Pirates: Supernatural Talent

Chapter 498: 1 sword defeat

New Navy Headquarters.

Aokiji, who had just come back to take over as the Admiral, was sitting at the desk at this time with a grimacing face.

Before returning, he felt that he was mentally prepared.

But after coming back.

Only then did Qingzhi really realize how rotten the plate he received was.

The navy headquarters changed the policy of checks and balances in the past, moved from the first half of the great waterway to the new world, and arranged troops all the way to clean up the pirates.

There's nothing wrong with that.

If he wins all the way and finally regains the new world, Akainu will receive monstrous credits and will be remembered by history as the greatest marshal in the history of the naval headquarters.

But it is a pity that Akainu was defeated, lost to the Dragon Slaying Swordsman, and even he himself was buried in the sea.

Akainu has done his duty as a soldier, and Aokiji is reluctant to blame him, nor can he blame him.

It's just the bitter fruit of defeat that comes with it, which is really a headache.

The new world has shrunk in an all-round way, and all the sea areas that had been expended with great effort to clear, all made wedding dresses for Tokushima.

The loss of soldiers and the loss of generals, the death of the marshal, the loss of Garp's strength, and the death of lieutenant generals are not rare.

At the same time, due to the relocation of the naval headquarters and the transfer of a large number of generals, the first half of the Great Channel was completely out of control.

Today's Chambord Archipelago has been completely reduced to a den of outlaws, rampant and rampant.

The four seas are a little better, but they are also turbulent, and pirates are everywhere.

In the face of such a situation, Aokiji, the marshal who chased the ducks on the shelves, was really powerless, exuding a cold air of not allowing strangers to enter every day.

"The BIGMOM Pirates have been defeated, and our double-team on Tokushima is lifted. I'm afraid that fellow Rhodes will not be safe."

Aokiji muttered, he had a hunch that Rhodes should not stop.

"Don't worry too much, the government has taken it seriously, and even held a world conference ahead of time for this, Dragon Slaying Swordsman is about to face the biggest challenge."

Warring States opened his mouth, his eyes were deep, with the light of wisdom.

He is known as a wise general, and he has a very clear position on the navy. He also learned something from Karp's conversation with Rhodes later.

The Dragon Swordsman has no hatred for the navy.

From the very beginning, he was rushing to overthrow the world government, similar to the revolutionary army.

The difference is that Rhodes has the strength to overthrow the world government, while the Revolutionary Army does not.

"We just need to take care of ourselves."

"Today's Dragon Slaying Swordsman is no longer on the same level as us."

"His opponent has risen from our naval headquarters and the four emperors to the level of the world government."


Aokiji nodded helplessly.

There is no marshal who does not want to be drastic and lead the navy to its heyday and glory.

However, his brilliant road to green pheasant had apparently died prematurely before it even started.

Akainu failed to become the greatest marshal of all time.

And his green pheasant...

Shouldn't he be the last marshal of the Navy Headquarters?

Thinking of this, Qingzhi felt a little pain in the eggs, and thought about it, maybe, this is also a way to be remembered by history...

Before Lezi made him feel better, the phone worm on the table rang again.

"What's the bad news?"

Aokiji answered the phone numbly, his face numb and his tone numb.

The news that has come recently, none of it is favorable, either it was attacked by pirates there, or there is a commotion in a certain country.

"Marshal Kuzan!"

"Dragon Slaying Swordsman invades the Holy Land, please reinforce Mary Joa immediately! Immediately reinforce Mary Joa!"

As soon as this statement came out, Aokiji, who was ready to be bombarded by bad news, was stunned.

Sengoku, who was drinking tea by the side, even spit it out.

"I knew, how could that guy settle down..."

Aokiji sighed after a while, and immediately called the three of Fujitora. With the blessing of Fujitora's gravity, the five of them quickly lifted off into the sky and rushed towards Maryjoa.

They didn't bring anyone else.

Because this is the personal invasion of Dragon Slaying Swordsman, the others, whether they are major generals or lieutenant generals, were just cannon fodder in the past.


Holy Land Mary Joa.

Facing Rhode's attack, Gui Che was not afraid at all. He held the sword in his hand, and a blood-black aura was surging all over his body.

"Demon Rakshasa!"

Gui Che's tone and attitude were arrogant, but he did not despise him in the slightest, and directly used his strongest swordsmanship.

I saw a blood-black sword glow swept across, as if it could divide the world into two.


Rhodes was expressionless, and in the process of the impact, a strange jump in his figure appeared directly behind the blood-black sword glow.

At first glance, it seems to pass through.

"So fast."

Gui Che's eyes sank when he saw this.

He knew that this was not a teleportation in space, but an illusion caused by Rhode's too fast speed.

At this time, Rhodes had rushed to the sky above Guiche, from top to bottom, a sword fell.


Guiche is not a time-based fruit ability like Gullard. He has no time to dodge at all. He can only wave the first-generation Guiche and block with a sword.

As a former top swordsman, even Hawkeye is a junior in his eyes, of course he will not be afraid of Rhodes.


Blades clashed ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The dazzling sparks exploded, making the nearby light dim.

Under the terrifying power of Rhodes, Guiche didn't hold back even for a moment, and the whole person crashed into the ground like a meteor, smashing the solid ground directly into a huge pothole, and Pongle Castle did it all. shock.


At this moment, a thunderous collision and roar resounded through the sky, and a cloud-like air wave rippled in all directions.


Everyone lost their voices, and Guiche's domineering arrogance when he first appeared was still in front of his eyes, but then he was defeated by the sword of Zhanlong Jianhao.

Changes are coming so fast that people are caught off guard.

The three of Gang Kong Kong hurried to the vicinity, sensing the breath that still existed in the pothole, and could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Guiche is not only a powerful fighting force, but also one of the five old stars. If they die here, all three of them will have to take responsibility.

Bottom of the pit.

Guiche was lying there, bleeding from his nose and mouth, and his open eyes were filled with stunned astonishment.

Who is he?

The master of the first generation of ghosts!

He once conquered the sea and competed with Rox!

Now it is one of the five people at the top of the power of the sea, life and death!

But now, he is lying on the ground like a dead dog.

Guiche's swordsmanship and sword intent are very good, and his unique sword intent mixed with armed colors is even more powerful. At his peak, he should not be weaker than the current Hawkeye.

But he is obviously old and his strength is not as good as before.

Not everyone is the same as the Kapurna monster. Age and lifespan are the eternal shackles of the human race.

In the sky, Rhode's long hair is scattered, the roots are crystal clear, and the whole body is silver, and at the same time, it seems to carry the immortal breath of the gods.

He looked down and said coldly, "That's it."

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