Pirates: Supernatural Talent

Chapter 539: ultimate showdown

Im is tall and straight, with long red hair with lustrous luster. He can be called handsome, with a typical Western face, fair complexion, slightly sunken eyes, and a high nose.

Wearing bright armor, he stood upright in the sky like a javelin, with a majestic appearance. At this time, he released a magnificent and majestic breath, sweeping the world with mighty power.

Almost in an instant, it covered the entire Mary Joa, and even the red earth continent outside.

The wind stopped, the clouds were quiet, and the air seemed to freeze.

Government officials, as well as the powerhouses of CP, all froze there, and then fell to the ground one after another like dominoes.

Even the peak powerhouses such as Fujitora and Aokiji were trembling in the face of this vast and indescribable aura, and their backs were soaked with sweat.

This is the tyrannical domineering.

But it is different. It can be said that it has exceeded the category of overlord color. Compared with the red-haired Shanks, it is not as good.

In this holy land where masters gathered, the only one who was not affected was Rhodes, who was also standing above the sky.

"This overlord color is not bad."

Rhodes praised.

Im is an old antique who has lived from the blank history to the present by using the fruits of surgery.

For 800 years, he has been secretly controlling the world government. He is the only king of the government and the top of the sea. The five old stars will bow down to him.

Such a character, of course, is the best in the world, far surpassing Shanks.

When people heard the words, their expressions were shocked. Even Rhodes said so, and it seemed to be really strong.

However, at this moment, Rhodes changed his words and said lightly:

"But, compared to me, it's not enough!"

Before the words fell, a more magnificent breath swept across the world in an instant, crossed the void, and collided with Im's overlord color.


The void seemed to explode into pieces of thunder.

The overlord colors of the two have already reached the level of shattering matter, and under the conflict with each other, a hurricane is formed, and all the people below are thrown out, screaming in horror in the air.

The two just collided with each other, as if the sky was torn apart, and the scene was terrifying.


Im's expression changed slightly, and he involuntarily took a step back, while Rhodes just shook his body.

After a fight between the two, the winner and loser were decided. After eight hundred years of brewing, Im's overlord color is unparalleled in the pirate world, and Shanks is far inferior.

But Rhodes is stronger.

Although he has practiced so far, it has only been more than three years, but he is assisted by the book of knowledge, especially the existence of the power of faith, which allows his body and spirit to break the limit and surpass everything.

Seeing that his overlord color was on a par with Rhodes, or even slightly behind, Yimu's pupils could not help shrinking.

His overlord color has ruled the entire world for eight hundred years. After a long period of polishing, both quality and quantity have already reached an unimaginable level, almost turning into substance.

But Rhode's overlord color is even bigger than him, and more condensed than him.

The domineering arrogance he unleashed seemed to hit the ancient reef, shaking his own spirit.

"Overlord's color doesn't mean strength."

Yimu spoke slowly, his face was calm, but slightly cold, he looked at Rhodes with an almost looking down attitude, and said: "I am surprised and curious that a character like you can appear in this sea, but, This is not your arrogant capital."

"You know nothing about true power."

This is a kind of conceit, and it is also a kind of arrogance. He does not regard Rhodes as an opponent at all, and his face shows a cold color, saying:

"Remember, I designed you to come to the Holy Land, not because I want to take advantage of the geographical advantage here, but because I am too lazy to find you. As for now, I am here to kill you, not for a so-called duel."

This kind of tone is too domineering, no matter who is against him, he will feel uncomfortable after hearing it, and there is an angry flame beating in his heart.

Rhodes is no exception. This King of Heavenly Dragons is too arrogant. Even if he has ruled the world for 800 years, does he really think that the world is invincible?

But in the eyes of the five old stars, they take it for granted, since Im has the capital and confidence, that's what it should be.

Eight hundred years of long years are enough to break all bottlenecks and look down on the world. After all, he himself was the number one powerhouse in the world in your chaotic age.

Rhode's eyes were cold and he said: "Eight hundred years ago, you have been sitting in that position for so long that you have forgotten the root of being a human being. In my eyes, the so-called Tianlong people are just a bunch of garbage. King!"


The next moment, the war broke out.

Im rushing like a bolt of lightning, too fast.

After he took a step, he disappeared from the spot, and appeared in front of Rhodes in an instant, his fists were surrounded by black mist and smashed over!

The air exploded. His punch was terrifying and astonishing, enough to knock an island apart. If other naval admirals and the like were here, they would definitely not be able to resist, and would be hit hard and even exploded.

Yimu attacked by means of thunder, in order to instantly defeat Rhodes, re-establish the majesty of the Heavenly Dragons in this holy land, and declare the rule of the Heavenly Dragons by means of iron and blood.

Rhodes didn't dodge at all, his right fist was crystal clear, he released the eight punches, and bombarded forward, and he was as hard as he was, breaking the sound barrier and making the air roar!

This place is like a piece of thunder falling, deafening!

Taotu watched from a distance, a little worried, because the King of Heavenly Dragons was too strong.

As for the five old stars, they smiled and were very relaxed. They didn't think Rhodes could fight against Im at all, because the two were not at the same level. Even if there were some twists and turns, the situation would still be crushed.

Of course, with the exception of Sengoku and other navy members, on the one hand, they also did not like Im not pleasing to the eye, and on the other hand, they were more aware of Rhodes' evil spirits.

He is invincible in battle and invincible in attack. He is called a myth on the sea~www.wuxiaspot.com~ How can it be a false name?


Between the heavens and the earth, the thunder exploded, and the entire Holy Land was in violent turmoil, as if a super earthquake broke out here, the two of them burst into light, and one terrifying beam of light flew in all directions.

Their fists are like two suns, with bright rays of light bursting there, and then splashing, thousands of terrifying beams, the piercing people can't open their eyes.

Their long hair fluttered backwards, and they were fluttered by amazing energy. Their fists were pressed together, releasing terrifying strength and domineering, and the thunderous sounds were endless.

How can it be? !

The Five Old Stars trembled, and Im's punch was actually blocked, and it was in a head-to-head confrontation!

Everyone was puzzled, their eyes widened and they couldn't believe it.

They were relatively relaxed earlier, and the smile suddenly solidified on their faces, as if they had been hit by a petrification spell.

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