After the announcement, the training also returned to normal, but because of the appearance of the recruit competition, the recruits obviously had to behave more positively than before.

The combination of lucrative rewards and a desire for fame is undoubtedly full of temptation, enough to make every recruit give it their all.

The competition for the spot is set in three days, even if it is a short time, but no one is willing to give up the slightest increase in strength.

On the other hand, the instructors were also stricter than usual in supervision, and even Zefa did not leave after the announcement, but stayed on the training ground, stepping forward from time to time to give guidance to the recruits.

Although the elite training camp of the headquarters is a sacred place for recruits, the quality of the elite training camp has been declining over the years.

Now I will compete with the recruits of the nine major branches, and if the recruits of the nine major branches perform better in the big competition, it will be an absolutely unbearable shame for the instructors of the elite training camp and Zefa.

They can not care about the reward, but they can’t lose face, which is why this is the case.

Although the length of training does not completely determine strength, there is no doubt that the recruits in the senior group are generally stronger than those in the intermediate group.

The upper term of Rowe’s senior year was one of the main groups of people competing for this place, so when training, he was more concerned by the instructor and Zefa.

During the training, Rowe, like everyone else, was also guided by Zefa, and he also accepted this humbly and listened very seriously.

But that’s about it.

For Zefa, his heart is respectful, because this is a true righteous man, just respect and respect, does not mean that he will worship each other like other recruits.


Three days passed in the blink of an eye, and when the day of the competition for places came, rarely, all the recruits of the regular battalion were gathered on the training ground of the genius camp and gathered with all the recruits of the genius battalion.

The regular camp side was naturally conveyed this time in three days.

Although the comprehensive quality genius battalion is necessarily higher than the recruits of the regular battalion, this still cannot hinder the enthusiasm of the recruits of the regular battalion to compete for this spot.

“Now start announcing the provisional list, and read the name to list it yourself…!”

Receiving Zefa’s instructions, an instructor from the genius battalion walked out and began to read according to the list drawn up in his hand.

“Feige, Arthur, Jason…”

According to their usual performance and the results of the last half-year assessment, the 200 recruits who drew up a provisional list quickly walked out of the queue with the roll call.

Obviously, more than eighty percent of these two hundred people are recruits from the genius battalion, and people such as Ain, Bintz, George and others are among them.

Rowe is naturally one of them, although he has not entered the genius camp for a long time, but just the record of defeating George is enough to prove his excellence.

Not to mention that when he was in the regular camp, he won the first place in the actual combat assessment four times in a row, which was a problem for him not to enter the provisional list in this selection that determined the quota by strength.

On the provisional list, the two hundred recruits, including Rowe, quickly formed a separate queue, just in time to confront the remaining recruits.

“Next, the official quota decision will begin, the way is the ring challenge, as a challenger there is only one chance, and once the defender wins three times, then the quota will be fixed, let’s start now…!”

After announcing the provisional list, the instructor who spoke spoke out loud.

“Report, I want to challenge!”

Those who were not selected naturally had many people who were not convinced, so as soon as the instructor’s words were finished, a recruit from the next phase of the senior group of the Genius Battalion walked out of the queue loudly.

His chosen challenge was a recruit from the senior group of the regular battalion, and the two soon ascended to the adjacent ring and began to face each other.

Just as Luo Wei stayed for two years to enter the genius camp because of his physical fitness, there is naturally no lack of actual combat ability in the regular camp, but his physical fitness has not reached the standard and he cannot be promoted to the genius battalion.

This is the case with the challenged recruits, who have remained in the regular camp but have excellent combat skills and are also a superhuman Devil Fruit ability.

During the battle, the challenge recruits from the Genius Battalion were defeated despite their physical strength of more than 500 and their mastery of three of the Navy Six Styles.

This result naturally made many people who were also from the genius camp and regarded the recruits of the regular battalion as soft persimmons suddenly awe-inspiring.

Zefa’s provisional list is clearly not unfounded, but includes the best recruits from both camps.

If there are omissions, there are absolutely few of them, as evidenced by the failure of the first challenge.

Of course, the selection did not end there, and after that, there were still many people who launched fierce challenges to those who entered the provisional list.

Among them, ninety percent of them failed the challenge, and less than one percent succeeded in the challenge after experiencing a fierce battle.

It’s fair to say that everyone on the provisional list has experienced challenges, and Rowe is no exception.

The first to challenge him was a recruit who was also a genius battalion and the next stage of the senior group, and although the opponent’s strength could not be said to be in the forefront in the same period, it also belonged to the middle and upper levels.

But unfortunately, in order to have a deterrent effect, Luo Wei gave his full strength at the beginning, so he was directly blasted out of the ring by a second kill.

The second challenge also came from the Genius Battalion, and it was a recruit at the same time as Rowe.

The other party has lost to Rowe in the actual combat assessment of the regular battalion, and this challenge is more like a shame.

It’s just that the ideal is plump, the reality is the backbone, and his strength is worse than the first person to challenge Luo Wei, and the result is naturally killed by Luo Wei in seconds.

Perhaps because both times he defeated the challenger in seconds, and then until the end of the selection, Rowe did not meet a third challenger.

The final result of this selection ended with a challenge success rate of less than 10%, including Rowe, Ain, Binz and others also defended their places.


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