Pirates: Supernatural Talent

Chapter 438: worldwide attention

The fleets of both sides entered the visible range, and the news birds in the sky also faithfully transmitted this scene to all parts of the world.

Everyone, from nobles to commoners, couldn't help holding their breath at this moment, watching without blinking.

"It's about to start."

Chambord Archipelago, on a high platform, Rayleigh looked at the huge screen in the distance, picked up the jug subconsciously, and took a sip.

Luffy stood aside, also staring at the screen in the distance.

After Rayleigh's special training, Luffy at this time has learned to be domineering in two colors, and his strength has been enhanced many times.

At this time, the camera gave Rhodes a close-up.

When the handsome face appeared on the screen, and a series of flashes lit up immediately, it was the reporters in action.

This is a photo of the strongest man in the world, and it is very valuable.

"Brother Rhodes..."

Luffy clenched his fists, and his face showed an unprecedented seriousness.

Although he doesn't pay much attention to current affairs news, the fact that Rhodes is doing is too earth-shattering, and Luffy still understands it.

Today's Dragon Slaying Swordsman is vaguely recognized by the world as "the strongest man in the world"!

Rayleigh glanced at him and smiled:

"Rhode is now the most powerful existence in the new world. If you want to become One Piece, you will collide with him one day. How about you, do you have confidence?"

"Definitely beat him."

"I'm the man who wants to become One Piece!"

Luffy didn't hesitate to say his slogan again, which was also his dream.


Reilly smiled without refuting.

I hope that after watching this war, you will still have such self-confidence.

Rayleigh interrupted Luffy's training just to give him an eye-opener to see the best people in the world today.

At this moment, the crowd that had been silent before suddenly burst into a commotion.

"Oh, war is on, war is on!"

"Sea battle, such a large-scale naval battle, the last time it was the battle between One Piece Roger and the golden lion Shiki's Art Wall, it has been decades since."

"Who will come out on top!"

The whole world is looking forward to it.


Will Sea.

When the two sides came from the visible distance to the effective range, the entire sea changed from silence to boiling in almost an instant.


The endless sound of artillery fire resounded through the sky, incessantly.

Cannonballs flew into the sky, densely packed, like raindrops, with boundless terror.

Some collided in the sky, exploded into a bright fire, and the smell of gunpowder filled the air.

The rest pierced through the sky, with an astonishing screeching sound, and fell towards the enemy array.

Because of Rhodes' intervention, Dressrosa paid great attention to the research and development of thermal weapons. The artillery equipped with warships was very powerful. It was no worse than Bucky the Clown's Bucky bomb. It was a powerful blooming bomb that could easily explode Broken three-story building.

Such a powerful power almost opened an era in the navy!

boom! boom! boom!

The blooming bomb exploded in the naval fleet, and in just an instant, the two warships were scrapped, and several major generals of the headquarters took action to resist, and they were also blown into the sea, and their life and death were unknown.

The shells fired by the navy into Tokushima were more numerous, denser, and more precise, but because of their power, they were relatively easy to intercept, and were intercepted by the powerhouses who were already on standby.

"Such power..."

A haze flashed across Akainu's face, and although he was not panicked, he immediately issued a tactical maneuver order.

Commands are conveyed layer by layer.

Hundreds of naval fleets split from the middle in an instant, turning into two fleets, one on the left and one on the right, heading to both sides.

The navy shows amazing naval combat literacy, and has the unique power of naval warships, and the speed of evolution is very fast.

"This kind of maneuverability..."

Robin and the others' faces changed slightly.

Because at this time, what appeared in front of them was the side of a naval warship.

In this era, most of the artillery fire on warships was arranged on both sides of the hull.

It was as if the giant beast opened its **** mouth, and the dark, row upon row of muzzles were the sharp teeth that shone with cold light.

Crossfire and sideways firepower are enough to offset, or even surpass, the advantages brought by bursting bullets.

"It seems that we are still too immature in naval battles."

On the flagship, Rhode smiled nonchalantly.

Hearing Rhode's voice, Jin Ping immediately calmed down.

Many people looked ashamed.

But this is actually impossible.

Pirates have always been a ship, and there are five or six ships in the sky.

But how many ships are there in Tokushima today?


Such a large-scale fleet cannot be commanded by ordinary people at all.

The navy side, commanded, and completed such a rapid large-scale evolution, I am afraid it is also because of the help of Sengoku, Crane and others.

After all, the Pirate World has no radar and no computer equipment. It all relies on telephones to communicate, and it all relies on manpower to control the direction of the ship.

"do not mind."

Rhodes talked and laughed, as if the thousands of artillery pieces on the opposite side were all fake.

"Gelz, Joseph, you two, seal the sea, and don't let the navy complete the evolution."


The two giants of Geerz stepped forward and agreed with a bang.

The two giants strode forward, and then stepped forward, with a bang, the flagship trembled, and the two of them leaped to the sea.

When Akainu saw this scene, he couldn't help but be surprised.

He knew very well about Dressrosa's giant corps. They were a group of wonderful ability giants. They were invincible on the battlefield, and he didn't have a good way to deal with them.

But now, what is the situation when the two giants of ability jump into the sea?

Akainu was a little puzzled, but he soon understood.

I saw the two giants, Gelds and Joseph. In the process of falling into the sea, one person was covered with large snowflakes, and the other person escaped with a dark blue icy aura.

These icy breaths came first, and almost instantly froze the sea under the two of them.


The two giants landed on the ice with a bang, and then exhaled, pushing their abilities to the extreme.

One of the two giants is a person with the ability of the snow and snow fruit, and the other is a person with the ability of the superhuman cold fruit.

Their strength, of course, is not comparable to Aokiji, and they can't beat them together.

However, in terms of ability development, the giants may not be delicate and delicate enough, but they have a grand and majestic feeling.


Under the shocking gaze of everyone ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the ice surface spread like a plague, sweeping in all directions in an instant, extending all the way to the end of the line of sight.

In the blink of an eye, the ocean of Nuoda came to the world of ice and snow. Even the scorching sun in the sky and the scorching sunlight constantly swaying it could not dispel the cold.

Of course, the navy's fleet, as well as Tokushima's fleet, were frozen on the sea, and no one could move!

Seeing this scene, whether it is the battlefield or the outside world, everyone is as silent as death.

No one could have imagined that such an amazing change would occur.

"It was so surprising."

Rayleigh pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, showing an unprecedented look of anticipation.

The battlefield has been set up, is this to directly start the final decisive battle?

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