Pirates: Supernatural Talent

Chapter 491: The world is terrified!

Four Emperors BIGMOM is dead!

This news swept across the whole new world almost like a hurricane, and spread to the great waterway at an extremely fast speed, and even the distant four seas were shaken.

As one of the pirate emperors of Megatron for more than 20 years, BIGMOM has a very high prestige in the world and is known as the most powerful female powerhouse in the world.

Such an emperor was actually beheaded at the tea party on Cake Island, in the presence of the entire BIGMOM pirate group.

The dark world, the major pirate forces, the navy headquarters, the world government, and the whole world are all terrified.

Single-handedly, fighting the Four Emperor Pirates alone, killing the generals in a row, ignoring the killer moves carefully prepared by BIGMOM, stepping on the sky to kill the emperor, and finally still unscathed...

Such power is truly terrifying.


At this moment, only mythology can describe that existence.

Even the unruly, the big pirates who roamed the sea were deeply in awe and could not refute this statement.

The Five Old Stars forcibly interrupted the World Conference and wanted to respond, but before the order was issued, BIGMOM had already died in battle. Dozens of islands under the Ten Thousand Flags were destroyed one after another, and were quickly occupied by the Tokushima Legion who passed through the space channel.

In the new world of Nuoda, in one day, three of the four are gone, and only the sea of ​​​​hundreds of beasts is still lingering.

An island close to the red soil continent.

Many senior leaders of the revolutionary army gathered here, and after receiving the news, they never spoke again.

The leader of the revolutionary army sitting at the top, Monkey D. Drago said solemnly:

"I underestimated Rhode's ability again."

Sabo, Bello Betty and other commanders of the Fourth Army sat down in the hall, no one spoke, and they were all dead silent.

This news is really shocking.

Dragon-killing swordsman is alone in the tea party, and a sword alone is a million troops,

In that battle, the sky was torn apart, thunder and flames intertwined, the entire cake island turned into a dead zone, and finally ended in the death of BIGMOM.

"When the bear is rescued, let's merge into Dressrosa's command." Drago let out a sigh of relief.

Saying this, a sense of relaxation arises spontaneously.

He single-handedly brought the revolutionary army to the present, from scratch, and gradually developed into a point that even the government must face up to.

Along the way, it can be described as walking on thin ice, trembling with fear, always having to guard against the attack and infiltration of the world government, and worrying about it.

If it weren't for these, Dorag was confident that his own strength could definitely go further.

"Strong enough to change the world with one hand and conquer the sea."

"I thought it was just a joke, just a young man's energetic performance..."

Dorag recalled his conversation with Rhodes in the East China Sea, and couldn't help feeling that he really did it.

With his own power, he defeated the Four Emperor Pirates, and in the new world of Nuoda, no one can stop him.

The so-called two-sided attack situation that has been widely spread in the sea recently is nothing but a joke in front of Rhodes' mythical power.

The commander of the Eastern Army, Belo Betty, who had performed a mission with Rhodes, was also deeply shocked. She seldom came to the New World, but she also knew what the Four Emperors represented.

"That guy Rhodes..."

Sabo was also shaking his head, and remembering that Luffy, who was still practicing hard and targeting One Piece, sighed in his heart.

Luffy, your One Piece dream... is a bit difficult.

More than difficult, it is as difficult as the sky.

If in the era of the Four Emperors, Luffy roamed all the way and constantly challenged himself, there might still be a chance.

But if it is a unified new world, no matter how hard Luffy's head is, it is impossible to break through the past.

Rhodes will not allow it, and the pirate king appears again on the sea.

Especially when this new era is not yet fully established.

The other three commanders, as well as the senior cadres, were also speechless for a long time.

"Okay, let's not worry about them, let's think about how to rescue the bear."

Drago said: "Because Rhodes defeated the BIGMOM Pirates, the World Conference was interrupted, giving us more time, but we can't waste it. We must come up with a suitable plan as soon as possible."

No one expected that the World Government would hold a World Conference ahead of schedule because of Rhodes' threat.

Drago can only come up with the rescue plan for next year in advance. In a hurry, the plan is of course very imperfect.

"Yes, chief."

Everyone responded in unison and nodded.

Not only in the Revolutionary Army, in the Red-haired Pirates, in the Beasts Pirates, in the Navy Headquarters, in the Holy Land Mary Joa, there are countless scenes with different participants, but with similar conversations.

Everyone is clearly aware of one point.

In the whole world, no one can stop the unification of the New World. Since the Rocks era, the New World, which has been fighting for decades, will usher in its only overlord.

Stepping on the sky to kill the emperor, the whole world is terrified!


At this time, the waters of the world.

Robin is dealing with various government affairs after the collapse of the BIGMOM Pirates, while Jinping is dealing with the garrison of the waters of the world, and as for Herbert, he is leading troops to fight some stubborn elements still wandering in the sea.

No faction lacks die-hard loyalists, even the BIGMOM Pirates.

In addition, there are some madmen who came to the waters of Wan Guo to try to fish in troubled waters.

BIGMOM has been operating for more than 20 years in the waters of all countries, and the wealth and treasures accumulated are enough to make anyone's heart move.

The wages of avarice is death.

The world has never lacked that kind of hot-headed guy who dares to be reckless.

Iceland, southeast of Cake Island.

"Quick, little ones, rush up and grab it all!"

The five pirate groups joined together and rushed to the island with a large number of pirates, their eyes were frantic and excited.

This was once the sea area of ​​the Four Sovereigns, and they did not dare to advance in the slightest, and they did not dare to offend at all, but at this moment, they had the courage to offend in the face of countless more powerful swordsmen.

I have to say that interests can sometimes really drive the mind.

But at this moment, there was a terrifying shock force from the island. Before the pirates rushed over the beach, they were all thrown away, their bones were broken and tendons were broken, and those who were slightly weak were killed on the spot, even if they were strong. A little bit of ordinary cadres also suffered serious injuries.

"Shocking power? Isn't Herbert on Liqueur Island to the southwest?"

A pirate captain exclaimed.

This operation was the secret plan of more than a dozen pirate groups. Before that, some pirate groups were already doing things in the southwest to attract Herbert away.


Several human heads crossed the sky and landed on the beach. Those wide-open eyes were full of fear and despair.

"Great Sword Rose, Wolf Tooth Sit... they're all dead!"

The pirates were shocked, and they never thought that the Tokushima Corps was so fierce, and they had already captured and killed all the pirates who were doing things in the other direction.

At this moment, the sound of muffled thunder suddenly came from the sky.


Ten thunder pillars as thick as buckets fell from the sky, carrying an astonishing electric current, instantly destroying the pirates' retreat and the pirate ships.

"Our ship!" The pirates turned ashen.

The next moment, a flash of lightning flashed, and Aini Road appeared indifferently in the air, overlooking the pirates below, with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

How dare you offend Tokushima's territory and die under the thunder!


Lightning flashed across the sky, one after another, and the whole world seemed to be covered by thunder.

Anilu, who developed the Thunder Fruit to a very deep level, is completely a super map cannon. In terms of long-range killing, other natural systems simply cannot match it.

The freezing has to spread diffusely, the magma flying speed is also slow, the light particles do not condense to a certain extent, and the damage is too weak.

But the thunder fruit is completely different.

The almost invincible, heavenly-like fruit is no joke.

Under the joint attack of Anilu and Herbert, even though these pirate groups were quite powerful, they were quickly defeated, and only a few of the strongest captains remained, still stubbornly resisting.

But they all know that failure is only a matter of time.

Moreover, because of the existence of Anilu, it is difficult for them to drag their backs.

Finally, at the moment of dying, a pirate captain said sadly:

"Failed to greed, died of greed, I admit it, but I just want to know, you are clearly in the southwest, how can you come so quickly."

The other pirate captains were also very confused and wanted to know this.

If they knew that the Tokushima Corps had such maneuverability, how could they have come to offend Tiger Beard.


The pale shock force erupted, and the atmosphere was shattered. Herbert didn't explain it at all, his face was cold, and he executed them directly.

"I'll go first, there seems to be someone in the north making a move."

After Anilu finished speaking, he turned into lightning ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and disappeared in place.

And Herbert also ordered: "Clear the battlefield immediately and stand by."


The soldiers responded in unison. These days they have been fighting east and west. Although they are very tired, they are proud and even a little ashamed.

Lord Rhodes conquered all countries alone. If they couldn't defeat even the thieves who committed the crimes, what face would they have to stay in Tokushima.

The same goes for Enel and Herbert.


Because of the joint suppression by the three of Jinpei, although there were some turbulence in the waters of the world, it did not cause much commotion and was extremely calm.

"Cake Island can no longer be stationed, and there is no need to station it," Robin said.

At this time, the cake island is filled with death. Ordinary people stay on it, I am afraid that within a few days, they will get sick. Even the strong will be weak and unwell because of this.

Moreover, although the first World War did not target the island very much, the aftermath still destroyed the cake island.


Rhode nodded slightly and asked, "What is the reaction of the world government?"

"No, it's quiet."

Robin frowned slightly, there must be demons abnormally.

The defeat of the BIGMOM Pirates means the immediate collapse of the encirclement situation, and the impact is very far-reaching.

Rhodes pondered slightly, but there was too little information to speculate, so he had to ask, "What about the World Conference?"

"Although the World Conference was interrupted once because of your business, it has not been cancelled and will be held again tomorrow."

Robin's memory is very strong, and he quickly said: "Also, the revolutionary army seems to be planning to act tomorrow to rescue the bear."


Hearing this, Rhode touched his chin and sensed the power of faith accumulated in the soul space, and suddenly made a decision.

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