Pirates: Supernatural Talent

Chapter 474: grand debut

in the hall.

Because the response of Huiwu was far beyond imagination, Robin, Kerla and others all gathered together to deal with related affairs together.

The so-called chivalry is forbidden by martial arts.

At this time, a large number of powerhouses gathered on the golden ship. Once they were not handled properly, a large-scale fight would be a huge trouble.

Fortunately, Dressrosa had enough prestige, and the Tokushima soldiers led by Jinpei were also mighty and powerful, patrolling day and night, and no one dared to make trouble on the golden ship.

"The response to this event was very enthusiastic. I hope everyone will do their best and not make any loopholes." Robin said.

This kind of large-scale martial arts is the first time for pirates, and no one or that force usually has this kind of appeal.


Kerla and the others responded with awe.

If the martial arts meeting is held properly, it might be able to continue and become a symbol of Dressrosa, greatly enhancing Dressrosa's prestige.

But if it's a joke, it's a joke.

"Don't be too nervous. Rhodes is nearby. If something happens, he won't sit idly by."

As soon as these words came out, Kerla and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

There are the strongest men in the world sitting here, trying to make a fool of yourself, it's really hard for those players.

"Speaking of which, Rhodes has been in with that sugar for a while, and if he hasn't come out yet, won't it turn into a toy?"

Knowing the ability of Sugar, Kerla couldn't help but worry.

"Is this a mess, or is it really stupid..." Robin thought to himself.

Herbert leaned on the huge sofa, his burly body was like a little giant, he grinned strangely and said:

"If it becomes a toy, it will lose its memory. What I should worry about now is what will the child be tossed into, and won't it be damaged?"

"Correct, he's not a child, he won't be much younger than you." Trafalgar Law said lightly.

"Yeah, I almost forgot."

Herbert scratched his head, remembering the side effects of Childlike Fruit.

Robin sorted out the documents and said quietly:

"Anyway, physically, I'm still a child."


As soon as these words came out, everyone felt a little strange, and the atmosphere was inexplicably wrong.

Even Kerla was no longer worried, and her eyes were strange.

And just when everyone looked at each other, thinking more and more divergent, more and more weird.

Rhodes came out of the room.

And behind him, Xia Tang looked numb, his pupils were empty, and he followed him like a walking corpse.

It looks like it's been played badly.

Everyone's eyes became more and more strange.

"What's the matter, what did you do?"

Robin looked at Sugar's unlovable little appearance and couldn't help but ask.

Rhode picked up the sugar and said, "I didn't do anything, come on, be smart and smile."

As he spoke, he grinned at Sugar, showing his snow-white teeth.


But when this scene appeared in front of Sugar, it seemed like a beast opened its huge mouth, trying to swallow her little lamb alive. Sugar was instantly energized, and the whole person immediately became more energetic.

Everyone: "..."

"It has been dealt with, she will not be able to use her abilities on you in the future."

Rhode looked at Sugar with a smile, "Right?"


Sugar nodded like smashing garlic, then looked at everyone present, and said crisply: "Please take care of me."

Perhaps because of Rhode's confirmation, the worries and precautions were removed, and everyone unexpectedly discovered that Sugar was extra cute.

Robin took a step forward and fished out the sugar directly from Rhodes' claws.

As soon as the sugar eyes rolled, he immediately climbed up the pole, acting coquettishly and cute.

"Let me hug..."

Kerla also stepped aside, showing a look of affection.

After all, in terms of appearance, sugar is just a cute loli, and it is most likely to arouse their girlish hearts.


Rhodes glanced a little bit painfully, and didn't bother to pay attention.

Time passed day by day, and soon came the opening day of Huiwu.

Due to the appearance of several super-powers such as Hawkeye and Fire Fist Ace, the previously selected battle battlefield became obviously inapplicable and unqualified.

Therefore, Rhodes specially let the two giants, Leng Leng and Xue Xue, use their abilities to freeze a large sea area near the golden ship, creating a battlefield artificially.

In order to avoid hurting innocent people, the ice battlefield is designed to be very broad, and the audience stage is in a far away place.

If you are not strong enough and your eyesight is not enough, you can only see the battle in the field through the live broadcast of the video worm on the big screen.


This icy battlefield and the long viewing distance did not dampen the enthusiasm of the audience at all.

In order to fight for the broadcast rights, the major newspapers have even beaten people's brains into pigs' brains.

Because the gold content of this match is too high.

One Piece Supernova, the King of One Kingdom, and even the children of One Piece Roger, Fire Fist Ace, Sand Crocodile Crocodile, and especially the participation of the world's largest swordsman, Hawkeye Mihawk, filled everyone with excitement. passion.

Everyone is looking forward to the battle of the world's largest swordsman, so that everyone else has become a foil.

Even when the players entered the arena, the other players subconsciously slowed down and let Hawkeye walk in the front.

"The name is really big."

Ace's eyes were even more fighting, and Crocodile on the side only felt as if he was following a large stove, and the clothes originally prepared for this icy battlefield seemed so superfluous.

the other side.

The pirate supernovas came together, and they seemed to have reached some kind of agreement to form an alliance to jointly deal with Fire Fist Ace, Hawkeye and others.

They know very well that it is difficult for them to compete with these real sea powerhouses with their own strength.

Since they choose to participate, no one wants to win the championship.

Everyone knows that only champions can be remembered by the world and enjoy the highest glory.

Fame and fortune have always been the hurdles that humans cannot avoid.

And just when all the players are either vigilant, curious, full of fighting spirit, or indifferent.


A series of terrifying roars suddenly sounded over the venue. It was the sound of heavy artillery firing.

Everyone was shocked and thought that someone was attacking, but when they turned their heads to look, it turned out to be Dressrosa's fleet, firing into the sky together.

Boom boom boom!

Accompanied by the sound of artillery fire, countless colorful pieces scattered in the sky, covering the whole world.

In this splendid and grand scene~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I don't know when, a figure suddenly appeared on the high platform in the center of the venue.

His appearance instantly attracted the attention of all the players present.

Because they discovered that high platform early, they were still guessing the role of this high platform before.

"Behead, behead the Dragon Swordsman!"

When they saw the figure that appeared on the high platform, they held their breath, and then thought, no wonder the fleet of Tokushima will fire together, it turned out to be their king, appeared.

The vast scene still couldn't make Hawkeye's expression waver.

He looked up at the stalwart young man standing on the high platform. In his sharp eagle eyes, an astonishing light could not be revealed. The light was like a sword, and the piercing void made a sound.

As if sensing his gaze, the young man on the high platform looked over from a distance, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing a faint smile, as if to say, come on, I'm right here.

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