Pirates: Swing a Knife and Become Stronger

Chapter 56 Night Attack! Fingers drawn

A violent red light flashed across the eyes of the islanders.

But soon, it returned to normal.

"It turned out to be the navy brother who helped."

"Come, come, come on the island, please!"

Lacus changed his gloomy face, and suddenly greeted Bai Yu and the others with a smile.

Involuntarily, the islanders dragged and dragged Bai Yu and others into the village on the island.

Because Agas Island rarely communicates with the outside world, the buildings in the village are relatively backward.

After arriving with Bai Yu and others, the islanders enthusiastically lit a bonfire in the center of the village to welcome Bai Yu and others.

All of a sudden, all kinds of delicious roasted lamb, barbecued meat, and fresh fruits were brought up one after another.

What's more, some people poured Bai Yu's special spirits on the island.

"No need, I'll do it myself."

Suddenly being received so warmly by someone, Bai Yu felt a little uncomfortable.

Wave your hand to signal that the islanders don't have to.

Bai Yu looked around again.

The naval soldiers brought in couldn't resist the enthusiasm of the islanders, and they had already started eating.

What is more self-disciplined is that none of the navy soldiers drank alcohol.

After all, there was a mission, and without Bai Yu's permission, no one dared to drink freely.

After waiting for everyone to eat, the islanders greeted Bai Yu and others, and lived in their houses in the village.

The room prepared for Bai Yu is still the largest.

Inside Bai Yu's room.

At this time, except for Bai Yu, Maya and Lacus are here.

"Lakes, where are the navies who broke in now?"

After staying without outsiders, Maya immediately asked Lacus.

It refers to Saga's navy who stole the holy sword.

"That batch of navies... didn't do anything to the islanders afterwards."

"I ran to the depths of the forest, and I guess I may have left."

Saga paused, and then explained.

Hearing this, Bai Yu frowned slightly.

What Saga got was only the holy sword with sealed power.

Bewildered by the Holy Sword, how could Saga not stay on Agas Island.

You know, if you want to break the seal and revive the power of the holy sword, you have to do it at the altar on Agas Island.

Said that Saga took the sealed holy sword and left, Bai Yu didn't believe anything.

No, the system task is still unchanged.

After hearing what Lacus said, Bai Yu suddenly became suspicious.

Combining changes from last start and last islanders.

It's really weird.

However, Bai Yu didn't mean to expose it on the spot, and waited to see their intentions.

"Probably not."

"The navy chief who led the team has been eroded by the holy sword."

"It is impossible to leave Agas Island."

On the other side, Maya also denied it.

Also found the problem.

It's just that he didn't doubt Lacus the same as Bai Yu.

"They should still be on the island, we must find them quickly."

Maya continued.

His expression gradually became serious.

Tomorrow night is the night of the full moon

Maya thought to herself that she must strengthen the sealing of the holy sword before that.

"It's sunset now, I'm afraid it's not safe to rashly enter the forest."

"Well, tomorrow morning, I will take the islanders and the navy brothers to search together."

Hearing Maya's words, Lacus' face changed slightly.

Immediately took the initiative to say.

"It seems... that's the only way to go."

"What do you think, Bai Yu?"

Maya looked at Bai Yu and cast a questioning look.

"Just do as you say."

Bai Yu thought for a while and said.

With Bai Yu's current strength.

Whether or not the resurrection of the holy sword is successful, Bai Yu is sure that he can deal with it.

Discrediting the search in an unfamiliar forest will undoubtedly make his subordinates more dangerous.

There is no need to make unnecessary sacrifices.

"Then set out tomorrow to retrieve the holy sword."

After some discussion, the three put the matter of retrieving the holy sword until tomorrow.

Afterwards, Maya and Lacus returned to their respective residences.

With nothing else to do, Bai Yu took a rare early rest.

Until late at night, when people are the most sleepy and least energetic.


The door to Bai Yu's room.

Open slowly.

Immediately afterwards, two black shadows crept in.

The two dark shadows that came in walked to Bai Yu's bed, relying on the moonlight from the window.

Looking at the bulging bedding, the two shadows looked at each other.

With a tacit understanding, he drew a gleaming machete from behind.

The next moment, the two started together.

Wielding the machete, he slashed at the bed.

Poof, poof!

However, after the machete slashed down, there was no splash of blood.

Only the sound of the machete hitting the bedding was heard, and there was no movement.

Seeing this, the two quickly lifted the quilt.

Only then did he realize that there was nowhere under the quilt Bai Yu's figure.


"Where are people?"

"I don't know, hurry up and go to the next room!"

The two communicated.

And quickly exited Bai Yu's room.

at the same time.

The room where Maya is.

A figure jumped in through the open window.

Without warning, the figure took out a hemp rope with a thick arm.

Tie it into a circle, and put it on Maya's neck in a deep sleep.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly came from the corner of the room.

Hearing the sound, the figure sneaking into Maya's room visibly shivered.

His gaze immediately turned to the corner.

In the corner, there was another figure leaning against the wall.

Under the moonlight, his appearance was revealed.

It was Bai Yu who disappeared from the room!

"Damn it!"

Seeing Bai Yu appearing here, the person who sneaked in cursed secretly.

Gritting her teeth cruelly, she continued to wrap the hemp rope around Maya's neck.

The gesture must be tightened with all your strength.

at the same time.

Bai Yu shook his head regretfully.

He raised his right hand and stretched out one of his fingers to point at the opponent's thigh.

"Flying finger gun, pull it out!"

call out!

As soon as the words fell, Bai Yu's outstretched fingertips immediately popped out a sharp air bomb that broke the wind.

The air bomb shot at the thigh of the night raider at an extremely fast speed.

Flying finger gun drawing, six styles—another way of using the finger gun.

You don't need to release it in close range, you can release air bullets to attack opponents from a long distance.


In a blink of an eye, the air bomb attack hit.

The seemingly ordinary air bomb hits the moment.

Like a real bullet, it directly penetrated the night raider's thigh skin, flesh and blood.

On its thigh, a bloody gunshot wound pierced through.


In the next second, the other party screamed loudly.

Not caring about tightening the hemp rope, he fell to the ground in pain and rolled left and right.

He tentatively touched the wound with both hands.

With a scream, Maya who was sleeping was awakened immediately.

"this is…"

"White Feather?"

When Maya woke up, she first noticed the injured person.

Immediately afterwards, he saw Bai Yu in the corner.

Then he looked down at the hemp rope around her neck.

Maya's expression changed.

Suddenly understood.

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