Pirates: Supernatural Talent

Chapter 392: white-hot battle

"Day and night have passed..."

People looked at the direction from which the vibrations and roars came, and the shock could not be concealed in their expressions.

This physical strength is too exaggerated!

On the battlefield at this time, there were only a few battles between the BIGMOM Pirates and the members of Tokushima, and the rest were almost stopped.

This kind of high-intensity battle is inferior to Luo and Robin, who are at the general star level, and cannot last for a day and a night, not to mention that they will be injured during the battle, which will further consume physical energy.

Herbert, the high-level combat power of the high-level equality was slightly better, but not much better. After a day and night of fierce fighting, they all stopped fighting and took a short rest.

The two sides each withdrew a certain distance, and then watched the battle between BIGMOM and Rhodes from a distance.

They continued to fight day and night on this side, which was close to the limit, but there was no sign of decline at all, and the fight became more and more fierce.

The terrifying roar and vibration has almost never stopped, and people can clearly feel that the island under their feet is trembling and whining, bearing the pressure it should not bear.

"That man... actually fought with his mother to such a degree."

"As expected of the strongest in the new era."

The members of the BIGMOM Pirates whispered while wearing bandages.

"Mom has no limits!"

Charlotte Katakuri said calmly:

"Mother's physique is special, and her potential is almost unlimited. As the battle progresses, these potentials will continue to be stimulated, and the more you fight, the stronger you will be. There is no upper limit."

BIGMOM has been abnormal since he was a child. At the age of five, he used his body to resist the slashing of the giants and destroyed the giant village with his own hands.

Today, it is naturally even more abnormal, and even the appearance and figure of the past have been abandoned.

It is conceivable how abnormal BIGMOM is at this time, and how terrible the degree of mutation is. It is estimated that it is only bald from being the strongest.

"Just keep an eye on the people of Tokushima."

Cricket twisted his neck and said calmly.

They fought fiercely with Tokushima for a day. The mid-level and high-level combat strength was good, but the bottom-level combat strength was a bit miserable. Often, those demon giants could sweep a large area with one attack, making them invincible.

The armed giants have a strategic role in large-scale battlefields and are terrifying.

"Just watch it first."

Charlotte Smoothie's face was pale, and she had traces of thunder on her body. Although she was a great swordsman comparable to Taotu, she was really helpless in the face of the almost invincible Thunder Fruit. She was struck by lightning several times.

Of course, Anilu was not feeling well either.

"As long as my mother defeats Jianlong Zhanlong, this war will be won."

The generals made a decision, and while watching the members of Tokushima closely, they watched the core battlefield.

the other side.

"Tsk, is this the combat power of the Four Emperors? I'm still far behind."

Herbert looked at the distant battlefield and let out a slow breath.

"Your Excellency Rhodes has the upper hand, but the final outcome is hard to predict."

Jinbei sighed, a little worried.

Judging from the scene, there is no doubt that BIGMOM has suffered more and more serious injuries, but she stood up again and again like an unbeatable Xiaoqiang and fought with Rhodes fiercely.

Her physique is so monstrous!

Although Rhodes is also strong, he is not good at defense after all. He must be cautious in battle, just like an assassin dancing on the tip of a knife. Once he makes a mistake, the advantage he established in the early stage is likely to be ruined and even reversed.

Anilu's sight and hearing are at the top of the crowd, and he is most aware of the battle over there. He whispered:

"It's morning. With the fighting state of those two people and the level of physical fitness, the final decisive battle should break out in the afternoon. We must be ready and try our best to recover."

His tone was serious, and the wound was bandaged. There was a sword mark on his chest and abdomen, and he could almost see the bones and internal organs, which was very tragic.

In the battle with Charlotte Smoothie, he was almost cut into two pieces with a single sword. If it weren't for the extreme speed of the Thunder Fruit, he really couldn't deal with a great swordsman.

When Jinbei and Herbert heard the words, they nodded lightly in recognition.

Rhode wins, they need to be in good condition to hunt down the BIGMOM pirates and expand the results.

And Rhodes lost... They need to be in good condition to deal with the pursuit of the BIGMOM Pirates.

"I won't lose..."

Aside, Robin took a sip of water and said lightly:

"That guy, how could he be defeated here."


At this moment, the time has come to the early morning, but the sky is still gray, the thicker and thicker dark clouds cover the sky, and sometimes there are lavender lightning flashes, as thick as a dragon, stunning, domineering, and shocking.

Under the dim sky, Rhodes and BIGMOM were still fighting fiercely, and the dim vision did not affect the battle.

In this level of battle, the dependence on vision is already very low, and more rely on the perception of seeing and seeing.

"One Blade Stream Thunder Dragon!"

The thunder exploded, Rhode and BIGMOM fought a reckless sword, and in the process of flying backwards, they used the moon step to forcibly unload the impact, and then slashed with a sword.

The thunder dragon roared, roaring, and the energy fluctuations were earth-shattering, with a terrifying whistling, smashing the huge size of BIGMOM into a stagger.

Almost at the next instant, Rhodes flashed and approached quickly.

"Boy Rhodes, you don't seem to have eaten."

BIGMOM widened his eyes, loosened the hilt of the giant sword, reached out his hand into claws, and with a bang, directly tore the Thunder Dragon into pieces, fierce and domineering!

The giant sword is the Hormiz of BIGMOM, which is equivalent to her soul incarnation. It has autonomy and automatically returns to BIGMOM's hands.

Holding the sword, she slashed down sharply, confronting Rhodes.

The two swords collided, and with a bang, the surging force directly shattered the ground under BIGMOM's feet, and then collapsed.

At the same time, Rhode was also thrown out by the anti-shock bomb, flying more than ten meters in the air, and then stopped on the moon step.

He looked at BIGMOM whose thighs were sunk to the ground and stiffened due to the tremendous force, his expression turned cold, then he held the hilt of the sword with both hands and raised it high above the top.

"Sword cut!"

Nothing can describe the edge of this sword!

This sword slashed out, as if even the heaven and the earth were split into two sections, and the dazzling light that bloomed instantly became the only one between the heaven and the earth.

Under everyone's attention, a silver sword energy that penetrated the sky and the earth instantly burst out of the sky, like a silver moon falling into the mortal world, beautiful and heart-pounding.

"Flame Jet!"

BIGMOM's body was still in an extremely short-term rigidity, and she was temporarily unable to carry capacity, but she did not panic at all, and with a light drink, the sun Prometheus instantly burst into a sea of ​​fire, covering the sky and covering the sun, rising against the sky.

As the incarnation of BIGMOM's soul, Hormiz can't play a decisive role in battles at the same level, but his auxiliary ability is very good. He can not only create fighters and cause damage, but also help BIGMOM defend against attacks.

Although the flame jet was slashed by the sword energy almost instantly, it was blocked for a while, allowing BIGMOM to gain a precious breathing opportunity. She held the giant sword in both hands and urged the Emperor Sword, Broken Blade.

A sword wrapped in monstrous flames and soul power and slashed out.

With a bang, BIGMOM was slashed by the sword energy and slipped out, and two deep traces were drawn on the ground. Only then did he rise up and chop the silver sword energy into pieces.

With a swoosh, Rhode appeared beside BIGMOM and stabbed her back with a sword.


The blade was wrapped with astonishing lightning.

Even though BIGMOM displayed his armed color and pushed his defensive talents to the extreme, his muscles were tense, but Rhode's blade was still splashing with sparks, forcibly breaking through BIGMOM's double protection and stabbing into her body.


BIGMOM roared, grabbed Rhode with his backhand, and at the same time stimulated a soul spike, pointing directly at Rhode.

Rhodes didn't hesitate at all, and decisively drew his sword and stepped back. When the silver light burst, he had already retreated dozens of meters away.

But this soul spike BIGMOM had been prepared for a long time, and almost in the next instant, it caught up and hit Rhodes.

humming sound.

Rhodes only felt a splitting headache and couldn't help covering his forehead, as if a knife was cutting back and forth in his head.

If this move is used by ordinary people, I am afraid it will directly destroy the soul and cause brain death. Even with Rhodes' will, he can't help but groan.

In such a state, it was unwise to fight forcibly. He was very decisive, kept his feet and retreated directly to several hundred meters away.

The fighting stopped temporarily.

The two sides faced off across a mountain.

BIGMOM's body was severely injured, and there were many sword wounds that were fatal to ordinary people.

As for Rhodes, except for his tattered clothes, his body was flawless. The injuries caused by BIGMOM before were quickly recovered by using special energy.

But the soul was attacked and radiated to the body, making him feel a pain in the brain and a little distracted.

At the same time, after a day and night of fighting, his physical energy was severely depleted.

Of course, BIGMOM is more serious, after all, she has more injuries and consumes more physical energy.

But BIGMOM was born with mutations, and no one knew how much physical energy her monster body contained.


BIGMOM greedily devoured the fresh air and even formed strong winds. She was very surprised, because Rhodes showed a very terrifying resilience, almost comparable to the old rival Kaido.

Seeing Rhodes slowly recovering from the damage to his soul~www.wuxiaspot.com~ his heart sank, and he felt bad.

At this point, she had to admit that Rhodes was really strong and his enemy.

In terms of swordsmanship, the opponent is the famous Dragon Slaying Swordsman, even if she uses the ultimate move of the giants, "Mighty Kingdom", she still cannot gain an advantage.

In terms of physique and domineering, although the opponent is slightly immature, the difference is not big enough to fight her.

She has a defensive advantage, while Rhodes has a recovery advantage.

And... the deadliest speed advantage!

Often Rhodes hit her ten times before she could damage Rhodes once.

It can be said that in terms of physical confrontation alone, she has no hope of defeating the opponent at all!

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