Pirates: Supernatural Talent

Chapter 421: own cost

The Golden Emperor is tall and straight, with gray-green hair with a touch of golden luster, he can be called handsome.

Because of the battle with Fujitora, he was in a fighting state at this time, and his body was covered with thick gold, like a golden giant.

"Kill me? Who gave you the courage."

Rhodes opened his mouth, his gaze was very strange, as if a human being was admiring a clamoring ant.

The Golden Emperor's eyes became cold and he said, "If you were outside, I would still be afraid of you, but this is the Golden Ship, the Golden King Hotel!"

"You shouldn't provoke me in this place!"

He is conceited and proud, as if as long as he is here, he is invincible and can defeat any opponent.

Fujitora in the back nodded slightly, quite approving.

In this King of Gold Hotel, which is almost made of pure gold, Tezzolo, who is a superhuman-type gold-gold fruit person, has greatly increased his strength, and Fujitora has no confidence in defeating him.

But Fujitora knew better about Rhodes' strength, especially the extreme speed and slash, which were a great threat.

He is okay, after all, gravity restrains extreme speed, and at the same time his swordsmanship is also good, although a little reluctant, but still able to deal with.

But a pure fruit powerhouse like the Golden Emperor is a little bad.

Therefore, after discovering Rhodes, Fujitora's eyesight always locked on Rhodes and was very vigilant.

"Ha ha……"

At this time, it was accompanied by a faint chuckle.


Silver light flashed, and a figure appeared in front of the Golden Emperor in an instant as if teleporting.

"Be careful!" Fujitora roared, the gravity was distorted, and it exploded beside the Golden Emperor, directly blasting him out.


The silver-white sword light flashed like a sword, and bloodstains splashed out.

With a "pop", the Golden Emperor was slammed against the wall by the twisted gravity and slowly slid down.

He touched the wound on his throat, and there was a look of horror in his eyes. Just now, he was almost beheaded by a sword!

"Your strength doesn't seem to match your confidence."

Rhodes stood with his sword and spoke in a flat tone.

"Join us, Golden Emperor, you are not his opponent alone."

Fujitora slowly took a step forward and said.

When the Golden Emperor heard Fujitora's words, his face was cold and he nodded slowly.

Facing the powerful Rhodes, the Golden Emperor and Fujitora had to choose to join forces, otherwise they would be easily defeated or even beheaded if they fought alone.


Rhodes sneered, stepped on his foot, and rushed to the Golden Emperor in an instant.

"Stay vigilant, his sword is sharp!"

Fujitora spoke in a low voice, and the sight and hearing that was enough to affect the meteorite seemed to predict something, and directly slashed in front of the Golden Emperor with a gravity knife, fierce tiger.

Almost at the same instant, Rhode appeared in this position, with a light smile on his face, as if he had known that Fujitora would prejudge, he tipped his toes and turned his body, and he came to the side of the Golden Emperor in an instant.

At this time, the Golden Emperor had a sneer on his face and was not afraid of Rhodes at all. He saw his thoughts move and instantly activated his awakening state.

The surrounding gold turned into a liquid, like mud, blocking the Golden Emperor around.

The Golden Emperor is very confident that no one can break these liquid gold, this is an absolute defense!

"Hurry up!"

Fujitora roared, and found that his teammates were really unreliable, and he dared to take Rhode's slash. Do you really think that Dragon Swordsman was screaming in vain?

The silver light exploded, like the sun.

Electromagnetic shock!

The electric arc flickered on the ghost sword, and the bewitching aurora emerged, and it began to tremble rapidly.

Seeing this move, Fujitora's expression changed abruptly, knowing that it was too late to rescue him, so he could only condense a chaotic gravity wave and throw it at Rhodes.

"This is an absolute defense, the Dragon Slaying Swordsman, an absolute defense that no one can break!" The Golden Emperor sneered in his heart, arrogant and conceited.

Rhodes held swords in both hands and slashed with one sword, the liquid gold that the Golden Emperor regarded as an absolute defense was cut open almost instantly.

"Do not……"

The Golden Emperor's pupils contracted violently, full of disbelief.

He paid a dear price for his ego.

In the blood splattered, an arm with a small shoulder was thrown into the air, swirling in the air.

Before the arm fell, Rhodes' next sword had come.

The silver sword light was like the scythe of the **** of death, pointing directly at the neck of the Golden Emperor.

The Golden Emperor froze all over, as if he had seen himself beheaded.

What a terrifying speed!

What a terrifying slash!

Just because of a small contempt, the Golden Emperor almost had to pay the price of his life.

Fortunately, the Golden Emperor is not fighting alone.

The gravitational wave that Fujitora had released earlier had already struck silently.


Rhodes frowned slightly.

Fujitora's gravity attack almost ignores defenses and directly targets the inside of the body, which is very difficult to deal with.

There may be a war later, and it is not worth it to be injured in order to kill the half-crippled Golden Emperor.

Rhode was very decisive, jumped back directly, and at the same time slashed down with a sword, the sharp sword qi directly cut off the right leg of the Golden Emperor, causing him to let out a tragic howl, and fell directly to the ground.

In less than a minute, the Golden Emperor lost one hand and one foot, which was extremely miserable.

With a bang, the chaotic gravity wave landed on the position where Rhodes had just stood, the golden ground twisted into a ball like a twist, and finally collapsed, revealing the floor below.

"There is progress..."

Rhode's eyes flashed, this power seems to be stronger than the last time he fought.

"After the battle with Your Excellency, I deeply felt that my ability was insufficient, and I never slackened." Fujitora said in a deep tone.

A new era is coming, and the naval headquarters is under pressure beyond imagination.

In addition to the senior salted fish kiwi, the others, whether it is Marshal Akainu, or Fujitora and other admirals, are all working hard to strengthen their bodies.

In this world, it's never just Rhodes getting stronger, and others will never stop.

It's just that the speed at which they become stronger is far less than that of Rhodes.

"Can you still fight?"

Fujitora's body sank slightly, like a tiger ready to go, and asked the Golden Emperor at the same time.

"Alright, alright."

The Golden Emperor's face was pale and his lips were trembling, but his tone was still stable.

He is a pure fruit power person~www.wuxiaspot.com~ similar to Doflamingo. Compared with most sea powerhouses, he is more like a mage powerhouse. The impact of losing one hand and one foot is not particularly great.

The next moment, the surrounding liquid gold condensed and attached to the body of the Golden Emperor.

After a while, the Golden Emperor cast a golden prosthesis.

Thanks to the control of gold in the awakened state, the golden emperor's manipulation of the golden arm and golden thigh is very flexible. He smiled with satisfaction, and said quickly in a low voice:

"General Fujitora, you are the main attack, and I will cover you."

Although the two had never cooperated, they had fought before and knew their respective types, so Fujitora did not refuse, but nodded and walked towards Rhodes with a sword.

War is imminent.

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