **** of war, invincible and unstoppable.


The two collided again, and the area was devastated. The mountains were shattered, the soil and rocks turned into waves, with flowers, plants, trees, etc., rushing to a height of 100 meters.

This is not like the earth, but the sea outside the island. The soil layer is undulating violently, like a wave.

The two bodies were extremely tyrannical, smashing a ten-meter-high mountain bag, breaking the ground of the island, and moving at an extreme speed, like two lightning bolts intertwined.

They all hit the dead hand together, hoping to seize the advantage.


The silver light exploded, Rhode's mind controlled the thunder, condensed the spear of the **** of thunder, and stabbed directly at BIGMOM's huge body at such a close distance.

It is a pity that even if it was unexpected, it failed to penetrate the neck, and BIGMOM avoided the key point.

Almost at the same time, the flames on Rhodes' body exploded, like strong explosives. The violent fire and shock waves oscillated, and Rhodes was shocked and flew out, his face turning red.

It was caused by the sun Prometheus, and the flames emitted were extremely condensed and silent, blasting Rhodes into the air.

But this kind of explosion outside the body is really not worth mentioning to people of their level.

Rhodes only slowed down for a second, and then quickly recovered without any impact.

"Damn, Zeus, can you really not attack?"

BIGMOM was a little unwilling and shouted angrily in his heart.

"Mom, I, I can't, that person gives me a very terrifying feeling, if I show up, I'm afraid it will be a disservice."

Thundercloud Zeus said tremblingly, BIGMOM can clearly feel its fear, a kind of fear that comes from the depths of the soul.

It is rumored that Dragon Slaying Swordsman once controlled the Tianlei condensed by Kaido of the beasts, causing terrifying damage to Kaido of the Shenlong. I am afraid that he really has a unique control over Thunder.


Rhodes condensed a thundering giant sword, covered with a thick armed color, making it like a black wandering dragon, flying up and down, constantly harassing BIGMOM.

BIGMOM dare not underestimate the edge of this giant sword. If she is not careful, she will be severely injured even if she is not dead.

In the end, she could only send the Sun Prometheus to resist the Thunder Greatsword.

At the same time, the two were also fighting against each other, the blades collided, the clanging sound was heard, and the sparks bloomed.

"The gun of Elbaf... Mighty country!"

BIGMOM has a hideous face, holds the giant sword in both hands, and displays the ultimate move of the giants.

This move can fully exert the physical strength of the giants, mobilize the power of every muscle, surpass the limit, and the explosive power is extremely amazing. It is one of the most terrifying slashes in the world.

Under this move, BIGMOM's terrifying physique was brought into full play, and the power it created was naturally earth-shattering.

I saw a terrifying slash, with a length of thousands of meters, with a sun-like light, which made the world pale and slashed towards Rhodes.


When the giants such as Haierding who were in the fierce battle saw this scene, they all showed a trace of anger and a trace of grievance.

As the ultimate move of the giant clan, but in the hands of the giant clan enemy, it exerted a mighty power that shocked the world, which is really unbearable.

The reactions of the people outside the arena were completely unaffected by the people inside the arena.

Weiguo was still falling, unstoppable slashing towards Rhodes.

Faced with this move, Rhodes did not retreat.

Because this move not only covered him, but also included the entire Tokushima position in the attack range with its enormous power.

One sword to cut the island, even if BIGMOM is one of the strongest pirates in the world, it can be called an all-out strike.


Facing this scene, Rhode's eyes showed a trace of solemnity. He held the sword in both hands, and the blazing thunder exploded in an instant, and the light burst out, like a small sun blooming in it, making it impossible to look directly.

"Thunder... a sword!"

He used thunder and swordsmanship to the extreme, and also burst out with the strongest attack, and greeted him without showing weakness.

When the full blow of the two most powerful people in the world collided.


The unprecedented sound of explosion resounded through the sky, like the sound of countless cannonballs falling at the same time.

The sky and the earth shook, and the huge residual energy swept in all directions, setting off a terrifying typhoon that swept across the small half-crescent island.

Along the way, whether it was boulders or trees, they were all thrown away, and the scene was very terrifying.

In the sky above, Morgans, who was constantly photographing with a phone bug, also stayed there at the moment, looking at the scene on the island, showing a strong horror.

Is this a battle between emperors?

In the face of such power, the supernovas and super rookies in the first half are really like children playing at home.


The violent storm affected the entire battle situation, and Tokushima and the members of the BIGMOM Pirates had to temporarily truce to try to stabilize their bodies.

"BIGMOM's strength is really terrifying."

Robin clearly observed the situation on the battlefield through Huahua Fruit~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and couldn't help muttering in a low voice.

"Even my mother's prestige has been forced out..."

Katakuri's eyes flickered, very dignified, and at the same time he knew that there was a qualitative gap between him and the Dragon Slayer Swordsman.


Under everyone's nervous gaze, the two slashes that slashed across the sky finally broke apart, and a roar that shook the sky first erupted.

Immediately, a terrifying wave of air swayed, causing a crack in the dark clouds in the sky, hanging upside down in the sky like an abyss.

It's like a battle of gods!

This kind of power is incomprehensible to ordinary pirates. The aftermath of the collision alone sets off a typhoon and cuts off the dark clouds in the sky.

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