Pirates: Supernatural Talent

Chapter 527: The strongest camp

"Little Lord!"

Seeing this scene, the Guangyue retainers froze in place, as if they were petrified.

They tried their best to protect the young master for so long, and was just crushed by a passerby?

Huhuo Jin'emon was angry at first, and then felt a strong sense of powerlessness, because he had already remembered the identity of the group of people on the opposite side.

He had been out of Wano and knew about the existence of Dressrosa, although when he knew about it, Dressrosa was only a fourth emperor-level force.

But for him, it was also too strong to resist.

Foxfire Kinemon remembered the identities of Rhodes and others, and was stunned in place because of fear.

Others are different.

They were all vassals of the Guangyue family. Seeing the death of their master in front of their eyes, they suddenly got out of anger one by one, like a mad rabid dog, rushing towards Rhodes and others.

The result is no suspense.

There was no need for Rhodes to take action at all, and these retainers were easily swept away by Anilu and others.


Foxfire Kinemon was completely stunned in place, how could it be...

Although the Four Emperors Pirates are powerful, they are not like this. They had been dealing with the Beasts Pirates for a long time before, but now, they have been destroyed in an instant.

"I'm here too, you guys wait for me."

He laughed miserably, and with his weapon in hand, he also rushed up.

For the retainers, if the lord dies, he should follow him with death.

Foxfire Kinemon has only two choices at this time, one is to kill himself, and the other is to die with more dignity like his companions.

But when he just took a step, the earth suddenly began to tremble slightly. As a senior warrior, he clearly noticed this.


Perhaps it is death, but Huhuo Jin'emon is not in a hurry. He turned his head to look in the direction of the movement, but found nothing.


The movement became louder and louder, and even made a thumping sound, as if a group of giant beasts were running from there, with an extremely depressing atmosphere, as if the sky had become dark, rolling like dark clouds.

"Here it is."

Herbert and the others watched the teacups on the table rippling in circles, and they all smiled and slowly stood up.

Their breaths are connected, and they converge into a vast momentum, rushing up to the sky, rolling the wind and clouds, and directly suppressing the breath from the distance.

Only Rhodes still sat quietly in the same place, sipping tea lightly.

dong dong dong!

As the sound became louder and the gravel on the ground kept jumping, Huhuo Kinemon and the others finally saw the approaching figure in the distance.

"The Abilities of the Hundred Beast Pirates!"

Foxfire Kinemon's eyes narrowed.

This legion is the absolute backbone of the Beasts Pirates, and there is only one possibility for all members of the Beasts Legion to appear.

That is their king, Kaido of the beasts is coming!

"The war between the two four emperors, let's fight, it's better to die."

Foxfire Kinemon did not want to die for the time being, not because he was afraid of death, but wanted to see the two enemies fight to the death.

After the army of beasts arrived at the scene, they stood on the spot, roaring in the sky, their voices resounding through the sky, and the residents of Pickle Town fled in embarrassment, without any thought of watching the fun.

The Beast Pirates have never had the habit of not killing civilians.

"Just this few people are not enough to see."

Anilu smiled contemptuously, and lightning flashed around.

As soon as his voice fell, an incomparably huge mammoth giant elephant, a green scorpion, and a toothless pterosaur came from a distance. They were the three major disasters of the Beast Pirates.

Next to the three major disasters, the remaining Katakuri and other generals of the BIGMOM Pirates came out one after another.

This lineup finally made Anilu solemn.

Drago also looked positive.

Only Rhode was still sitting there calmly, watching the ripples in the teacup, as if it were more interesting.

"Who is this person?"

Even when she was running away, Aju was attracted by Rhodes' calmness that never changed, and couldn't help but feel curious in her heart.

What kind of person can he not change his face when facing that kind of terrifying lineup?

This curiosity even overwhelmed the anger at Momonosuke's death in his heart.

After all, twenty years have passed, and Momonosuke doesn't have such high prestige and charisma, so Aju lives and dies.


The three major disasters appear together with Katakuri and other generals.

In addition, there was a tall figure dressed as a general who also released an astonishing aura. It was the general of the Wano country, the black charcoal serpent.

"Jie Hahahaha, stay safe, everyone."

Accompanied by a frantic laughter, a ruddy-looking blond figure with a strong breath plummeted from the sky and stayed on top of the Beast Legion.

It is the golden lion.

He was full of energy, except that his feet were still replaced with double swords, he looked like he was in his prime, and his whole body was full of domineering arrogance.

Beside him, there was a figure with white hair and a blood-colored robe.

Impressive is the lonely red, Baroric Redfield!

When the two of them found the vampire fruit and were born again, they had already discovered that the situation in the new world had changed drastically. To fight against the mighty Dragon Slayer Swordsman, the only way was to unite.

So they came to the field of beasts and cooperated with Kaido of the beasts.

Both Golden Lions are legendary pirates in the Roger era, and they have a lot of prestige. Those pirates who mixed into the country of Wano were basically cast under the two of them. With their appearance, these pirates were the last great pirates in the era of great pirates. They all appeared one after another,

"Two legends, three disasters, generals..."

Seeing this scene, Dorag suddenly stood up, showing an unprecedented solemn look, and Herbert and the others had already assumed a fighting stance, their bodies tensed.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

As if a giant beast appeared in the wild, the beast Kaido stepped on the ground and strode forward.

The arrogance of the golden lion, the loneliness of red and cold, the beast Kaido's expression is calm, with a kind of death like returning home.

He has fought with Rhodes, and he is very clear that Rhodes is unmatched in strength, but it is impossible to retire, and it is impossible in this life.

Therefore, Kaido, the beasts, decided to fight to the death after the Golden Lion and others came to the door.

In the end, no matter life or death, it is worth it.

The appearance of the three legendary pirates, including Kaido, greatly increased the power of the Beasts camp~www.wuxiaspot.com~Dorag and others were far behind.

After all, from the perspective of the scene, including the golden lions who recovered most of them, and the solitary red, the opponent has three four emperor-level characters.

There is only one Drago in the Tokushima camp.

The high-level combat power of Herbert's layer is also less than that of the beast camp.


The Beast Legion roared in unison, slapped their chests, full of confidence.

But Beast Kaido and the others didn't pay attention to these, just put their eyes on the young man who was still sitting calmly in white clothes.

After staring for a while, Rhode seemed to have recovered from the ripples of the tea. He stood up, looked at the majestic camp in the distance, and said with a smile:

"I am sorry……"

"I just walked away and made you wait for a long time."

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